U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 06/25/2010 - 06/28/2010 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | Power Reactor | Event Number: 46033 | Facility: COOPER Region: 4 State: NE Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-4 NRC Notified By: THOMAS WALLER HQ OPS Officer: PETE SNYDER | Notification Date: 06/22/2010 Notification Time: 03:26 [ET] Event Date: 06/22/2010 Event Time: 02:06 [CDT] Last Update Date: 06/25/2010 | Emergency Class: UNUSUAL EVENT 10 CFR Section: 50.72(a) (1) (i) - EMERGENCY DECLARED 50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION | Person (Organization): GREG PICK (R4DO) ELMO COLLINS (R4) TIM McGINTY (NRR) ERIC LEEDS (NRR) WILLIAM GOTT (IRD) JOHN KNOX (DHS) ERWIN CASTO (FEMA) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text RIVER WATER LEVEL ABOVE 899 FEET River water level exceeded 899 feet above sea level resulting in the licensee declaring a Notice of Unusual Event at 0206 CDT. The plant continues to operate at 100 percent power. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. * * * UPDATE FROM BARTON CROW TO JOE O'HARA AT 1042 ON 6/22/10 * * * "On 6/22/10 at 0557 Cooper Nuclear Station made a news release concerning the 'Notification of Unusual Event' declared today at 0206 for Missouri River level at 899 feet above sea level. "This is a 4 hour report per 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi) for any event or situation for which a news release has been made that causes heightened public or government concern. State and local agencies were notified by the 'Notification of Unusual Event' declaration. "At 0900 CDT Missouri River level was at 899.35 feet above sea level. "The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector." * * * UPDATE FROM CURTIS MARTIN TO DONG PARK AT 1647 EDT ON 6/25/2010 * * * The Unusual Event was terminated at 1513 CDT. The Missouri River level was at 897.3 feet above sea level and receding. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, the State, local, and other government agencies. Notified the R1DO (Pick), NRR EO (Cunningham), IRD (Morris), DHS (An), and FEMA (Barden). | General Information or Other | Event Number: 46040 | Rep Org: COLORADO DEPT OF HEALTH Licensee: MIDWEST INSPECTION SERVICES, INC. Region: 4 City: GREELEY State: CO County: License #: 902-01 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: MARK DATER HQ OPS Officer: STEVE SANDIN | Notification Date: 06/23/2010 Notification Time: 17:48 [ET] Event Date: 06/11/2010 Event Time: 13:20 [MDT] Last Update Date: 06/23/2010 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): GREG PICK (R4DO) MARK THAGGARD (FSME) | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT INVOLVING A RADIOGRAPHY SOURCE RECOVERY INCIDENT The following information was received from the State of Colorado via fax: "[A Midwest Inspection Services representative] contacted [the State of Colorado] by phone today (6/15/10) and notified [the State of Colorado] that they had an incident at a temp site Friday the 11th of June. "The radiography crew was doing an elevated (18 ft. aprox.) shot and the rope holding up the camera broke and the camera fell (18 ft. aprox.) leaving the source in an exposed position. The radiographer was unable to retract the source back into the camera. The crew roped off the area, and contacted the (RSO) who responded and covered the source with lead shot bags, using a remote device he was able to straighten the guide tube and retract the source. He [RSO] was wearing dual dosimeters, (chest and on shirt sleeve of the hand that he used to straighten the guide tube). The exposure dosimeter on the chest read 20mr/hr and the shirt sleeve dosimeter read 487mr/hr. [The Midwest Inspection Services representative] is gathering final information from interviews with everybody involved and will submit a written report detailing the incident. Guide tube was kinked with the source in an exposed position. Cause was the camera fell aprox. 18 feet when rope broke or came untied. Camera: INC model IR-I00 Source: INC model 32 s/n P264 (Ir-192, 56.74 Ci) Location: DCP Lucerne gas plant, Greeley, Co. Time: 6/11/10 at aprox. 