Andrew Morreale
Dr. Andrew Morreale is currently the Technical Manager (acting) - Reactor Safety, at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), and previously spent 10 years as a research scientist focused on nuclear reactor severe accident modeling and analysis; having joined CNL in 2013. He is involved in several international efforts for OECD NEA including chairing the CSNI Expert Group on Small Modular Reactors, participating in several projects focused on Fukushima Daichi Accident Analysis (BSAF-2, PreADES, ARC-F, FACE) and leading the FACE Round Robin Debris Analysis Activity. Andrew is also involved in IAEA NHSI Industry Track efforts focused on collection of experimental facility information to support SMR vendors in code validation. Dr. Morreale is the Technical Program Committee Chair of the upcoming NUTHOS-14 Conference (2024 August). Andrew has extensive experience in severe accident phenomena and performing integrated analysis for a variety of reactor systems (BWR, PWR/iPWR, CANDU, HTGR, etc). Andrew holds a PhD in Engineering Physics from McMaster University as well as masters (Engineering Physics) and bachelor (Engineering Physics and Management) degrees from McMaster. Andrew is the Chair of the Chalk River Branch of the Canadian Nuclear Society and is an EIT with the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO).
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 06, 2024