Data Base for Radioactive Waste Management, Impacts Analyses Methodology Report (NUREG/CR-1759, Volume 3)

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Publication Information

Manuscript Completed: August 1981
Date Published: November 1981

Prepared by:
O. I. Oztunali, G. C. Ré, P. M. Moskowitz, E. D. Picazo, C. J. Pitt

Dames and Moore, Inc.
20 Haarlem Avenue
White Plains, NY 10603

Prepared for:
Division of Waste Management
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington DC 20555

Availability Notice


This document is prepared in three volumes and provides part of the technical support to the draft environmental impact statement (NUREG-0782) on a proposed regulation, 10CFR Part 61, setting forth licensing requirements for land disposal of low level radioactive waste. Volume 1 is a summary and analysis of the history of low level waste disposal at both commercial and government disposal facilities. Volume 2 provides a summary of low level waste volumes and characteristics as projected to the year 2000, in addition to characterizing treatment options for this waste. Volume 3 provides a methodology for analyzing the impacts of handling and disposing of low level waste based upon consideration of alternative waste forms, disposal facility design and operating practices, disposal facility environmental characteristics, and institutional control considerations.

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