1:20pm | Power Reactor | Event Number: 46045 | Facility: ROBINSON Region: 2 State: SC Unit: [2] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [2] W-3-LP NRC Notified By: CURTIS CASTELL HQ OPS Officer: JOHN KNOKE | Notification Date: 06/24/2010 Notification Time: 21:34 [ET] Event Date: 06/24/2010 Event Time: 14:34 [EDT] Last Update Date: 06/27/2010 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - ACCIDENT MITIGATION | Person (Organization): SCOTT SHAEFFER (R2DO) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 2 | N | N | 0 | Cold Shutdown | 0 | Cold Shutdown | Event Text INSTRUMENT BUSES 3 AND 8 FAILED CAUSING CLOSURE OF RHR VALVES "At 14:34 hours on June 24, 2010, with the unit in MODE 5, Cold Shutdown, with approximately 50% pressurizer level, during Refueling Outage 26, Instrument Buses 3 and 8 unexpectedly de-energized during performance of testing in accordance with procedure OST-163, 'Safety Injection Test and Emergency Diesel Generator Auto Start on Loss of Power and Safety Injection.' The loss of Instrument Buses 3 and 8 occurred during the loss of power and Safety Injection testing of the 'A' Train. "Instrument Buses 3 and 8 are normally powered from Inverter 'B' which is normally supplied by the Train 'B' DC Bus. During the test, it was noted that the power supply to Instrument Buses 3 and 8 had tripped. The cause of the failure of Inverter 'B' is not currently known. The failure of inverter 'B' caused the closure of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Heat Exchanger discharge valve (HCV-758) and the RHR Heat Exchanger bypass valve (FCV-605). "Both trains of RHR continued to operate and reactor coolant system temperature remained in the range of approximately 93 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit. Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-020, 'Loss of Residual Heat Removal (Shutdown Cooling)' was entered. Power was restored to Instrument Buses 3 and 8 by use of the alternate power supply at 14:49 hours. Normal configuration of the RHR system was restored and AOP-020 was exited at 14:51 hours. "Currently Instrument Buses 3 and 8 are being powered from the alternate power supply which causes the associated 'B' EDG to be inoperable due to the inoperability of the automatic load sequencer that starts the associated Service Water and Component Cooling Water pumps. The 'A' EDG is inoperable due to the need to complete required post-maintenance testing. Therefore, both EDGs are currently inoperable. "Both EDGs are currently considered available and are aligned for automatic starting. Both EDGs would be expected to automatically supply their respective buses if a loss of offsite power were to occur. Manual action would be required to start the required loads on the 'B' Train due to the current alignment of the Instrument Buses 3 and 8 on the alternate power supply. "It is expected that the 'B' EDG will be restored to operable status when Inverter 'B' is restored to operable status and realigned to supply Instrument Buses 3 and 8. "The Technical Specifications (TS) Action Statement currently in effect for loss of Inverter 'B' (TS 3.8.8 Condition A) requires initiation of action to restore AC instrument bus sources to OPERABLE status immediately. The actions to restore Inverter 'B' were initiated immediately and are continuing. "This report is being made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D), for any event or condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of structures or systems that are needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident." The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. * * * UPDATE AT 1408 ON 6/27/2010 FROM ASHLEY VALONE TO MARK ABRAMOVITZ * * * "This is a follow-up notification to Event Notification EN #46045 regarding Instrument Buses 3 and 8 that unexpectedly de-energized during performance of testing in accordance with procedure OST-163, 'Safety Injection Test and Emergency Diesel Generator Auto Start on Loss of Power and Safety Injection.' "Power was restored to Instrument Buses 3 and 8 by use of the normal power supply at 08:03 hours on June 27, 2010. Inverter 'B' has been realigned to supply Instrument Buses 3 and 8. The restoration of inverter 'B' has returned the associated 'B' EDG to operable status at 11:09 hours with the return of the automatic load sequencer that starts the associated Service Water and Component Cooling Water pumps. The 'A' EDG continues to be inoperable due to the need to complete required post-maintenance testing. Currently 'A' EDG is considered available and aligned for automatic starting. "The Technical Specifications (TS) Action Statement for loss of Inverter 'B' (TS 3.8.8 Condition A) that requires initiation of action to restore AC instrument bus sources to OPERABLE status immediately was exited at 11:09 hours on June 27, 2010. TS Action Statement for loss of 'B' EDG (TS 3.8.2 Condition B) that requires initiation of action to restore required DG to OPERABLE status immediately was also exited at 11:09 hours on June 27, 2010." The licensee is still investigating the cause of the failure. