Change Notice 04-011
Issue Date: 05/06/04
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| DELETED: Number | Date | TRANSMITTED: Number | Date |
1. | IMC 2515, App C | 02/12/03 | IMC 2515, App C | 05/06/04 |
2. | IP 71111.20 | 11/05/03 | IP 71111.20 | 05/06/04 |
TRAINING: | No special training requirements have been identified for any documents issued with this change notice. |
REMARKS: | IMC 2515, App C (Special and Infrequently Performed Inspections) has been revised to include Inspection Procedures for inspecting Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSIs) at operating plants as well as to add Inspection Procedures 71004 and 71005. IP 71111.20 (Refueling and Other Outage Activities) has been revised to add guidance for containment inspections, when possible, and to add a completion status section. |
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, July 02, 2015