U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 01/21/2015 - 01/22/2015 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | Power Reactor | Event Number: 50351 | Facility: HATCH Region: 2 State: GA Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-4,[2] GE-4 NRC Notified By: KENNY HUNTER HQ OPS Officer: HOWIE CROUCH | Notification Date: 08/07/2014 Notification Time: 20:00 [ET] Event Date: 08/07/2014 Event Time: 17:07 [EDT] Last Update Date: 01/21/2015 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B) - UNANALYZED CONDITION | Person (Organization): REBECCA NEASE (R2DO) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text UNANALYZED CONDITION DUE TO DISCOVERY OF DEGRADED FIRE BARRIER WALLS "During a fire inspection activity involving inspection of fire walls that serve as Appendix R barriers, degradation of some fire walls was identified that was sufficient to prevent these walls from meeting Appendix R requirements as 3-hour fire barriers. In the event of a postulated fire in the affected areas, both safe shutdown paths on the affected unit could be compromised. Given this information, the determination was made that this condition meets the reporting criteria of 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). "Compensatory measures were already in place in accordance with the plant's Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) as a result of previous conditions involving degraded penetrations in these same fire areas. The presence of the compensatory measures in addition to automatic fire detection in these fire areas ensure that the safe shutdown paths are preserved until the degraded conditions can be corrected. "Condition Reports: 850802, 850819" In addition to automatic fire protection features, the licensee has posted fire watches as a compensatory measure. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. * * * UPDATE FROM STANLEY STONE TO DONALD NORWOOD AT 1814 EST ON 11/24/2014 * * * "As part of the 'extent of condition' corrective action for the condition identified in EN 50351, an inspection activity is in progress to inspect the remaining fire walls for conditions similar to those reported on 8/7/2014. During this inspection, another condition was identified involving some degradation of the fire wall between Fire Area 1023 - RPS MG Set Room and Fire Area 1015 - Annunciator Room. In the event of a postulated fire in the affected areas both safe shutdown paths on Unit 1 could be compromised. Given this information, the determination was made that this condition meets the reporting criteria of 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). "Compensatory measures were already in place in accordance with the plant's Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) as a result of previous conditions involving degraded penetrations in these same fire areas and will remain in place until the wall is repaired. The presence of the compensatory measures in addition to automatic fire detection in these fire areas ensure that the safe shutdown paths are preserved until the degraded condition is repaired. The inspection activity is continuing, and this and any subsequent similar condition(s) that meets the reporting requirements will be included in an ENS update report and will be documented in a revised LER at the end of the inspection activity. "Condition Report: 898908." The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (Ehrhardt). * * * UPDATE FROM KENNY HUNTER TO DANIEL MILLS AT 1758 EST ON 11/25/2014 * * * "As part of the 'extent of condition' corrective action for the condition identified in EN 50351, an inspection activity is in progress to inspect the remaining fire walls for conditions similar to those reported on 8/7/2014. During this inspection, another condition was identified involving some degradation of the fire wall between Fire Area 1016 - 600 Volt Switchgear Room 1C and Fire Area 1017 - 600 Volt Switchgear Room 1D. In the event of a postulated fire in the affected areas, both safe shutdown paths on Unit 1 could be compromised. Given this information the determination was made that this condition meets the reporting criteria of 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). "Compensatory measures were already in place in accordance with the plant's Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) as a result of previous conditions involving degraded penetrations in these same fire areas and will remain in place until the wall is repaired. The presence of the compensatory measures in addition to automatic fire detection in these fire areas ensure that the safe shutdown paths are preserved until the degraded condition is repaired. The inspection activity is continuing, and this and any subsequent similar condition(s) that meets the reporting requirements will be included in an ENS update report and will be documented in a revised LER at the end of the inspection activity." