Andrew White
Dr. Andrew White is Superintending Inspector of Nuclear Safety with the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), and the head of the Electrical, Control and Instrumentation (E, C & I) specialism. ONR is the national safety and security regulator for the UK nuclear industry, with the task of ensuring that nuclear site licensees demonstrate nuclear risks are adequately controlled and documented in a suitable safety case, underpinned by suitable evidence. Andrew has been a safety inspector for over 20 years, investigating industrial accidents involving complex technologies, and making regulatory decisions on high hazard installations, the UK operating nuclear reactor fleet, assessing new reactor designs, and managing research into software and other high complexity systems. More recently Andrew has been the ONR lead for the regulation of AI technologies, working with licensees to understand the benefits and challenges of potential applications. Electrical and C &I inspectors work closely with other specialists in a wide range of topic areas to ensure that risks are understood using a systems-wide approach and that the measures deployed to manage those risks are adequate and remain adequate through the life of the plant.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, April 30, 2024