U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 02/23/2011 - 02/25/2011 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | !!!!! THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RETRACTED. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RETRACTED !!!!! | Power Reactor | Event Number: 46625 | Facility: COMANCHE PEAK Region: 4 State: TX Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] W-4-LP,[2] W-4-LP NRC Notified By: ALEX IBARRA HQ OPS Officer: VINCE KLCO | Notification Date: 02/18/2011 Notification Time: 12:16 [ET] Event Date: 02/18/2011 Event Time: 10:45 [CST] Last Update Date: 02/24/2011 | Emergency Class: UNUSUAL EVENT 10 CFR Section: 50.72(a) (1) (i) - EMERGENCY DECLARED | Person (Organization): VINCENT GADDY (R4DO) ERIC LEEDS (NRR) ELMO COLLINS (R4) WILLIAM GOTT (IRD) KNOX (DHS) BLANKENSHIP (FEMA) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text UNUSUAL EVENT- EXCESSIVE LEAKAGE FROM A CHARGING SYSTEM At 1045 CST, on 2/18/11, Comanche Peak Unit 1 declared an Unusual Event related to excessive leakage from the charging system. The 40 GPM leakage was in excess of the specified limit of 25 GPM. At 1121 CST, the charging system leakage was verified isolated. Unit 1 is in stable condition and remains at 100% power. No offsite assistance is required at this time. * * * UPDATE FROM TERRY MARSH TO DONG PARK AT 1438 EST ON 2/18/11 * * * "At 1311 EST, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant has terminated the Unusual Event. The leaking valve in the charging system has been isolated reducing the leakage to zero. Repairs to the valve are in planning." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. The licensee notified the Texas Department of Public Safety and will be making a press release to the local press. Notified R4DO (Gaddy), IRD (Gott), NRR EO (Thorp), DHS (McDonald) and FEMA (Via). * * * RETRACTION FROM RAY FISHENCORD TO JOHN SHOEMAKER AT 0810 EST ON 2/24/11 * * * "This is a follow-up notification to inform the NRC that Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant is retracting Event Number 46625, the Unusual Event declaration reported on February 18, 2011 at 10:45 Central Standard Time. "The declaration was made based on EAL SU8.1, [Reactor Coolant System] RCS Leakage, and was terminated on February 18, 2011 at 13:11 Central Standard Time. The declaration is retracted because the source of the leakage was from the Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) and not from the Reactor Coolant System." The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Campbell) | Agreement State | Event Number: 46632 | Rep Org: NE DIV OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS Licensee: OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT Region: 4 City: OMAHA State: NE County: License #: 01-39-04 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: JULIA SCHMITT HQ OPS Officer: DONG HWA PARK | Notification Date: 02/20/2011 Notification Time: 22:30 [ET] Event Date: 02/20/2011 Event Time: 08:30 [CST] Last Update Date: 02/20/2011 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): VINCENT GADDY (R4DO) DUNCAN WHITE (FSME) | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - FLY ASH GAUGE SHUTTER FAILURE The licensee uses industrial fixed gauges for measuring densities in fly ash hoppers. The industrial fixed gauges contain a 50 milliCurie Cesium 137 sealed source. The sources were manufactured and installed by Kay Ray, Inc. While the licensee was performing maintenance on the gauges, the remote source closure mechanism on 3 of the gauges did not operate as designed and the shutter did not close when operated by the handle on the floor. The chain that operates the source shutter mechanism 20 feet above the floor was disconnected which allowed the spring loaded shutter to close. No personnel were exposed to radiation during this event. | Agreement State | Event Number: 46635 | Rep Org: COLORADO DEPT OF HEALTH Licensee: NUQUEST PHARMACY Region: 4 City: GRAND JUNCTION State: CO County: License #: 1022-01 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: ED STROUD HQ OPS Officer: PETE SNYDER | Notification Date: 02/22/2011 Notification Time: 15:09 [ET] Event Date: 02/21/2011 Event Time: [MST] Last Update Date: 02/22/2011 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): VIVIAN CAMPBELL (R4DO) DUNCAN WHITE (FSME) | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - PHARMACOLOGICAL PACKAGE WITH SURFACE CONTAMINATION IN EXCESS OF LIMITS The state of Colorado submitted the following information via e-mail: "On 2/21/11, a medical licensee, St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction, Colorado (CO License # 14-03), notified the Department that they received a package containing medical isotopes that was externally contaminated in excess of reporting limits. The package originated from NuQuest Pharmacy (CO License # 1022-01) also located in Grand Junction, Colorado. Hospital staff reported that the package, which contained about 50 millicuries of I-131, was intact but had about 1 microcurie of external contamination present. "Hospital staff immediately notified the RSO at NuQuest who was able to contact their driver and perform contamination surveys, which were negative. NuQuest's RSO conducted an investigation and reported that the driver, who also works at the pharmacy as a helper, is a new employee. The RSO believes that the new employee must have forgotten to change his gloves after handling some I-131 