Generic Aging Lessons Learned for Subsequent License Renewal (GALL-SLR) Report – Final Report (NUREG-2191, Volume 1, Revision 0, Initial Report)

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Manuscript Completed: May 2017
Date Published: July 2017

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Availability Notice


This document provides guidance on the content of applications for renewal of the initial renewed operating license. The initial renewed operating license is the first renewed license issued under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 54, "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants," after either supersession or the expiration of the original operating license issued under either 10 CFR Part 50 or Part 52 following the completion of construction under a construction permit issued under Part 50, or a combined license issued under Part 52. In this guidance document, the renewal of the initial renewed operating license is referred to as "subsequent license renewal" (SLR). NUREG–2191, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned for Subsequent License Renewal (GALL-SLR) Report," provides guidance for SLR applicants. The GALL-SLR Report contains the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff's generic evaluation of plant aging management programs (AMPs) and establishes the technical basis for their adequacy. The GALL-SLR Report contains recommendations on specific areas for which existing AMPs should be augmented for SLR. An applicant may reference this report in an SLR application to demonstrate that the AMPs at the applicant's facility correspond to those described in the GALL-SLR Report. If an applicant credits an AMP in the GALL-SLR Report, it is incumbent on the applicant to ensure that the conditions and operating experience (OE) at the plant are bounded by the conditions and OE for which the GALL-SLR Report program was evaluated. If these bounding conditions are not met, it is incumbent on the applicant to address any additional aging effects and augment the AMPs for SLR. For AMPs that are based on the GALL-SLR Report, the NRC staff will review and verify whether the applicant's AMPs are consistent with those described in the GALL-SLR Report, including applicable plant conditions and OE. The focus of the NRC staff's review of an SLR application is on those AMPs that an applicant has enhanced to be consistent with the GALL-SLR Report, those AMPs for which the applicant has taken an exception to the program described in the GALL-SLR Report, and plant-specific AMPs not described in the GALL-SLR Report.

This document is a companion document to NUREG–2192, "Standard Review Plan for Review of Subsequent License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants," (SRP-SLR) that provides guidance to NRC staff on the review of SLR applications. The guidance in this document is for the use of future applicants for SLR. The NRC does not intend to impose the guidance in this document on current holders of an initial operating license. However, this document encompasses all of the guidance applicable to initial license renewal. Accordingly, both current holders of initial operating licenses as well as future applicants for initial license renewal may voluntarily choose to reference an AMP in the GALL-SLR Report in their applications. However, such applicants should inform the NRC that they plan to demonstrate consistency with the GALL-SLR Report.

Both the GALL-SLR Report and the SRP-SLR were published for public comment in December 2015, with the comment period ending February 29, 2016. The staff received over 300 pages of comments from interested stakeholders. These comments were reviewed and dispositioned by the staff. The disposition of these comments and the technical bases for the staffs' agreement or disagreement with these comments will be published shortly in a NUREG. The staff will also publish a second NUREG that will document all the technical changes made to the license renewal guidance documents for first license renewal (i.e., for operation from 40 years to 60 years), along with the technical bases for these changes.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, July 11, 2023