"On September 27, 2019 at 1515 EDT, the fire protection engineer's review of the daily corrective action report identified a procedural noncompliance which affected an administrative Item Relied on for Safety (IROFS). During the morning of September 26th, a fuel oil delivery truck, escorted by plant employees, drove along the road adjacent to the Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6) cylinder storage area, violating the minimum distance requirement within the procedure.
"The IROFS designation is UF6FIRE-901, which requires escort and a 60-foot spacing distance that was not fully satisfied. Instead of 60 feet, the truck drove past the area over a period of a few minutes at a distance of 20 to 30 feet from the cylinder storage area. The other IROFS in this accident sequence remained reliable and available as required. The basis for this procedural control is to provide separation so that if a fire did occur involving the fuel oil delivery truck, there would be no significant fire exposure to the stored UF6 cylinders.
"This is a non-emergency event notification, and there was no release of hazardous or radiological materials. There were no health or safety consequences to the public, the employees or the environment from this procedure non-compliance. The delivery truck was escorted at all times, and the site has an on-site fire department, available to respond to any event.
"Immediate Corrective Actions: Prior to any fuel trucks being escorted inside the facility fence, both designated escorts shall receive a pre-job brief from a supervisor to ensure that designated escorts understand the proper delivery route specified in the procedure."
The licensee will notify NRC R2 (Vukovinsky) and the State of South Carolina. |