Derek Halverson
Dr. Halverson is a Digital Instrumentation and Controls Engineer in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES), Division of Engineering (DE), Instrumentation, Controls, and Electrical Engineering Branch (ICEEB).
Dr. Halverson has been with the NRC since 2008. His background is in computer engineering and magnetic manipulation of colloids and the micro and nanoscale. At the NRC his current focus areas are in embedded digital devices, operational experience for assurance of digital systems, verification and validation of digital systems, and model-based systems engineering. He serves as the staff level point of contact for Digital Instrumentation and Control efforts with the Halden Human-Technology-Organization in Norway, and the Electric Power Research Institute.
Dr. Halverson received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from Iowa State University, and his Doctorate in Electrical Engineering/Electrophysics from Drexel University.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, April 30, 2024