The following was reported by the Virginia Office of Radiological Health, via email:
"On August 26, 2019, the Virginia Office of Radiological Health (ORH) received an incident report from the licensee, MISTRAS GROUP, Inc. The source, 66 curies of Ir-192, could not be retracted to its shielded position during radiographic work. The radiographic work involved inspecting a water tank located in an open space. The incident occurred on July 31, 2019, at about 1028 EDT at a temporary jobsite located in White Post, Virginia. The incident occurred because a magnetic stand that was utilized to support the source tube fell during an exposure, creating a kink in the source tube and preventing full retraction back to the shielded position. The radiography crew immediately established a new boundary, notified the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and customer, and relocated all workers outside the boundary area. A radiation survey was performed immediately at the new boundary and the measurement did not exceed 2 mR in any one hour. The site was supervised by the radiography crew until the RSO arrived at the scene and repositioned the source back to its shielding position safely. The pocket dosimeters indicated that the RSO, the radiographer, and assistant radiographer received 28 mrem, 20 mrem, and 10 mrem, respectively. In addition, the whole body dosimeters were sent to Landauer for analysis and no significant radiation exposures were reported to the RSO, Radiographer, and Assistant Radiographer.
"On August 28, 2019, the ORH inspector conducted a reactive inspection and it was found that the root causes of the incident were identified properly by the licensee and corrective actions, including training on procedures, on radiographic techniques, and on set up for that particular type of radiography work were discussed with the radiographer. The ORH determined that this incident is closed."
The report from Virginia also stated:
"This incident was reported to the NRC through NMED on August 29, 2019 as if it was a 30-day notification requirement. However, the 2020 Virginia IMPEP review team discovered that it should have been classified as a 24-hour notification requirement. Accordingly, this report is being sent to correct the error."
Event Report ID No: VA-19004 |