Ryan Lantz

Mr. Ryan Lantz began his current position as the Director, Division of Reactor Safety, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Region IV, in January, 2019. He was the Deputy Director in both Reactor Divisions prior to his current assignment.

Mr. Lantz joined the NRC in 1991 as a Reactor Engineer in Region IV. Since joining the NRC, Mr. Lantz has held progressively more responsible positions within Region IV. He has served as a Project Engineer, Senior Examiner and Emergency Preparedness Inspector, and Chief, Operations Branch, in the Division of Reactor Safety; and Chief, Reactor Projects Branches D, E, and the San Onofre Special Project Branch, in the Division of Reactor Projects. Mr. Lantz also completed temporary assignments as a Senior Resident Inspector at Columbia Generating Station; Reactor Technical Assistant, Office of the Chairman (Klein), and Division Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, NRR.

Prior to joining the NRC, Mr. Lantz served as Nuclear Programs Manager for Commander, Navy Recruiting Area Seven, and Division Officer on the USS Michigan, SSBN 727, in the United States Navy. Mr. Lantz holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from the United States Naval Academy. He is a graduate of the NRC SES Candidate Development Program.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, April 30, 2024