Change Notice 98-015

Issue Date: 09/28/1998




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  Number Date Number Date
1. IMC 0227 10/01/81 ---- ----
2. IP 35702 04/14/92 IP 35702 09/29/98
3. IP 93806 10/30/92 IP 93806 09/29/98
4. ---- ---- TI 2515/140 09/29/98
TRAINING: The Mechanical Engineering Branch (EMEB) will conduct training on TI 2515/140 by a meeting or telephone conference for NRC personnel on Generic Letter 96-05 and on inspections using the TI. EMEB will provide assistance to the regions in the performance of sample inspections conducted in accordance with this TI. EMEB will also provide periodic briefings on the performance of Generic Letter 96-05 inspections upon request by the regions.
REMARKS: IMC 0227 (Career Paths For Resident Inspectors) is deleted. Since the initial issuance of this manual chapter in October 1, 1981, career paths and advancement opportunities that were described in the manual chapter have changed and have been subsumed by other documents. On that basis, the need to update this manual chapter to reflect the changes that have occurred and to continue it as a valid manual chapter no longer exist.
IP 35702 (Inspection of Quality Verification Function) is revised to incorporate guidance to inspectors for evaluating licensee self-assessments of maintenance rule program implementation.
IP 93806 (Operations Readiness Assessment Team Inspections) is revised to include requirements and guidance for ORAT inspectors to evaluate licensee maintenance activities and effectiveness using performance-based risk-informed elements of the maintenance rule, 10 CFR 50.65.
TI 2515/140 (Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves (GL 96-05)) is issued to provide guidance for the performance of inspections to determine whether the licensee or construction permit holder has established and is implementing a program that will ensure the long-term performance of motor-operated valves in safety-related systems.


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, April 17, 2020