At 1030 MDT, on 5/15/2019, a Troxler gauge was damaged by a vehicle driving at a high rate of speed through a job site in Middleton, ID. The gauge was damaged and the source and rod disconnected from the gauge base. The on site technician contacted the radiation safety officer who arrived on-site to investigate the incident. The gauge area was quarantined, the area surveyed and the damaged equipment was placed into a container and shipped back to the office while it awaits leak testing prior to returning the gauge to the vendor. The area surveyed after the gauge was removed indicated that there was no surface contamination. The licensee filed a police report and documented the issue.
The gauge was a Troxler model 3444 Serial Number: 35061 Isotopes: Cs-137, 8 milliCuries; Am-241, 40 milliCuries
The licensee contacted the Region IV office (VonEhr). |