The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Event Notification Report for November 25, 2024

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Operations Center

11/22/2024 - 11/25/2024

57427 57429 57430 57437 57438
Agreement State
Event Number: 57427
Rep Org: Texas Dept of State Health Services
Licensee: Lieber- Moore Cardiology Associates
Region: 4
City: Kingwood   State: TX
License #: L04622
Agreement: Y
NRC Notified By: Bruce Hammond
HQ OPS Officer: Josue Ramirez
Notification Date: 11/15/2024
Notification Time: 16:58 [ET]
Event Date: 11/15/2024
Event Time: 00:00 [CST]
Last Update Date: 11/15/2024
Emergency Class: Non Emergency
10 CFR Section:
Agreement State
Person (Organization):
Young, Cale (R4DO)
CNSNS (Mexico), - (EMAIL) (EMAIL)
Event Text

The following report was received from the Texas Department of State Health Services (the Department) via phone and email:

"On November 15, 2024, the Department was notified by the licensee that the location of three 5 mCi (original activity in October 2021) Ge-68 rod sources could not be determined. The sources were supposedly shipped back to the manufacturer in the fourth quarter of 2022, but no receipt record was available from the manufacturer to show the sources were received. The missing paperwork was discovered during an inventory verification audit in May of 2024 by the consulting physicist. Since that time, there were many staff changes. The new technologist had been working to clean up issues and has tried to contact all the parties involved, but could not find the paperwork. Consequently, the licensee declared them lost and reported them as such to the Department on November 15, 2024. The licensee stated the sources do not pose a risk of additional exposure to any worker or member of the public. Additional information will be provided in accordance with SA-300."

Texas Incident Number: 10144
Texas NMED Number: TX240043


Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to

Agreement State
Event Number: 57429
Rep Org: NC Div of Radiation Protection
Licensee: Barnhill Contracting Company
Region: 1
City: Boone   State: NC
License #: 064-0958-2
Agreement: Y
NRC Notified By: Travis Cartoski
HQ OPS Officer: Jon Lilliendahl
Notification Date: 11/18/2024
Notification Time: 10:53 [ET]
Event Date: 11/14/2024
Event Time: 00:00 [EST]
Last Update Date: 11/18/2024
Emergency Class: Non Emergency
10 CFR Section:
Agreement State
Person (Organization):
Bickett, Carey (R1DO)
Event Text

The following information was provided by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services via email:

"On November 14, 2024, the licensee reported a portable nuclear gauge was damaged by a member of the public's privately owned vehicle that drove into the cordoned off area where road workers were conducting their work. The gauge was hit by the vehicle and was damaged but the source and source rod were intact and in the shielded position. The gauge was placed in its transportation box and transported to the manufacturer for disposal/repair.

"North Carolina Emergency Management and local law enforcement were informed."

Damaged Device:
Portable Nuclear Gauge
Manufacturer: Troxler
Model: 4640B
Serial: 1599

NC Tracking Number: NC 240010

Agreement State
Event Number: 57430
Rep Org: Texas Dept of State Health Services
Licensee: University of Houston
Region: 4
City: Houston   State: TX
License #: General
Agreement: Y
NRC Notified By: Sindiso Ncube
HQ OPS Officer: Natalie Starfish
Notification Date: 11/18/2024
Notification Time: 19:04 [ET]
Event Date: 11/18/2024
Event Time: 00:00 [CST]
Last Update Date: 11/18/2024
Emergency Class: Non Emergency
10 CFR Section:
Agreement State
Person (Organization):
Roldan-Otero, Lizette (R4DO)
CNSNS (Mexico), - (Email)
Event Text

The following report was received from the Texas Department of State Health Services (the Department) via phone and email:

"On November 18, 2024, the Department received notification from the licensee of a missing self-luminous exit sign. The licensee made the discovery on October 15, 2024, during a semiannual inventory of radioactive sources verification exercise. The device, which contains about 20 curies of tritium in gaseous form, is a Betalux, Model 171 with serial number C207471.

