Fire Protection Action Plan: Status Summary Report, Volume 1, No. 1 (NUREG-0298)

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Publication Information

Date Published: February 1978

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Availability Notice


This management report, "Fire Protection Action Plan: Status Summary Report," was established by the Executive Director for Operations, to provide information for monitoring and displaying the progress of NRC activities related to fire prevention and protection.

It utilizes data pertaining to project plans, schedules, and status, which have been integrated into a network-based management information system. As part of this system's initial development, information has been collected and analyzed by the Office of Planning and Analysis from the Offices of Standards Development Inspection and Enforcement, Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Regulatory Research, and International and State Programs.

The purpose of this publication is to provide a vehicle for review of the current status and overall progress of the fire protection action plan from a managerial point of view. Thus, this report is a vehicle for consolidating multiple office plans and programs into a single integrated management plan for the use of office directors in coordinating their activities as well as for an overview for the Executive Director and the Commission.

Several other mechanisms exist for the coordination of fire protection efforts being performed by various NRC offices. Three of them are listed below:

  • A "Coordinating Committee" with members representing each of the offices involved meets periodically (at least quarterly) to identify and discuss interface problems which are then resolved through normal management channels.
  • A Fire Protection Review Group with members from the Division of Operating Reactors (DOR) and the Division of Systems Safety (DSS) assures that the fire protection evaluations being performed by various branches of these two divisions are of similar depth and are consistent with NRC requirements. This group also identifies and discusses interface problems and new concerns which may arise. Meetings are as frequent as necessary; issues are resolved through normal management channels.
  • The Electrical Standards and Fire Protection Review Group, with members representing the Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Research, Inspection and Enforcement, and Standards Development, provides guidance for fire protection research programs to assure that they are designed to meet the needs of the various user offices. The group meets as necessary.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021