U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 10/9/2018 - 10/10/2018 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** |
Agreement State | Event Number: 53631 | Rep Org: COLORADO DEPT OF HEALTH Licensee: MARIOTT DENVER TECH CENTER Region: 4 City: DENVER State: CO County: License #: GL000359 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: PHILLIP PETERSON HQ OPS Officer: JEFF HERRERA | Notification Date: 10/01/2018 Notification Time: 10:23 [ET] Event Date: 12/19/2017 Event Time: 00:00 [MDT] Last Update Date: 10/01/2018 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): THOMAS FARNHOLTZ (R4DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATION (EMAIL) ILTAB (EMAIL) | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - LOST TRITIUM EXIT SIGNS
The following report was received from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment via email:
"Marriott Denver Tech Center reported three lost tritium exit signs when conducting the annual reconciliation."
Event Report ID No.: CO180020
Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf |
Agreement State | Event Number: 53632 | Rep Org: COLORADO DEPT OF HEALTH Licensee: OLINGER HAMPDEN FUNERAL HOME AND CEMETARY Region: 4 City: DENVER State: CO County: License #: GL001929 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: PHILLIP PETERSON HQ OPS Officer: JEFF HERRERA | Notification Date: 10/01/2018 Notification Time: 10:27 [ET] Event Date: 12/29/2017 Event Time: 00:00 [MDT] Last Update Date: 10/01/2018 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): THOMAS FARNHOLTZ (R4DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATION (EMAIL) ILTAB (EMAIL) | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - LOST TRITIUM EXIT SIGNS
The following report was received from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment via email:
"Olinger Hampden Funeral Home & Cemetery reported three lost tritium exit signs when conducting the annual reconciliation."
CO Event Report ID No.: CO180021
Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf |
Agreement State | Event Number: 53633 | Rep Org: COLORADO DEPT OF HEALTH Licensee: CANYON BAKEHOUSE Region: 4 City: JOHNSTOWN State: CO County: License #: GL002453 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: PHILLIP PETERSON HQ OPS Officer: JEFF HERRERA | Notification Date: 10/01/2018 Notification Time: 10:30 [ET] Event Date: 12/22/2017 Event Time: 00:00 [MDT] Last Update Date: 10/01/2018 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): THOMAS FARNHOLTZ (R4DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATION (EMAIL) ILTAB (EMAIL) | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - LOST TRITIUM EXIT SIGNS
The following report was received from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment via email:
"Canyon Bakehouse reported that three tritium exit signs were not in the building when the ownership of the building was transferred."
CO Event Report ID No.: CO180023
Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf |
Agreement State | Event Number: 53634 | Rep Org: COLORADO DEPT OF HEALTH Licensee: KEYSTONE REPORT-PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Region: 4 City: KEYSTONE State: CO County: License #: GL000311 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: PHILLIP PETERSON HQ OPS Officer: JEFF HERRERA | Notification Date: 10/01/2018 Notification Time: 10:33 [ET] Event Date: 06/28/2018 Event Time: 00:00 [MDT] Last Update Date: 10/01/2018 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): THOMAS FARNHOLTZ (R4DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATION (EMAIL) ILTAB (EMAIL) | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - LOST TRITIUM EXIT SIGNS
The following report was received from the Colorado Department of Pubic Heath and Environment via email:
"Keystone Resort-Property Management reported one tritium exit sign was unable to be located during the annual reconciliation."
CO Event Report ID No.: CO180025
Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf |
Agreement State | Event Number: 53635 | Rep Org: COLORADO DEPT OF HEALTH Licensee: UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Region: 4 City: COMMERCE CITY State: CO County: License #: GL000169 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: PHILLIP PETERSON HQ OPS Officer: JEFF HERRERA | Notification Date: 10/01/2018 Notification Time: 10:33 [ET] Event Date: 07/27/2018 Event Time: 00:00 [MDT] Last Update Date: 10/01/2018 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): THOMAS FARNHOLTZ (R4DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICATION (EMAIL) ILTAB (EMAIL) | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - LOST TRITIUM EXIT SIGNS
The following report was received from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment via email:
"United Parcel Service reported one tritium exit sign was lost when the building was renovated."