"The licensee believes the sign, which was located at the back of a building, was dislodged during Hurricane Beryl on July 8, 2024. The licensee stated that two possible scenarios on what might have occurred when the sign was removed. The licensee stated the sign may have been picked up together with the large amount of debris collected and cleared out for disposal by the cleaning crews following the storm. The other possibility is that the sign may have been blown away off campus by hurricane force winds.

"The licensee stated that there are currently no known exposures to persons at this time due to the loss of this device.

"Additional information will be provided in accordance with SA-300."

Texas Incident Number: 10145
Texas NMED Number: TX240044


Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to

Power Reactor
Event Number: 57437
Facility: FitzPatrick
Region: 1     State: NY
Unit: [1] [] []
RX Type: [1] GE-4
NRC Notified By: Ryan Perry
HQ OPS Officer: Robert A. Thompson
Notification Date: 11/22/2024
Notification Time: 12:50 [ET]
Event Date: 09/26/2024
Event Time: 17:01 [EST]
Last Update Date: 11/25/2024
Emergency Class: Non Emergency
10 CFR Section:
21.21(a)(2) - Interim Eval Of Deviation
Person (Organization):
Bickett, Carey (R1DO)
Part 21/50.55 Reactors, - (EMAIL)
Power Reactor Unit Info
Unit SCRAM Code RX Crit Initial PWR Initial RX Mode Current PWR Current RX Mode
1 N Y 100 Power Operation 100 Power Operation
Event Text
EN Revision Imported Date: 11/25/2024


The following information was provided by the licensee via phone and email:

"This notification is a 10 CFR 21.21(a)(2) interim report for General Electric thermal overload relay, model CF124G011, part number DD317A7861P003.

"A sample of overload relays were sent to PowerLabs for parts quality initiative testing. The results were reviewed by James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant (JAF) and a deviation in one relay component was discovered. Testing identified a failure to latch on trip, which is a deviation from the performance characteristics of the relay. Under normal operation, the relay would latch in the tripped state requiring a manual reset of the relay. If the relay with the deviation were installed, the relay would trip when required; however, it would automatically reset. The unexpected reset could result in unintended cycling of associated equipment including repeated exposure to inrush current and potential damage.

"Bench testing would be expected to identify this condition prior to installation. Based on a review, this potential condition does not affect installed equipment. The affected relay was stored at JAF since July 1998.

"The cause of the deviation cannot be investigated because the part is not available; however, the evaluation of the potential effect of the condition on equipment where the relay could have been used at JAF is ongoing, and it is expected to be completed by February 28, 2025. This notification is being submitted as an interim report per 10CFR21.21(a)(2)."

"The NRC resident inspector has been notified."

Power Reactor
Event Number: 57438
Facility: Watts Bar
Region: 2     State: TN
Unit: [2] [] []
RX Type: [1] W-4-LP,[2] W-4-LP
NRC Notified By: Tony Pate
HQ OPS Officer: Jordan Wingate
Notification Date: 11/23/2024
Notification Time: 02:42 [ET]
Event Date: 11/22/2024
Event Time: 19:37 [EST]
Last Update Date: 11/23/2024
Emergency Class: Non Emergency
10 CFR Section:
50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - Accident Mitigation
Person (Organization):
Suber, Gregory (R2DO)
Power Reactor Unit Info
Unit SCRAM Code RX Crit Initial PWR Initial RX Mode Current PWR Current RX Mode
2 N Y 100 Power Operation 100 Power Operation
Event Text

The following information was provided by the licensee via phone or email:

"At 1937 EST on 11/22/2024, it was discovered that both trains of the control room emergency air temperature control system (CREATCS) were simultaneously inoperable; therefore, this condition is being reported as an eight-hour, non-emergency notification per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v).

"There was no impact on the health and safety of the public or plant personnel. The NRC resident inspector has been notified."

The following additional information was obtained from the licensee in accordance with headquarters operations officers report guidance:

Technical specification 3.7.11 conditions A and C were entered as a result of this event. The 'B' train of CREATCS was restored at 0130 EST on 11/23/24 and the plant exited condition C. The 'A' train remained out of service at the time of notification.

Although CREATCS is a common system for both Units 1 and 2, Unit 1 was defueled and outside the mode of applicability during the timeframe of this event.