U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 09/29/2017 - 10/02/2017 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | Agreement State | Event Number: 52983 | Rep Org: SC DIV OF HEALTH & ENV CONTROL Licensee: TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC. Region: 1 City: COLUMBIA State: SC County: License #: 688 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: ANDREW M. ROXBURGH HQ OPS Officer: JEFF HERRERA | Notification Date: 09/21/2017 Notification Time: 12:13 [ET] Event Date: 09/21/2017 Event Time: 08:59 [EDT] Last Update Date: 09/21/2017 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): SILAS KENNEDY (R1DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICA (EMAI) | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - DAMAGED GAUGE AT CONSTRUCTION SITE The following report was received from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control via email: "The licensee notified the Department [South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control] that a piece of heavy equipment backed over a Instrotek Model 3500 moisture density gauge serial number 2323. The gauge contained 10 mCi of Cs-137 and 40 Ci of Am-241:Be. The gauge operator had contacted his RSO [Radiation Safety Officer] at the time of the incident. The BRH [Bureau of Radiation Health] inspector arrived on scene. The gauge was surveyed and tested for removable contamination. The highest reading found was on the bottom of the gauge at the shutter. The shutter was in the closed position. The reading was 15 mR/hr which is consistent with the radiation profile identified in SSD NC-1241-D-101-S. There was no removable contamination found." | Agreement State | Event Number: 52985 | Rep Org: KANSAS DEPT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT Licensee: OCCIDENTAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION Region: 4 City: WICHITA State: KS County: License #: GL Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: JAMES UHLEMEYER HQ OPS Officer: STEVE SANDIN | Notification Date: 09/22/2017 Notification Time: 11:00 [ET] Event Date: 09/21/2017 Event Time: 16:04 [CDT] Last Update Date: 09/22/2017 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): GEOFFREY MILLER (R4DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICA (EMAI) | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3 " level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - INADVERTENT DISPOSAL OF AN ELECTRON CAPTURE DETECTOR GAS CHROMATOGRAPH The State of Kansas was notified that an Electron Capture Detector Gas Chromatograph (ECD-GC) owned by Occidental Chemical Corporation (OxyChem) was inadvertently disposed of as electronic waste. The contracted waste company, Clean Harbors Wichita, ships waste to the recycler, ERI, in Fresno, CA. OxyChem provided ERI pictures of the missing Varian ECD GC to aid in identification. The missing ECD-GC is a model 3400 (Serial Number A-8080), containing 8 mCi Ni-63 as of 1990. The current activity is calculated as 6.58 mCi. The State of Kansas is providing a courtesy notification to the State of California Radiation Program Office. THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf | Agreement State | Event Number: 52986 | Rep Org: TEXAS DEPT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES Licensee: SOLVAY SPECIALTY POLYMERS USA LLC Region: 4 City: ORANGE State: CA County: License #: 06515 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: ARTHUR TUCKER HQ OPS Officer: DONALD NORWOOD | Notification Date: 09/22/2017 Notification Time: 11:36 [ET] Event Date: 09/14/2017 Event Time: [PDT] Last Update Date: 09/22/2017 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): GEOFFREY MILLER (R4DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICA (EMAI) | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STUCK CLOSED SHUTTER The following information was received via E-mail: "On September 18, 2017, the Agency [Texas Department of State Health Services] received a reciprocity request from a nuclear gauge manufacturer to perform repairs on a Ronan Engineering model SA1-F37 gauge at the licensee's facility. The gauge contains a 500 millicurie (original activity) source. On September 22, 2017, the Agency contacted the licensee and asked if the gauge shutter was functioning properly. The individual stated the shutter on the gauge would not fully close. The individual was instructed to contact the licensee's radiation safety officer (RSO) and instruct the RSO to contact this Agency. The RSO contacted the Agency and stated the problem was discovered when testing the gauge on September 14, 2017. The RSO stated the gauge shutter was not open, but stuck in the closed position. The RSO stated it appears the pin that connects the shutter operating arm to the operating rod is no longer in place and the shutter cannot be moved. The RSO stated the gauge is located in an area where the access is controlled and does not pose an exposure risk to their workers or members of the general public. The manufacturer is scheduled to be on the site September 26, 2017, to repair the gauge. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300." Texas Incident #: I-9511 | Agreement State | Event Number: 52987 | Rep Org: MARYLAND DEPT OF THE ENVIRONMENT Licensee: UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Region: 1 City: COLLEGE PARK State: MD County: License #: MD 33-004-03 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: CHARLES COX HQ OPS Officer: JEFF HERRERA | Notification Date: 09/22/2017 Notification Time: 14:05 [ET] Event Date: 09/22/2017 Event Time: [EDT] Last Update Date: 09/22/2017 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): SILAS KENNEDY (R1DO) NMSS_EVENTS_NOTIFICA (EMAI) | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - IRRADIATOR ACCESS CONTROLS INOPERABLE The following information was received via email: "An irradiator operator was leaving the panoramic irradiator vault and was following procedures to close the vault door. Audio and Visual alarms functioned properly and the vault door was sliding shut when the door stopped. The operator took immediate actions and was able to close and lock the door. All security systems were checked, found to be working and engaged. He tagged the Irradiator 'out-of-service' until an investigation can be conducted and corrective actions are implemented. "The source rack remained in the shielded position during this event. There was no threat to public health, safety or homeland security. UMCP [University of Maryland College Park] will provide RHP [Radiation Health Program] with a written report. A RHP Inspector will conduct an investigation." | Power Reactor | Event Number: 52996 | Facility: NINE MILE POINT Region: 1 State: NY Unit: [ ] [2] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-2,[2] GE-5 NRC Notified By: CHRIS MOORHEAD HQ OPS Officer: STEVE SANDIN | Notification Date: 09/30/2017 Notification Time: 09:06 [ET] Event Date: 09/30/2017 Event Time: 01:34 [EDT] Last Update Date: 09/30/2017 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(v)(C) - POT UNCNTRL RAD REL | Person (Organization): FRED BOWER (R1DO) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 2 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text SECONDARY CONTAINMENT DECLARED INOPERABLE "At 0134 [EDT] on September 30, 2017, Nine Mile Point Unit 2 entered Tech Spec when secondary containment was declared inoperable due to secondary containment differential pressure being above the Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement of -0.25 inches vacuum water gauge. The Division II Standby Gas Treatment System was started to restore differential pressure at 0135 [EDT] on September 30, 2017 the differential pressure was restored, the secondary containment was declared operable and the Tech Spec3.6.4.1 exited. "Secondary containment being inoperable is a 8-hour report for 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(C), Any event or condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of structures or systems that are needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident. "The cause of this condition is being investigated. "The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified." The licensee will also inform the State of New York. | |