Summary and Categorization of Public Comments on Controlling the Disposition of Solid Materials (NUREG/CR-6682, Supplement 1)

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Manuscript Completed: January 2004
Date Published:
March 2004

Prepared by:
D. Hammer, N. Sullivan, M. Zatz, H. Woods, M. Arcaya
ICF Consulting, Inc.
9300 Lee Highway
Fairfax, Virginia 22031-1207

P. Sobel, NRC Project Manager

Prepared for:
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

NRC Job Code J5303

Availability Notice


The NRC is conducting an enhanced participatory process to evaluate alternative courses of action at NRC-licensed facilities for controlling the disposition of solid materials that have very low amounts of, or no, radioactivity. In 1999 NRC sought early input on the major issues associated with this effort by publishing an Issues Paper that described issues and alternatives related to the release of solid materials. The NRC invited public comment on the Issues Paper and, to provide further opportunity for public input, NRC held a series of public meetings during fall 1999. Over 900 public comment letters and emails were received on the Issues Paper, in addition to the discussion at the four public meetings. The comments were summarized and published as NUREG/CR-6682, "Summary and Categorization of Public Comments on the Control of Solid Materials," in September 2000.

As part of its continuing efforts to solicit stakeholder involvement, on February 28, 2003, NRC published a Request for Comments on the scope of a proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register (68 FR 9595). In this Federal Register Notice, NRC sought stakeholder participation and involvement in identifying alternatives and their environmental impacts that should be considered as part of a rulemaking. The NRC also announced in this Federal Register Notice its intent to conduct a workshop to solicit new input, with a focus on the feasibility of alternatives that would limit where solid materials could go. The workshop was held at NRC Headquarters in Rockville, MD on May 21–22, 2003. This report has been prepared to provide a digest of the public comments received from individuals and organizations. Over 2,600 public comment letters and emails were received in addition to comments summarized from the workshop transcripts. The comments reflect a broad spectrum of viewpoints on the issues related to controlling the disposition of solid materials. This report makes the information submitted by the public accessible. These public comments and other documents related to this rulemaking are found on the NRC's website (Nuclear Materials page).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021