NRCDose3 Code, Version 1.1.4: User Guide and Technical Manual (NUREG-2267)
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Publication Information
Manuscript Completed: March 2024
Date Published: July 2024
Prepared by:
D. B. Lowman
R. S. Clement
D. D. DeMore1
J. S. Bland1
V. Malafeew1
1Chesapeake Nuclear Services, Inc.
788 Sonne Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401
D. Lowman, NRC Project Manager
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Availability Notice
This report contains the user guide and technical basis (models and methods) for the NRCDose3 computer code. It provides the end user with instructions for using NRCDose3 and documents the bases for updates made to the previous version of the code, NRCDose 2.3.20. NRCDose3 is a software suite that integrates the functionality of three individual Fortran codes (LADTAP II, GASPAR II, and XOQDOQ) developed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the 1980s. The nuclear industry and the NRC staff have used these codes to assess liquid radioactive releases and offsite doses, gaseous radioactive effluents and offsite doses, and meteorological transport and dispersion, respectively. The codes are primarily used in support of reactor licensing, to evaluate the safety and environmental dose impacts of liquid and gaseous radioactive effluent releases. NRCDose3 uses the same basic calculation methods (algorithms) as the Fortran codes. However, the updated code includes a more user-friendly graphical interface for entering data. Also, significant changes have been made to the data management and operation to support expanded capabilities.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, July 26, 2024