Accident-Induced Flow and Material Transport in Nuclear Facilities: A Literature Review (NUREG/CR-3735,LA-10079-MS)
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Publication Information
Manuscript Completed: March 1984
Date Published: April 1984
Prepared by:
J.W. Bolstad, W.S. Gregory, R.A. Martin, P.K. Tang,
R.G. Merryman, J.D. Novat, H.L. Whitmore
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545
Prepared for:
Division of Risk Analysis
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
NRC FIN A-7029
Availability Notice
The reported investigation is part of a program that was established for deriving radiological source terms at a nuclear facility's atmospheric boundaries under postulated accident conditions. The overall program consists of three parts: (1) accident delineation and survey, (2) internal source term characterization and release, and (3) induced flow and material transport. This report is an outline of pertinent induced-flow and material transport literature. Our objectives are to develop analytical techniques and data that will permit prediction of accident-induced transport of airborne material to a plant's atmospheric boundaries.
Prediction of material transport requires investigation of the areas of flow dynamics and reentrainment/deposition. A review of material transport, fluid dynamics, and reentrainment/deposition literature is discussed. In particular, those references dealing, with model development are discussed with special emphasis on application to a facility's interconnected ventilation system.
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