Part 21 Report - 1996-204

ACCESSION #: 9601160309 Information & Support Services P. O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 January 9, 1996 G-1151-SJA-96-019 BOEING Document Control Desk United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Reference: a) Boeing Letter G-1151-RSO-92-365 dated August 31, 1992; R. S. Orr to the NRC Operations Center b) NRC Letter Docket No. 99901227 dated August 12, 1992; L. J. Norrholm to R. S. Orr; Subject: Response to 10 CFR 21 Inquiry Dear Sir or Madam: In accordance with the reference correspondence and 10 CFR 21, Boeing is sending the NRC the attached error notice(s) received from our former software suppliers. Because of unknown current addresses, the following former customers were not notified: Reactor Controls, Inc. Echo Energy Consultants, Inc. Nuclear Applications and Systems Analysis Company (Japan) Nuclear Power Services Tenera Engineering Services Error notices have been sent to our other former customers. Very truly yours, Sandra J. Andrews Nuclear Administrator G-1151 M/S 7A-33 (206) 865-6248 Attachment(s): ANSYS Class3 Error Report 95-63 and ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin SCB-95-01 ANSYS ANSYS, Inc. 201 Johnson Road Telephone 412.746.3304 Houston, PA 15342-1300 Facsimile 412.746.9494 JAN 09 1996 CONTRACTS December 23, 1995 Dear Class3 Error Recipient: Enclosed you will find ANSYS Class3 Error Report 95-63. Also accompanying this report is ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin SCB-95-01. This bulletin is provided to our ANSYS Support Coordinators (ASCs) for distribution within each of our customers' organizations for all ANSYS users. The ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin contains non-Class3 and non- QA notice information which can be valuable to you. Examples are: common mistakes made by ANSYS users and their workarounds, and answers and hints to frequently occurring technical support questions. If we prevent you from encountering one or more of these common mistakes, we will consider this communication channel effective. Perhaps too, we can save you a phone call to either your ANSYS Support Distributor or the ANSYS, Inc. technical support hotline. I would like to take this opportunity to extend to you wishes for a happy holiday season. Sincerely, ANSYS, Inc. William J. Bryan Quality Assurance Manager Attachments ANSYS [Registered Trademark] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT NO: 95-63 KEYWORDS: THERMAL CONVECTION RAMPED B.C. AUTO TIME STEP DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: In a thermal analysis, 1. if the thermal conductivity (KXX) is constant: and 2. the film coefficient of a convection surface varies from one load step to the next: and 3. loads are ramped (KBC,0) and there is more than one substep: and 4. automatic time stepping (AUTOTOS,ON) is used and the resulting time increment of the last substep of the load step is greater than the specified initial time step size of the load step, then the conductivity matrix does not get updated for the last substep. This erroneous conductivity matrix will continue to be used (unless the film coefficient is changed again). FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.1 Rev. 5.3 ANSYS/Thermal Rev. 5.2 ANSYS/Thermal Rev. 5.3 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Make KXX act as if it is temperature-dependent, either by using two sets of MPTEMP/MPDATA commands for each KXX definition, or making it slightly temperature dependent on the MP command (e.g. MP,KXX,1,18,1.0e- 12). COMMENTS: Ramping of only the bulk temperature yields correct results. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: December 18, 1995 Peter Kohnke REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: December 18, 1995 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: December 18,1995 John A. Swanson *If a product name is not included in the "first incorrect version", the full ANSYS program is implied. For products not listed, this error does not apply, but see the reverse side for equivalent product designations. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all revisions after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected revision. All revisions after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS revision identifiers. FORM SASI-QA25 DEC 19, 1988 ANSYS Revision Identifier Description ANSYS revision identifiers consist of a major revision level, a minor revision level, a correction level, and occasionally a special version level. An example of how this is constructed is shown below: Figure omitted. Major revision level changes indicate that new features have been added to the program and that some level of Program architecture change and/or file structure has occurred. Minor revision level changes also indicate that new features have been added to the program, but files we upwardly compatible. All known error fixes are included in both minor and major revisions. Changes to the correction level indicate that it is primarily an correction release. Special version identifiers indicate that one or more additional minor changes have been made to the program, normally to circumvent an error. Special versions are not general releases to all ANSYS licensees, since they typically represent errors occurring only on one system, a subset of our customers who have specific graphics devices, etc. The ANSYS revision identifier(s) shown under "corrected in" on the front side of this Class3 Error Report indicates the first possible revision that could contain the correction. A major program change needed to fix an error can dictate that the next minor or major revision will contain the fix rather than the next correction level. For example, when errors were being reported while Rev. 4.3A was the latest production version, most class3 error reports indicated that 4.3B was the "corrected in" revision. Others requiring significant code restructuring were reported as fixed