CO Event Report ID No.: CO180024
Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf |
Power Reactor | Event Number: 53656 | Facility: SOUTH TEXAS Region: 4 State: TX Unit: [1] [2] [] RX Type: [1] W-4-LP,[2] W-4-LP NRC Notified By: SILVESTRE ROMERO JR. HQ OPS Officer: STEVEN VITTO | Notification Date: 10/10/2018 Notification Time: 01:29 [ET] Event Date: 10/09/2018 Event Time: 00:00 [CDT] Last Update Date: 10/10/2018 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) - LOSS COMM/ASMT/RESPONSE | Person (Organization): HEATHER GEPFORD (R4DO) CYBER ASSESSMENT (EMAIL) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX Crit | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | N | 0 | Cold Shutdown | 0 | Cold Shutdown | 2 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text UNPLANNED LOSS OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT
"At 2115 CST on October 9, 2018, South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS) experienced an unplanned loss of the Integrated Computer System (ICS) to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). The loss of ICS resulted in a major loss of emergency assessment capability to the STPEGS Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) for greater than 75 minutes. Assessment capability has been verified to be available in the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Support Centers (TSC) and the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Control Rooms.
"This report is being made pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), any event that results in a major loss of emergency assessment capability, off site response capability, or off site communications ability.
"The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed."
The cause of the unplanned loss is currently being investigated and compensatory measures are in place.
Integrated Computer System was returned to service as of 0810 CDT on October 10, 2018.
Notified R4DO (Gepford) and CAT via email. |
!!!!! THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RETRACTED.THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RETRACTED !!!!! | Power Reactor | Event Number: 53657 | Facility: QUAD CITIES Region: 3 State: IL Unit: [1] [2] [] RX Type: [1] GE-3,[2] GE-3 NRC Notified By: JEFFREY EASLEY HQ OPS Officer: STEVEN VITTO | Notification Date: 10/10/2018 Notification Time: 03:26 [ET] Event Date: 10/09/2018 Event Time: 00:00 [CDT] Last Update Date: 11/14/2018 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - ACCIDENT MITIGATION | Person (Organization): AARON McCRAW (R3DO) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX Crit | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | 2 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY VENTILATION AC SYSTEM INOPERABLE
"On October 9, 2018 at 2002 CDT the Control Room Emergency Ventilation Air Condition (CREV AC) system was in the process of being returned to service following maintenance. During the return to service, the end bell on the CREV AC Condenser developed a significant leak requiring isolation. No work was performed on the CREV AC Condenser during the work window.
"The CREV AC system maintains a habitable control room environment and ensures the operability of components in the control room emergency zone during accident conditions.
"This notification is being made in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D), "Event or Condition That Could Have Prevented Fulfillment of a Safety Function " because the CREV system is a single train system required to mitigate the consequences of an accident."
The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
"The purpose of this notification today (November 14, 2018) is to retract the ENS Report made on October 10, 2018 at 0326 EDT (ENS Report #53657).
"Upon further investigation, it was determined that while the CREV AC system was out of service for planned maintenance and inoperable, the return to service valve sequencing caused an in-rush of residual heat removal service water (RHRSW) at 300 psig dead-heading into the refrigeration condensing unit (RCU). Previous normal sequencing had refilled the RCU with service water which is supplied at 100 psig. This unexpected higher than normal pressure on the RCU end bell gasket (rated at 150 psig) caused the gasket to be pushed from its normally seated position to allow a leak path. The gasket was not previously leaking; upon removal was inspected and no evidence of premature cracks or tears were found.
"The CREV AC system leak was induced by an improper coordination of return to service activities at the time of discovery, and the leak path was not previously present. This was not a latent failure. As such, a pre-exiting condition that could have prevented the fulfillment of a safety function did not exist, and based on this information, ENS Report# 53657 is being retracted.
"Note: On October 11, 2018 at 1330 hours CDT, the CREV RCU System gaskets were replaced and the system was returned to service under the properly sequenced tagout and was returned to Operable status.
"The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. "
Notified the R3DO (Peterson). | |