Smain Yalaoui
Smain completed his Master of Science (MSc) in Nuclear Engineering, Probabilistic Risk Assessment in 1990 at the CEN (Algiers) and Glasgow University (UK).
He worked as a researcher at the Nuclear Research Center in Algeria from 1990 to 2004, and then joined the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) as a PSA Technical Specialist in 2008.
Smain's main responsibilities consist of conducting the regulatory reviews of Canadian Licensee's PSA and Reliability submissions, and vendor design reviews of small modular reactors. He is also contributing to the preparation and cyclical updates of CNSC regulatory documents on reliability, deterministic safety analysis, and PSA, as well as supporting the development of the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) standards on PSA and Risk Informed Decision Making.
Internationally, Smain contributed to the development of IAEA Safety report Series, and he is a member of OECD/NEA working Group on Risk (WGRISK). He specifically participated in the IAEA and WGRISK projects on Multi-unit and Site-Level PSA.
Smain took part in International Seismic PSA peer reviews. Smain authored many papers and presentations in international conferences, and acts as a peer reviewer in scientific journals.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, April 30, 2024