A Computer Code for Fire Protection and Risk Analysis of Nuclear Plants (NUREG/CR-5233)
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Publication Information
Manuscript Completed: June 1988
Date Published: September 1988
Prepared by:
Ashok K. Singhal, Sami D. Habchi, and Andrzej J. Przekwas
CFD Research Corporation
3313 Bob Wallace Avenue, Suite 205
Huntsville, Alabama 35805
Prepared for:
Division of Engineering
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
NRC FIN D-2041
Availability Notice
A fire modeling computer code has been developed with sufficient flexibility for accurate representations of geometry, ventilation and other conditions as may be present in cable rooms, control rooms, and other enclosures in nuclear power plants. The computer code is capable of three-dimensional, transient, turbulent flow and heat transfer calculations with chemical reaction and radiation. The code has a modular structure, specifically designed for fire problems.
The code employs the latest relevant finite-volume solution techniques. The code has been applied to a series of benchmark problems and a recent fire test problem. This has confirmed the feasibility of the fire code. Considerable further work is needed to enhance the physical models (to improve the realism of predicted solutions) and to validate and document the final code. Specific recommendations are made for Phases II and III of the project.
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