Change Notice 05-008
Issue Date: 03/23/05
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IP 56700 (Calibration) has been reassessed resulting in its reactivation. This procedure enhances the inspection program by providing a method of verifying that calibration procedures used are acceptable.
IP 82201 (Emergency Detection and Classification) has been reassessed resulting in its reactivation. This IP enhances the inspection program by including a review of the Emergency Plan and implementing procedures to ensure they contain criteria concerning protective actions for nonessential onsite personnel.
IP 82202 (Protective Action Decision Making) has been reassessed resulting in its reactivation. This IP enhances the inspection program by including a sampling review of licensee training records for key ERO responders to verify responder qualifications.
IP 90700 (Feedback of Operational Experience Information at Operating Power Reactors) has been reassessed resulting in its reactivation. This IP enhances the inspection program by verifying the feedback of pertinent operational experience information to operators and the incorporation of such information into training and retraining personnel.
IMC 2515 App B (Supplemental Inspection Program) has been revised to add IPs 56700, 82201, 82202, and 90700 to Attachment 1.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, August 22, 2024