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R2DO (Shaeffer). | Power Reactor | Event Number: 46046 | Facility: BROWNS FERRY Region: 2 State: AL Unit: [ ] [ ] [3] RX Type: [1] GE-4,[2] GE-4,[3] GE-4 NRC Notified By: MATTHEW RASMUSSEN HQ OPS Officer: MARK ABRAMOVITZ | Notification Date: 06/25/2010 Notification Time: 16:32 [ET] Event Date: 04/27/2010 Event Time: 17:37 [CDT] Last Update Date: 06/25/2010 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.73(a)(1) - INVALID SPECIF SYSTEM ACTUATION | Person (Organization): SCOTT SHAEFFER (R2DO) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 3 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text INVALID GROUP 6 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION "This notification is being made in lieu of a written report under the reporting requirements specified by 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) and 10 CFR 50.73(a)(1) to describe an invalid actuation of a Group 6 containment isolation signal affecting more than one system. "On April 27, 2010, at 1737 hours Central Daylight Time, with Unit 3 operating at 100 percent thermal power, Unit 3 received a Group 6 ventilation system isolation signal during the performance of a maintenance activity on a Unit 3 Reactor/Refuel Zone Radiation Monitor, 3 RM-90-141/143. This resulted in isolation of the reactor and refuel zone ventilation systems, initiation of Standby Gas Treatment system (Trains A, B, and C) and the Control Room Emergency Ventilation system (Train A). "All equipment responded to the Group 6 ventilation system isolation signal in accordance with the plant design. However, during the recovery effort, one of the Unit 3 Reactor Building Ventilation dampers failed to indicate fully closed. Operations personnel verified by inspection that the damper was fully closed. "There were no safety consequences or impact on the health and safety of the public as a result of this event. The event was entered into the Corrective Action Program (CAP) as PER 227125. "From PER 227125, trouble shooting determined a relay coil had been installed upside down when the coils were recently replaced. "The NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been notified." | Power Reactor | Event Number: 46047 | Facility: SAN ONOFRE Region: 4 State: CA Unit: [ ] [2] [3] RX Type: [1] W-3-LP,[2] CE,[3] CE NRC Notified By: CLAY WILLIAMS HQ OPS Officer: MARK ABRAMOVITZ | Notification Date: 06/25/2010 Notification Time: 18:37 [ET] Event Date: 06/25/2010 Event Time: 14:27 [PDT] Last Update Date: 06/25/2010 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION | Person (Organization): GREG PICK (R4DO) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 2 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | 3 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text HAZMAT SPILL REQUIRING OFFSITE NOTIFICATIONS "On Friday, June 25, 2010, at about 1235 PDT, Southern California Edison (SCE) spilled about 25 gallons of Ethanolamine (ETA) while filling the ETA bins from the ETA bulk container. The spill occurred at the SONGS MESA Hazmat pad. Approximately 23 gallons remained inside the hazmat berm; approximately 2 gallons were spilled and contained outside the berm. The SONGS Hazardous Materials personnel are in the process of removing the ETA for disposal. "ETA is used to control secondary side chemistry. "SCE completed notification of the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health, the California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) and the National Response Center (Incident # 945486) by 1427 PDT. "SCE is making this notification in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). "At the time of this report, SONGS Units 2 and 3 are at 100% power. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been notified of this occurrence and will be provided with a copy of this report." | Power Reactor | Event Number: 46048 | Facility: RIVER BEND Region: 4 State: LA Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-6 NRC Notified By: J B KELLEY HQ OPS Officer: DONALD NORWOOD | Notification Date: 06/26/2010 Notification Time: 06:07 [ET] Event Date: 06/25/2010 Event Time: 20:24 [CDT] Last Update Date: 06/26/2010 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - ACCIDENT MITIGATION | Person (Organization): GREG PICK (R4DO) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 97 | Power Operation | 97 | Power Operation | Event Text HPCS INOPERABLE "At 2024 CDT on 6/25/2010, HVR-UC5, HPCS [High Pressure Core Spray] Pump Room Cooler was secured due to high vibration reported [by the] field operator [which was caused by] rubbing on the fan motor shroud. The HPCS system remains available for auto initiation but inoperable due to securing the support equipment." The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. | |