AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - SHUTTER FAILURE ON BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES DETECTOR The following report was received via facsimile from the PA Department of Radiation Protection. "Notifications: On Friday January 13, 2012, the licensee sent notification via email after close of business, to the central office about an event that took place on March 18, 2011. This email was received by central office on Tuesday January 17, 2012. It is reportable within 24hours under 10 CFR 30.50(b)(2). "Event Description: On March 18, 2011, a service vendor was at Universal Well Services to perform a change of the iron piping. At that time, they noticed an improper functioning shutter mechanism and it was temporarily fixed. On December 16, 2011, Licensee was inspected by Pennsylvania DEP (Dept. of Environmental Protection). It was found that the shutter on the Berthold Technologies Detector, Serial Number 10072 was replaced on December 15, 2011 with a new shutter Serial Number 10275, permanently fixing the shutter failure. "The device is identified as: Manufacturer: Berthold Technologies USA, LLC; Serial #: 10072 (becoming 10275); Isotope: Cs-137; Activity: 20 mCi. "CAUSE OF THE EVENT: Excessive build-up of debris "ACTIONS: The licensee was directed to make the required notification immediately after receiving an NOV (Notice of Violation) from Pennsylvania DEP dated January 13, 2012 about the shutter failure discovered during an inspection on December 16, 2011." PA Report ID No.: PA110041. |