The following was received from the Alabama Office of Radiation Control (AORC) via fax:
"On Saturday, November 9, 2019, Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) reported to [the AORC] Duty Officer a damaged gauge that had been reported from Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa. AEMA stated that the damage was minimal and with no releases to the general public. This information was reported by the Environmentalist with Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa.
"The Duty Officer contacted the Environmentalist and he stated that an over fill had occurred and damaged the locking pin on the shutter of the gauge. Surveys revealed no damage to the shielding of the gauge, but the gauge will be kept secure in the caster mold until Ronan arrives for assessment of damage. The shutter mechanism is functioning, but cannot be locked in the closed position.
"As of today [November 12, 2019], 0730 CST, the gauge is secure, but unlockable. The licensee has contacted the manufacturer for assessment and repair. Ronan is scheduled to arrive on November 14, 2019. The incident remains open until the appropriate repairs are completed."
Alabama Incident 19-32 |