User's Manual for FIRIN: A Computer Code to Estimate Accidental Fire and Airborne Releases in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (NUREG/CR-3037, PNL-4532)
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Publication Information
Manuscript Completed: January 1989
Date Published: February 1989
Prepared by:
M.K. Chan, M.Y. Ballinger, P.C. Owczarski
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Richland, Washington 99352
Operated by Batelle Memorial Institute
Prepared for:
Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety
Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
NRC FIN B-2481
Availability Notice
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has sponsored a research program to better estimate the source term, or amount and characteristics of radioactive material made airborne, from several types of accidents. The most concentrated work has been done on fires, resulting in the development of FIRIN, a compartment fire code that estimates the release and distribution of radioactive materials within a room from fires involving radioactive materials.
This manual describes the technical bases and use of the computer code FIRIN. This code was developed to estimate the source term release of smoke and radioactive particles from potential fires in nuclear fuel cycle facilities. FIRIN is a product of a broader study, Fuel Cycle Accident Analysis, which Pacific Northwest Laboratory conducted for the NRC.
The technical bases of FIRIN consist of a nonradioactive fire source term model, compartment effects modeling, and radioactive source term models. These three elements interact with each other in the code affecting the course of the fire.
This report also serves as a complete FIRIN user's manual. Included are the FIRIN code description with methods/algorithms of calculation and subroutines, code operating instructions with input requirements, and output descriptions.
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