Proceedings of the Information-Sharing Workshop on High Energy Arcing Faults (HEAFS) (NUREG/CP-0311)
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Publication Information
Manuscript Completed: July 2018
Date Published: July 2019
Prepared by:
G. Taylor
K. Hamburger
N. Melly
K. Miller
S. Gardocki
T. Boyce
Mark Henry Salley, NRC Project Manager
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C. 20555
Availability Notice
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, organized this Information-Sharing Workshop on High Energy Arcing Faults (HEAFs). The workshop took place April 18–19, 2018, at the NRC Headquarters' Professional Development Center, Building Three, 11601 Lansdown Street, Rockville, MD. The workshop had the following four objectives:
(1) Inform interested stakeholders about the status of PRE-GI-018 and related research.
(2) Review and resolve public comments received on the phase II draft test plan.
(3) Solicit and review information from industry partners regarding common equipment types and configurations to inform future testing.
(4) Provide an opportunity for public feedback on future testing.
The workshop was a Category 3 public meeting and open to the public for participation. The NRC broadcasted the meeting via webinar to encourage participation among interested parties for whom travel was not possible. The agency coordinated the workshop with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The organizers advertised the workshop at recent nuclear industry information forums and during NRC public meetings related to fire protection. The workshop's technical topics focused on HEAF hazards and recently completed and ongoing research initiatives. The workshop also covered the NRC's Generic Issues (GI) program as it relates to the aluminum HEAF issue. This proceedings report documents the recommendations and insights from the session presentations and follow-on discussions.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 25, 2021