Laura Dudes

Laura A. Dudes serves as the Regional Administrator for Region II.

Ms. Dudes joined the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 1994 as a reactor engineer intern. In 1996, Ms. Dudes qualified as a reactor inspector in the Division of Reactor Safety, Region I, and served as a regional inspector performing metallurgical and engineering inspections. She also served as the resident inspector at Indian Point 3, and the senior resident inspector at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Ms. Dudes returned to NRC headquarters in 2002 and served in several positions in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), including technical assistant in the Division of Inspection Program Management; NRR Enforcement Coordinator; and Chief of New Reactor Licensing.

In 2006, she was selected for the Senior Executive Service (SES) program and served as the Deputy Director, Division of Engineering, Office of New Reactors (NRO), the Director, Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs, NRO and the Director, Division of Materials Safety, State, Tribal and Rulemaking Programs in NMSS, and the Deputy Regional Administrator, RII.

Ms. Dudes received a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in mechanical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 06, 2024