U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 07/07/2014 - 07/08/2014 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | Non-Agreement State | Event Number: 50232 | Rep Org: ELI LILLY AND COMPANY Licensee: ELI LILLY AND COMPANY Region: 3 City: INDIANAPOLIS State: IN County: License #: 13-01133-02 Agreement: N Docket: NRC Notified By: ALISHA MAHIN HQ OPS Officer: VINCE KLCO | Notification Date: 06/27/2014 Notification Time: 12:56 [ET] Event Date: 06/26/2014 Event Time: [EDT] Last Update Date: 06/27/2014 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 20.2201(a)(1)(i) - LOST/STOLEN LNM>1000X | Person (Organization): JULIO LARA (R3DO) FSME RESOURCES (EMAI) | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3 " level of radioactive material. | Event Text IMPROPERLY DISPOSED OF TRITIUM SIGNS Notified by the licensee that three tritium exit signs were improperly disposed of as trash. The signs were manufactured by SRBT with an estimated source strength of 20 Ci for each sign. The licensee noticed the missing signs following an equipment inventory taken after a renovation. The licensee determined that the three signs were mixed with general construction debris and sent to a landfill. The licensee investigation is continuing. THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf | Agreement State | Event Number: 50239 | Rep Org: PA BUREAU OF RADIATION PROTECTION Licensee: ACUREN INSPECTION, INC. Region: 1 City: SUSQUEHANNA State: PA County: License #: PA-1063 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: DAVID J. ALLARD HQ OPS Officer: HOWIE CROUCH | Notification Date: 06/30/2014 Notification Time: 15:30 [ET] Event Date: 06/29/2014 Event Time: 17:25 [EDT] Last Update Date: 06/30/2014 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): JAMES NOGGLE (R1DO) FSME EVENTS RESOURCE (EMAI) | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - INABILITY TO RETRACT RADIOGRAPHY SOURCE TO ITS FULLY SHIELDED POSITION The following information was obtained from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania via fax and email: "Event type: Inability to retract radiography source to its fully shielded position. "Notifications: The Department's [Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection] Central Office was informed of this event on June 30, 2014. This event is reportable within 24-hours per 10 CFR 34.101(a)(2) and 10 CFR 30.50(b)(2). "Event Description: A radiographer and his assistant were performing radiography above ground. During an exposure, the magnet holding the guide tube and collimator in place disengaged and the tube fell between some conduit below. This caused a [sharp] bend in the guide tube [which caused] the source to become lodged in place and un-retractable. The RSO was notified. The area was roped off to prevent unauthorized access and a retrieval team was called in to address the situation. At 5:35 am on June 30, 2014 the retrieval team notified the RSO that the source had been fully retracted. Dosimeter readings indicate no workers were exposed above regulatory limits as a result of this event. All badges are currently being sent for emergency readings. "Manufacturer: QSA Global "Model: 880 Delta "Serial Number: 14678C "Isotope: lr-192 "Activity: 70.2 Ci "Cause of the Event: Undetermined at this time "Actions: The camera and all associated equipment used during this event were removed from service and are currently being sent to the manufacturer for evaluation. The department plans a full reactive inspection. More information will be sent upon notification." PA Event Report ID No: PA140013 | Non-Agreement State | Event Number: 50240 | Rep Org: U.S. AIR FORCE Licensee: U.S. AIR FORCE Region: 1 City: ROSSYLN State: VA County: License #: 42-23539-01AF Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: MAJOR EDWARD KELLY HQ OPS Officer: VINCE KLCO | Notification Date: 06/30/2014 Notification Time: 15:33 [ET] Event Date: 05/19/2014 Event Time: [EDT] Last Update Date: 06/30/2014 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 20.2201(a)(1)(ii) - LOST/STOLEN LNM>10X | Person (Organization): BOB HAGAR (R4DO) FSME EVENTS RESOURCE (EMAI) ILTAB (EMAI) MEXICO VIA FAX () | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3 " level of radioactive material. | Event Text LOST NICKEL-63 ION SCAN SOURCE "Originally, an Ionscan 400, S/N 10586, was sent to Smith Detection for repair in October 2011. From that time until May 2014, Security Forces personnel believed that the device was still at Smith Detection awaiting repair. In May 2014, [The Air Force] was able to determine that according to Smith Detection records, following repair, the device had been returned to Lackland AFB in October 2012. Security Forces has no record of receiving the device and no notification that the device had been shipped. Thorough searches of