Development and Verification of Fire Tests for Cable Systems and System Components: Quarterly Reports 2 and 3, September 1, 1977 – February 28, 1978 (NUREG/CR-0152, UL-USNC-75Q2-3)
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Publication Information
Manuscript Completed: March 1978
Date Published: June 1978
Prepared by:
L. Przybyla, W.J. Christian
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
Prepared for:
Division of Reactor Safety Research
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Under Contract No. NRC-04-77-122
Availability Notice
Experiments were performed to define the effects of a cnumber of test parameters on the results of vertical flame tests of tray-mounted cables in a configuration similar to that specified by IEEE Standard 383. Parameters considered were fuel input rate, fuel-air ratio, burner location, and test cell configuration. In order to reduce time and material costs for the experiments, the parameters were first investigated with an inert instrumented board to simulate a full cable tray. Measurements of temperatures and heat flux along the board were used to define the-range of parameters to be used in experiments with actual cables. Full cable trays, 8 ft long, were used in these experiments; and observations were made of the flame travel distances and air temperatures on both faces of the tray, as well as temperature distribution along the jacket of one cable in each tray. Two burners of the type specified in IEEE 383, one at each tray face, provided the ignition source. Experiments with one cable type produced results which were extremely variable because of random movements of the cable bundle during burning. Since measures to remove this variability by permanently fixing cable positions would remove realism from the test, experimentation with full cable trays was discontinued. Measurements of jacket temperature distribution obtained in these experiments indicated that it may be possible to determine the upward progression of cable damage in that way. Future experiments to study the effects of test parameters on the IEEE 383 standard test are outlined.
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