Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Interim Staff Guidance
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For legacy ISGs for Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation, expand the section below:
Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) |
Topic |
SFST-ISG-1, Revision 2 |
Damaged Fuel |
SFST-ISG-2, Revision 2 |
Fuel Retrievability |
Post Accident Recovery and Compliance with 10 CFR 72.122(l) |
SFST-ISG-4, Revision 1 |
Cask Closure Weld Inspections |
SFST-ISG-5, Revision 1 |
Confinement Evaluation |
Establishing Minimum Initial Enrichment for the Bounding Design Basis Fuel Assembly(s) |
Potential Generic Issue Concerning Cask Heat Transfer in a Transportation Accident |
SFST-ISG-8, Revision 3 |
Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Analyses of PWR Spent Fuel in Transport and Storage Casks |
SFST-ISG-9, Revision 1 |
Storage of Components Associated with Fuel Assemblies |
SFST-ISG-10, Revision 1 |
Alternatives to the ASME Code |
SFST-ISG-11, Revision 3 |
Cladding Considerations for the Transportation and Storage of Spent Fuel |
SFST-ISG-12, Revision 1 |
Buckling of Irradiated Fuel Under Bottom End Drop Conditions |
Real Individual |
Supplemental Shielding |
Materials Evaluation |
Emergency Planning |
Interim Storage of Greater Than Class C Waste |
SFST-ISG-18, Revision 1 |
The Design and Testing of Lid Welds on Austenitic Stainless Steel Canisters as the Confinement Boundary for Spent Fuel Storage
Moderator Exclusion Under Hypothetical Accident Conditions and Demonstrating Subcriticality of Spent Fuel Under the Requirements of 10 CFR 71.55(e) |
Transportation Package Design Changes Authorized Under 10 CFR Part 71 Without Prior NRC Approval |
Use of Computational Modeling Software |
Potential Rod Splitting Due to Exposure to an Oxidizing Atmosphere During Short-Term Cask Loading Operations in LWR or Other Uranium Oxide Based Fuel |
Application of ASTM Standard Practice C1671-07 when performing technical reviews of spent fuel storage and transportation packaging licensing actions |
The Use of a Demonstration Program as a Surveillance Tool for Confirmation of Integrity for Continued Storage of High Burnup Fuel Beyond 20 Years |
SFST-ISG-25, Revision 0 |
Pressure Test and Helium Leakage Test of the Confinement Boundary for Spent Fuel Storage Canister |
SFST-ISG-26A, Revision 0 |
Draft – Shielding and Radiation Protection Review Effort and Licensing Parameters for 10 CFR Part 72 Applications (CANCELLED) |
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, January 29, 2021