Nuclear Power Plant Fire Protection - Fire-Hazards Analysis (Subsystems Study Task 4) (NUREG/CR-0654)
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Publication Information
Manuscript Submitted: January 1979
Date Published: September 1979
Prepared by:
Dennis L. Berry
Earl E. Minor
Sandia Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185
operated by Sandia Corporation
for the U.S. Department of Energy
NRC FIN No. A-1080
Prepared for:
Engineering Methodology Standards Branch
Office of Standards Development
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
Under Interagency Agreement DOE 40-550-75
Availability Notice
This report examines the adequacy of existing fire-hazards analysis methodology in the context of nuclear power plant safety. By combining and simplifying a number of available analysis techniques and by demonstrating the technical merit of each technique, this report develops a conservative fire-hazards analysis method which can be easily used by both designers and regulators. As described, a suitable analysis method for nuclear power plants should involve three phases. These are: (1) a deterministic evaluation of passive fire barriers under limiting fuel load and ventilation conditions; (2) a probabilistic evaluation of supplementary fire protection measures (e.g., suppressions systems); and (3) a subjective evaluation of unquantified fire hazard conditions (e.g., cable arrangements). An example of each analysis phase is provided.
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