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The United States of America National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety: Fifth National Report, September 2010 (with Addendum 4, December 2011) (NUREG-1650, Revision 3)

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Manuscript Completed: August 2010
Date Published
: September 2010

Manuscript Completed (Addendum 4): December 2011
Date Published (Addendum 4)
: December 2011

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Availability Notice


The United States (U.S.) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has updated NUREG-1650, Revision 2, "The United States of America Fourth National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety," issued September 2007, and will submit this report for peer review at the fifth review meeting of the Convention on Nuclear Safety at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna Austria, in April 2011. This report addresses the safety of land-based commercial nuclear power plants in the U.S. It demonstrates how the U.S. Government achieves and maintains a high level of nuclear safety worldwide by enhancing national measures and international cooperation, and by meeting the obligations of all the articles established by the Convention. These articles address the safety of existing nuclear installations, the legislative and regulatory framework, the regulatory body, responsibility of the licensee, the priority given to safety, financial and human resources, human factors, quality assurance, assessment and verification of safety, radiation protection, emergency preparedness, siting, design and construction, and operation. Similar to the U.S. National Report issued in 2007, this revised document includes a section developed by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) describing work done by the U.S. nuclear industry to ensure safety. The prime responsibility for the safety of a nuclear installation rests with the license holder; therefore, Part 3 explains how the nuclear industry maintains and improves nuclear safety.

Addendum Abstract

The Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) was adopted in June 1994 and entered into force in October 1996. The objectives of the CNS are to achieve and maintain a high level of nuclear safety worldwide. Contracting parties to the Convention have four obligations: submit a national report for peer review, review the national reports of other contracting parties, respond to questions and comments submitted by the contracting parties, and participate in the organizational and review meetings. The United States published its “Fifth National Report” for peer review in September 2010 (NUREG-1650, “The United States of America National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety: Fifth National Report, September 2010,” Revision 3). Addendum 3 to NUREG-1650 documents the answers to questions raised by contracting parties during their peer reviews of the U.S. national report. Specifically, the questions and answers resulting from the peer reviews concern the safety of existing nuclear installations, the legislative and regulatory framework, the regulatory body, responsibility of the licensee holder, priority to safety, financial and human resources, human factors, quality assurance, assessment and verification of safety, radiation protection, emergency preparedness, siting, design and construction, and operation. The Fifth Review Meeting of the CNS was held at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, in April 2011.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021