Scott Krepel
Mr. Krepel is the chief of the Nuclear Methods and Fuel Analysis branch, which is the branch at the NRC that is responsible for performing reviews of safety analysis methodologies used to perform accident and transient analyses and nuclear fuel performance for PWRs and BWRs. This branch currently has the primary responsibility for regulatory aspects of accident tolerant fuel, increased enrichment, and higher burnups relevant to licensing for use in current operating reactors and storage in the associated spent fuel pools. Mr. Krepel was previously the chief of the Nuclear Systems Performance branch, which handles plant-specific implementation of safety analyses and reactor systems technical expertise for current operating reactors along with some small modular reactor review work.
Prior to becoming a branch chief in 2020, Mr. Krepel spent seven years as a technical reviewer in these two branches and in the Spent Fuel Pool Criticality team, and three years as a thermal hydraulic analyst in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. Mr. Krepel joined the NRC in 2010 after nine years in the Nuclear Fuel Engineering department at Tennessee Valley Authority, where he supported core design, fuel management, and reactor operations at all of TVA's nuclear plants (BWR and PWRs). Mr. Krepel also spent a total of approximately two years on internship in the Nuclear Analysis and Design group at Northern States Power Company (now Xcel Energy) doing transient analysis work.
Mr. Krepel has a bachelor's degree in nuclear engineering from Purdue University.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 06, 2024