waste, and touched the package before it was loaded into the vehicle. "The RSO stated that he provided additional training to the new employee as a corrective action. Also, as a precaution, the RSO plans to perform a thyroid scan to verify that there was no uptake of I-131 by the new employee. No other details are available at this time." | Power Reactor | Event Number: 46638 | Facility: LASALLE Region: 3 State: IL Unit: [1] [2] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-5,[2] GE-5 NRC Notified By: RUDY CAPUTO HQ OPS Officer: JOHN SHOEMAKER | Notification Date: 02/24/2011 Notification Time: 15:00 [ET] Event Date: 02/24/2011 Event Time: 01:40 [CST] Last Update Date: 02/24/2011 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 26.719 - FITNESS FOR DUTY | Person (Organization): DAVID HILLS (R3DO) JOHN THORP (NRR) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | 2 | N | N | 0 | Refueling | 0 | Refueling | Event Text FITNESS FOR DUTY REPORT INVOLVING A NON-LICENSED CONTRACTOR SUPERVISOR "A non-licensed employee supervisor had a confirmed positive for alcohol during a random fitness-for-duty test. The employee's access to the plant has been suspended. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. "The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector and Don Funk of NRC Region III." | Power Reactor | Event Number: 46639 | Facility: PALO VERDE Region: 4 State: AZ Unit: [1] [2] [3] RX Type: [1] CE,[2] CE,[3] CE NRC Notified By: DEIBERT ELKINTON HQ OPS Officer: JOE O'HARA | Notification Date: 02/24/2011 Notification Time: 17:25 [ET] Event Date: 02/15/2011 Event Time: 16:22 [MST] Last Update Date: 02/24/2011 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 21.21 - UNSPECIFIED PARAGRAPH | Person (Organization): VIVIAN CAMPBELL (R4DO) PART 21 GRP EMAIL () | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | 2 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | 3 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text PART 21 REPORT - MISALIGNED BELL ALARM SWITCH BRACKETS ON 480 VAC CLASS 1E CIRCUIT BREAKERS "The following event description is based on information currently available. The condition is being reported under 10 CFR 21.21(d)(1). "On February 15, 2011, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) completed an evaluation of prior deviations related to the alignment of bell alarm switches that were installed by the manufacturer Asea Brown Boveri / ITE Imperial Company (ABB) on K-600S 480 VAC Class 1E circuit breakers. Had the breakers been placed into service as received, the misaligned bell alarm switch brackets could have prevented the automatic or remote closure of the breakers installed in safety-related applications. The station concluded the deviations were defects that are reportable per 10 CFR 21. The discussion below provides the technical details that were discovered for the bracket misalignments and the circumstances for the breakers in which this condition was identified. "The ABB K-600S breakers contain a protective indication feature related to the overcurrent trip. An overcurrent trip actuates a reset indicator which moves an armature roller away from the bell alarm switch (ABB part number 706747-T07/BBC) to open the alarm switch contact. The alignment of the bell alarm switch bracket affects the range of contact between the bell alarm switch and the reset indicator armature. This alignment is critical because the vibration of breaker closure can cause the switch and the armature to lose contact momentarily to create an unintended 86 lockout and trip the breaker open during the closure sequence. The breaker will not be able to be reclosed until the 86 lockout and the bell alarm switch have been manually reset. This defeats the safety function of the breaker to provide power to the supported component. "When the condition was identified, the station adjusted the bell alarm switch brackets (ABB part number 709827A00) on the breakers to correct the condition. The breakers were inserted into the intended breaker enclosures after further testing. The breakers were not returned to ABB. "The first condition that was known to have been documented in the corrective action program was discovered during pre-service testing that occurred on November 5, 2009 . The breaker had been refurbished by ABB and was accepted by PVNGS Quality Control Receiving on October 2, 2009. A similar condition occurred on October 21, 2010, on a new breaker that was accepted on June 3, 2010. The untimely evaluation and defect reporting have been entered into PVNGS's corrective action program. "This condition has not resulted in any reportable failures of in-service safety-related breakers under 10 CFR 50.73. The extent of this condition has been evaluated under an operability assessment and corrective actions to inspect potentially affected in-service breakers are in progress . "The manufacturer and refurbisher, ABB, has been notified and since has provided tolerance information and instructions for inspection and adjustment of the bracket alignment . "The use of ABB / ITE K600S breakers is common throughout the industry in nuclear safety-related applications. The station is unaware of which other licensee's use the bell alarm switch to actuate an 86 lockout feature. The station has not provided any of these breakers from its own stock to any other licensee. "The PVNGS reporting officer was notified on February 22, 2011." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. | |