in 4.4. Rev. 4.3B was never released, but Rev. 4.4 contained all error corrections noted as fixed in 4.3B. An identifier indicated under "corrected in" does not guarantee that a general release of that revision of ANSYS will occur. It does indicate that the correction is known and implemented in the coding that would be part of that general release. Equivalent Product Identifiers The ANSYS family of products occasionally undergoes name changes between revisions and/or changes in the functionality of derived products (such as ANSYS-PC/LINEAR). To minimize the potential for confusion in these areas, the important product name equivalences (similar program functionality and error content) are listed below. ANSYS/ED contains all errors shown for the full ANSYS product, starting at Rev. 5.0, and beyond, unless otherwise noted. PC/LINEAR is equivalent to WS/LINEAR at Rev. 4.4A, and ANSYS/LINEAR starting at Rev. 5.0. PC/THERMAL is equivalent to WS/THERMAL at Rev. 4.4A, and ANSYS/THERMAL starting at Rev. 5.0. PREPPOST contains relevant errors for the full ANSYS product, for included pre- and postprocessing func- tionality ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin SCB-95-01 Keywords SYSTEM FILE HANDLING Description Splitting the TRI file during a solution may cause an abort on some systems. Affected Versions Rev. 5.0A, Rev. 5.1, Rev. 5.2 Workaround None Keywords SOLID45 PLANE82 DRUCKER-PRAGER Description SOLID45 and PLANE82 may have convergence problems with the Drucker-Prager solution method. It has not yet been determined if this is a program error, or if it is simply a problem-dependent convergence difficulty. Affected Versions Rev. 5.1, Rev. 5.2 Workaround Use SOLID65 and convert to 3D model from a PLANE82 model (This method may converge.) Keywords SHELL93 CONVERGENCE Description 1. When SSTIF and NLGEOM are both on the problem may not converge. 2. With a very small initial timestep and AUTOTS,ON, the problem does not converge for SHELL93. It has not yet been determined if this is a program error, or if it is simply a problem-dependent convergence difficulty. Affected Versions Rev. 5.0 - Rev. 5.2 Workaround 1. Turn off either SSTIF or NLGEOM. Problem will converge correctly. 2. Increase the initial time step or fix the displacement in the out of plane direction. SCB95-01 Page 1 Keywords SHELL43 SHELL143 NLGEOM ALLMAN STIFFNESS Description SHELL43 or SHELL143 with Allman stiffness (KEYOPT(3)=2) may not converge if using a "thick shell". Affected Versions Rev. 5.0 - Rev. 5.2 Workaround Use the default stiffness option, KEYOPT(3)=0. Keywords NONLIN NEQIT Description When any value is input for NEQIT (default = 25), the specified equilibrium iteration is not checked for convergence. Problem will be stopped as being unconverged when in fact it is. Affected Versions Rev. 5.1, Rev. 5.2 Workaround If the number of equilibrium iterations is known, add at least one additional equilibrium iteration. Keywords SHELL99 SOLUTION NONLINEAR UNSYMMETRIC Description When SHELL99 with large deflection and unsymmetric layers does not converge it gives high residual for linear problems and incorrect answers for most 'small' loads. Affected Versions Rev. 5.1, Rev. 5.2 Workaround None Keywords RUNSTAT SUBSTRUC Description RUNSTAT does not take into account the .SUB file size when predicting space or memory requirements. This is due to the fact that the entire superelement matrix is brought in to memory during solution. Affected Versions Rev. 5.1, Rev. 5.2 Workaround Split the superelement into a number of substructures or use the PCG solver without substructures. SCB95 - 01 Page 2 Keywords SUBSTRUC EXPSOL POST1 Description Expanding a superelement's results at a specific time point may retrieve incorrect time points if the times are closely spaced. Note: Correct times are output with values. Affected Versions Rev. 5.1, Rev. 5.2 Workaround Use specific load step and substep numbers to expand results. Keywords BEAM44 SSTIF NONLIN Description BEAM44 may fail to converge with SSTIF turned on. Workaround Turn off SSTIF. Keywords LSSOLVE GP MODEL SUPERPOSITION Description The use of LSWRITE/LSSOLVE in a MODEL SUPERPOSITION analysis with GP options gives the following error message; "The gap conditions may not be changed after the first load step". Affected Versions Rev. 5.1, Rev. 5.2 Workaround Replace the LSWRITE(s) with SOLVE(s) commands. Keywords POST1 FSUM SPOINT RSYS Description When RSYS>0 and SPOINT defined with XYZ coordinates, the FSUM command sums moments about the global origin in the global Cartesian system. Affected Versions Rev. 5.0 - Rev. 5.2 Workaround Use the node option when defining the SPOINT. Keywords L2ANG Description When L2ANG is used to define a tangent line between two circles, it may result in a line which is not truly tangent to the original circles. The amount of inaccuracy may be sufficient enough to cause problems with subsequent solid modeling operations. Affected Versions Rev. 5.1, Rev. 5.2 Workaround None SCB95-01 Page 3 Keywords PrepPost SYSTEM Description You can only supply commands via the user interface in Prep/Post. Affected Versions Rev. 5.2 Workaround ANSYS/PrepPost Rev. 5.2 requires additional Product Work Settings to allow proper filtering of the Graphical User Interface (GUI). These settings can be made by including the following lines in a start.ans file. prdw,full_ans,1 prdw,linplus, 1 prdw, thermal,1 prdw,e3,1 prdw,elecmag,1 prdw,flotran,1 The Product Word Settings may be verified by issuing the command "prdw,stat". This command should echo the Product Code Status listed below. ***PRODUCT CODE STATUS*** MULTDISC = 1 PP = 1 FULL_ANS = 1 LINPLUS = 1 THERMAL = 1 E3 = 1 ELECMAG = 1 FLOTRAN = 1 AUTHOR: DATE: December 18, 1995 Michael F. Michalski REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: December 18, 1995 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: December 18, 1995 John A. Swanson SCB95-01 Page 4 *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021