Security Forces storage and use areas have been conducted without finding the device. One theory is that the device was sent to an old address for Security Forces. The building at that address has been searched without finding the device." Ionscan 400 contains a NI-63 source with an activity of 15 milliCi. The Ionscan 400 serial number is 10586. The sealed source and device registry number (SS&DR) associated with the Ionscan 400 is NR-0163-D-801-G. The device is used to screen passengers for hazardous material. The licensee will be notifying the NRC Region IV (Cook). THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1227_web.pdf | Fuel Cycle Facility | Event Number: 50260 | Facility: NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES INC. RX Type: URANIUM FUEL FABRICATION Comments: HEU CONVERSION & SCRAP RECOVERY NAVAL REACTOR FUEL CYCLE LEU SCRAP RECOVERY Region: 2 City: ERWIN State: TN County: UNICOI License #: SNM-124 Agreement: Y Docket: 07000143 NRC Notified By: RANDY SHACKELFORD HQ OPS Officer: CHARLES TEAL | Notification Date: 07/07/2014 Notification Time: 14:50 [ET] Event Date: 10/17/2013 Event Time: 12:15 [EDT] Last Update Date: 07/07/2014 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 70.50(b)(3) - MED TREAT INVOLVING CONTAM | Person (Organization): JONATHAN BARTLEY (R2DO) JACK GUTTMANN (NMSS) FUELS GROUP (EMAI) | Event Text TRANSPORT OF POTENTIALLY CONTAMINATED INDIVIDUALS FOR OFFSITE MEDICAL TREATMENTS "Based on discussions with NRC on 7/7/2014 at 0800 EDT, it was determined that two (2) previous unplanned medical treatment cases should have been reported to the NRC Operations Center. The unplanned medical treatment cases occurred on 10/17/2013 and 10/29/2013 and involved injured and potentially contaminated individuals. The individuals were injured at the NFS facility and transported to local medical facilities. Due to the extent of the injuries, a full survey for potential contamination on the individuals could not be performed prior to being transported to the offsite medical facilities. Due to the inability to perform full surveys, NFS Medical and Radiological Staff, along with the medical facilities, implemented effective contamination control measures prior to the individuals arriving at the medical facilities, preventing the spread of potential contamination. On 10/17/2013 and 10/29/2013, respectively, NFS determined that reports to the NRC Operations Center were not required; however, notification to the NRC should have been made within 24-hours of the potentially contaminated individuals being transported to the medical facilities. Follow-up surveys and analysis by NFS Radiological Control staff did not identify spreadable radioactive contamination on the individuals or the medical facilities. "There were no actual or potential safety consequences to the public or environment. There were no actual or potential safety consequences to the workers involving exposures to radiation or radioactive materials or hazardous chemicals produced from licensed material. "The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector." | Power Reactor | Event Number: 50261 | Facility: OYSTER CREEK Region: 1 State: NJ Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-2 NRC Notified By: JOSHUA MCGUIRE HQ OPS Officer: VINCE KLCO | Notification Date: 07/07/2014 Notification Time: 22:12 [ET] Event Date: 07/07/2014 Event Time: 20:40 [EDT] Last Update Date: 07/07/2014 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(i) - PLANT S/D REQD BY TS 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - ACCIDENT MITIGATION | Person (Organization): ANNE DeFRANCISCO (R1DO) JOHN LUBINSKI (NRR) JEFFERY GRANT (IRD) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 90 | Power Operation | 90 | Power Operation | Event Text TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REQUIRED SHUTDOWN "On July 7, 2014 at approximately [2040 EDT], an issue was discovered with currently removed Electromatic Relief Valves (EMRVs) that calls the operability of the currently installed EMRVs into question. Based on this new information, all 5 of the currently installed EMRVs were conservatively declared inoperable. With the potential of 5 EMRVs inoperable a Technical Specification shutdown is required under Technical Specification 3.4.b, whereby reactor pressure shall be reduced to 110 psig or less within 24 hours. This event is immediately reportable under: "50.72(b)(2)(i), 'The initiation of any nuclear plant shutdown required by the plant's Technical Specifications.' "50.72(b)(3)(v)(D), 'Any event or condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of structures or systems that are needed to: (D) Mitigate the consequences of an accident.'" The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. The licensee will notify the State of New Jersey and issue a press release. | |