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (Ernstes). * * * UPDATE FROM SCOTT BRITT TO DONALD NORWOOD AT 1706 EST ON 12/4/2014 * * * "As part of the 'extent of condition' corrective action for the condition identified in EN 50351, an inspection activity is in progress to inspect the remaining fire walls for conditions similar to those reported on 8/7/2014. During this inspection, additional conditions were identified involving multiple fire barriers in the control building that affected both safe shutdown paths on Unit 1 and Unit 2 based on the respective inspection results. In the event of a postulated fire in the affected areas both safe shutdown paths on Unit 1 and 2 could be compromised. "Given this information the determination was made that this condition meets the reporting criteria of 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). Compensatory measures were already in place in accordance with the plant's Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) as a result of previous conditions involving degraded penetrations in these same fire areas and will remain in place until the wall is repaired. The presence of the compensatory measures in addition to automatic fire detection in these fire areas ensure that the safe shutdown paths are preserved until the degraded condition is repaired. The inspection activity is continuing, and this and any subsequent similar condition(s) that meets the reporting requirements will be included in an ENS update report as required and will be documented in a revised LER at the end of the inspection activity." The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R2DO (Freeman). * * * UPDATE AT 1842 EST ON 12/12/2014 FROM G.S. GRIFFIS TO MARK ABRAMOVITZ * * * "As part of the 'extent of condition' corrective action for the condition identified in EN# 50351, an inspection activity is in progress to inspect the remaining fire walls and associated penetrations for conditions similar to those reported on 08/07/2014. During this inspection, nonconformances of multiple fire barriers were identified that bring into question the functionality of the affected fire barriers that can compromise safe shutdown paths on Unit 1 and 2 based on the respective inspection results. Since additional time is required to further evaluate each nonconformance to conclusively determine if the nonconformance is sufficient to consider the barrier nonfunctional, interim conservative fire actions were taken by considering these fire barriers as nonfunctional. Based on this conservative conclusion, in the event of a postulated fire in the affected areas both safe shutdown paths on Unit 1 and 2 could be compromised. Given this information the determination was made that this condition meets the reporting criteria of 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). "Compensatory measures were already in place in accordance with the plant's Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) as a result of previous conditions involving degraded penetrations and fire walls in most of these same fire areas and will remain in place until the barrier(s) are repaired. Additional fire actions were taken as required to address the additional fire areas identified. The presence of the compensatory measures in addition to automatic fire detection in these fire areas ensure that the safe shutdown paths are preserved until the degraded condition is repaired. The inspection activity is continuing, and this and any subsequent similar condition(s) that meets the reporting requirements will be included in an ENS Update Report and will be documented in a revised LER at the end of the inspection activity. "Unit 1 is entering a planned outage due to unrelated activities." Condition Report: 10000607 The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R2DO (Desai). * * * UPDATE FROM STANLEY STONE TO DONALD NORWOOD AT 2315 EST ON 1/15/2015 * * * "As part of the 'extent of condition' corrective action for the conditions identified in EN# 50351, an inspection activity was performed of a fire wall for conditions similar to those reported on 12/12/2014. During this inspection, another condition was identified involving some degradation of the fire wall between Fire Area 1008 - Unit 1 AC Inverter Room and Fire Area 0001 to consider the barrier nonfunctional. In the event of a postulated fire in the affected areas both safe shutdown paths on Unit 1 could be compromised. Given this information the determination was made that this condition meets the reporting criteria of 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). "Compensatory measures were already in place in accordance with the plant's Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) as a result of previous conditions involving degraded fire barriers in these same fire areas and will remain in place until the wall is repaired. The presence of the compensatory measures in addition to automatic fire detection in these fire areas ensure that the safe shutdown paths are preserved until the degraded condition is repaired. The inspection activity is continuing and this and any subsequent similar condition(s) that meets the reporting requirements will be included in an ENS Update Report and will be documented in a revised LER at the end of the inspection activity." Condition Report: 10013077 The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R2DO (Musser). * * * UPDATE FROM JOHN MITCHELL TO JEFF HERRERA AT 2025 EST ON 1/21/2015 * * * "During review and closeout of fire barrier and penetration seals work orders and surveillance procedures performed as part of the 'extent of condition' inspection activity initially described in Event # 50351, the following conditions were identified that in the event of a postulated fire in the respective fire areas listed both safe shutdown paths could be compromised. "Unit 2 Control Bldg. el. 130', gap in the grout around conduit penetration between fire areas 2013 and 