Change Notice 99-019

Issue Date: Issue Date: 11/30/99


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  Number Date Number Date
1. IMC 0303 06/11/97 IMC 0303 11/30/99
2. IMC 2560 12/30/91 ---- ----
3. TI 2515/128, Rev.1 04/17/95 ---- ----
4. ---- ---- IP 60856 11/30/99
5. ---- ---- TI 2561/003 11/30/99
TRAINING: No special training requirements have been identified for any documents issued with this change notice.
REMARKS: IMC 0303 (Item Reporting) is revised to reflect: (1) the fact that Inspection Followup System (IFS) will be retired, (2) the replacement of IFS with the Item Reporting System (IR), a component of the Reactor Programs System (RPS), (3) the relationship of IR and the generation of the Plant Issues Matrix (PIM), and (4) the new procedure for indicating the status of inspection procedures in IR.
  IMC 2560 (Decommissioning Inspection Program) is deleted. This manual chapter has been superseded by IMC 2561, "Decommissioning Power Reactor Inspection Program."
  TI 2515/128, Revision 1 (Plant Hardware Modifications To Reactor Vessel Water Level Instrumentation (NRC Bulletin 93-03)) is deleted. The inspection requirements identified in this TI have been completed.
  IP 60856 (Review of 10 CFR 72.212(b) Evaluations) is issued to provide guidance to inspectors in the review of independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSIs) operated by Part 50 licensees under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 72.210.
  TI 2561/003 (Re-Examination of Year 2000 (Y2K) Program Activities at Selected Decommissioning Reactors) is issued to provide guidance to inspectors to re-examine licensee Y2K program activities at selected decommissioning reactors with spent fuel in wet storage onsite.


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, April 17, 2020