Matthew Dennis

Matt Dennis is a Data Scientist at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Division of Systems Analysis and leads the agency's efforts in developing and implementing the NRC Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan. Additionally, Matt supports the development and maintenance of the MACCS consequence analysis suite of codes and conducts severe accident consequence analyses. Prior to joining the NRC, Matt held positions at Northrop Grumman and Sandia National Laboratories. As a Senior Reliability Engineer with the Reliability Analysis Laboratory at Northrop Grumman's Mission Systems Baltimore, he supported sustainment efforts for Global Hawk, Triton and Phoenix unmanned aircraft systems. As a Senior Member of the Technical Staff in the Risk and Reliability Analysis department at Sandia National Laboratories, Matt led research and development projects supporting risk assessment and consequence analysis for new and operating nuclear reactors, as well as nuclear waste transportation. He has a B.S. and M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 06, 2024