2015 "Unit 1 Reactor Bldg. el. 130', open conduit between fire areas 1203C and 1105 "Given this information the determination was made that this condition meets the reporting criteria of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). Compensatory measures were already in place in accordance with the plant's Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) as a result of previous conditions involving degraded fire barriers in the Unit 2 fire area and will remain in place until the affected barrier areas are repaired. Compensatory measures were established for the Unit 1 areas and will remain in place until the affected barriers areas are repaired. The presence of the compensatory measures in addition to automatic fire detection in these fire areas ensure that the safe shutdown paths are preserved until the degraded condition is repaired. Subsequent similar condition(s) found when performing remaining inspections that meet the reporting requirements will be included in an ENS Update Report and will be documented in a revised LER at the end of the inspection activity. "Condition Report 10015417 "Condition Report 10015437" The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R2DO (McCoy). | Agreement State | Event Number: 50735 | Rep Org: MA RADIATION CONTROL PROGRAM Licensee: QSA GLOBAL, INC. Region: 1 City: BURLINGTON State: MA County: License #: 12-8361 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: MEDWELL HILL HQ OPS Officer: STEVE SANDIN | Notification Date: 01/14/2015 Notification Time: 16:15 [ET] Event Date: 01/14/2015 Event Time: 13:47 [EST] Last Update Date: 01/14/2015 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): ART BURRITT (R1DO) ANTHONY HSIA (NMSS) PAM HENDERSON (MSTR) ILTAB (EMAI) NMSS EVENTS NOTIFICA (EMAI) | This material event contains a "Category 2 " level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - TWO CATEGORY 2 IRIDIUM SOURCES UNACCOUNTED FOR DURING SHIPMENT The following information was provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via email. QSA Global (Shipper) initially provided notification to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of the following: "On Tuesday, January 13, 2015, QSA was notified by the customer a routine shipment of two Ir-192 sources from QSA Global, Inc. to Huntington Testing and Technology did not arrive as expected. They (HT&T) contacted the carrier and were told that the shipment could not be located. A trace was initiated. This trace is still actively being pursued by [the carrier's representative] and as of the writing of this email, the shipment is suspected of being at a US Postal Service facility in Charleston, SC." QSA Global subsequently provided notification to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of the following: "Please be advised that QSA has received notification by [the carrier's representative] that the shipment to Huntington Test and Technologies reported missing has been located and physically verified in Memphis, TN at the [shipper's] hub. Additional information will be forthcoming in a followup 30 day report. " The two Iridium-192 sources are 102.8 Ci (SN: 14381G) and 102.7 Ci (SN: 14382G), respectively shipped in an SC-650L Source Changer (SN: 202). The shipment has no indication of tampering and is currently enroute to HT&T. THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "CATEGORY 2" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Category 2 sources, if not safely managed or securely protected, could cause permanent injury to a person who handled them, or were otherwise in contact with them, for a short time (minutes to hours). It could possibly be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded radioactive material for a period of hours to days. These sources are typically used in practices such as industrial gamma radiography, high dose rate brachytherapy and medium dose rate brachytherapy. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf | Power Reactor | Event Number: 50743 | Facility: DUANE ARNOLD Region: 3 State: IA Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-4 NRC Notified By: DOUG PETERSON HQ OPS Officer: JEFF ROTTON | Notification Date: 01/19/2015 Notification Time: 02:30 [ET] Event Date: 01/18/2015 Event Time: 21:31 [CST] Last Update Date: 01/21/2015 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) - LOSS COMM/ASMT/RESPONSE | Person (Organization): HIRONORI PETERSON (R3DO) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text LOSS OF NORMAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER POWER "At 2131 CST on January 18, the Duane Arnold Energy Center [DAEC] Technical Support Center (TSC) Normal Power was lost when a single phase to the T4 '36KV-12.5KV DAEC SITE TRANSFORMER' was lost due to a blown primary side fuse. Automatic power transfer occurred to maintain power to the TSC from the TSC Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) which automatically started. The TSC remained functional throughout the incident. "This notification is being made pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) due to the loss of an emergency assessment capability. An update will be provided once the normal power supply has been restored." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. * * * UPDATE FROM DOUG PETERSON TO VINCE KLCO AT 1419 EST AT 1/21/15 * * * Normal power restored to the TSC. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R3DO (Duncan). | |