NRC Form 541 – Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest – Container and Waste Description

Form Number: NRC Form 541
Form Title: Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest – Container and Waste Description
Current Edition: 04-26-2023
Authority Directive or Regulation: 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix G – Requirements for Transfers of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Intended for Disposal at Licensed Land Disposal Facilities and Manifests
Form Status: Approved by OMB: 3150-0166, Expires: 04/30/2026
Special Instructions:

Instructions are provided in NUREG/BR-0204, Rev. 3, June 2020, located in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's electronic reading room, Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), (Accession No. ML20178A433).

For questions about this form, please contact:
Priya Yadav at 301-415-6667 or E-mail:
Karen Pinkston at (301) 415-3650 or E-mail:

These forms are not sent to the NRC; the forms are received by the consignee.
(NOTE: Consignee means the designated receiver of the shipment of waste).

The forms are 1) mailed or electronically transferred to the intended consignee prior to the shipment arriving at the consignee or 2) delivered with the waste to the consignee. Using both 1 and 2 are acceptable.  Forms 540 and 540A (if needed) are required to be with the shipment regardless of whether 1 or 2 are chosen.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, April 27, 2023