U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 03/31/2008 - 04/01/2008 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | General Information or Other | Event Number: 44098 | Rep Org: CALIFORNIA RADIATION CONTROL PRGM Licensee: U.R.S. CORPORATION Region: 4 City: SAN JOSE State: CA County: License #: 3518 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: KENT PRENDERGAST HQ OPS Officer: BILL HUFFMAN | Notification Date: 03/26/2008 Notification Time: 14:48 [ET] Event Date: 03/25/2008 Event Time: [PDT] Last Update Date: 03/26/2008 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): VINCENT GADDY (R4) MICHELE BURGESS (FSME) ILTAB VIA E-MAIL () MEXICO VIA FAX () | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE - CALIFORNIA - STOLEN TROXLER GAUGE The State provided the following information via email: "On March 25, 2008, a Troxler M/D gauge, Model 3411, Serial Number 6520 was stolen from a URS company pick up truck during the evening. According to the RSO, the gauge was stolen from inside a locked container, which was stored in a locked camper shell, within a locked gated garage at the employees residence. The employee had taken the gauge to his residence in preparation for an early morning job. The density gauge was stated to contain approximately 9 mCi of Cesium 137 and 44 mCi of Americium 241. " CA Report #032608 THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. | Fuel Cycle Facility | Event Number: 44104 | Facility: NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES INC. RX Type: URANIUM FUEL FABRICATION Comments: HEU CONVERSION & SCRAP RECOVERY NAVAL REACTOR FUEL CYCLE LEU SCRAP RECOVERY Region: 2 City: ERWIN State: TN County: UNICOI License #: SNM-124 Agreement: Y Docket: 07000143 NRC Notified By: RANDY SHAKELFORD HQ OPS Officer: JEFF ROTTON | Notification Date: 03/28/2008 Notification Time: 15:25 [ET] Event Date: 03/28/2008 Event Time: 10:00 [EDT] Last Update Date: 03/28/2008 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: PART 70 APP A (b)(2) - LOSS OR DEGRADED SAFETY ITEMS | Person (Organization): JAY HENSON (R2) BRIAN SMITH (NMSS) | Event Text FILTERS NOT SCANNED PROPERLY FOR ACTIVITY PRIOR TO PACKAGING "Some contaminated cartridge filters were placed/packaged in two (2) 55-gallon drums based on nominal values of U-235 content as opposed to measured values (i.e., some filters were not measured by the segmented scanning system). "The control system is the scanning of the contaminated filters [individually]. The deficiency was the failure to scan the filters [individually] prior to placing the filters into drums. [Filters packaged in drums are required to be NDA scanned prior to packaging. This is an item relied on for safety (IROFS). Not scanning some filters was a degradation of an IROFS.] "Written instructions were issued to operations personnel to package contaminated processing cartridge filters. The instructions indicated that the filters had been previously scanned and the U mass values were listed in an attachment to the instructions. However, some of the filters were not scanned, and instead were assigned nominal U-235 mass values. Nominal values are based on process history. Nuclear Criticality Safety required each filter to be scanned prior to being loaded/packaged into drums. Approval of the instructions was based on the implication that all of the cartridge filters had been scanned. "The two (2) drums were scanned to confirm the total U-235 mass in each drum. The activity to package the filters has been suspended until additional corrective actions can be completed. "The criticality safety significance is low due to the low U-235 mass values for each filter in addition to the low total U-235 mass for each drum [less than 350 grams U-235 process limit]. In addition, the nominal U-235 values are based on historical records and provide a good estimate of the U-235 content. "Initial activities to inspect the filters and the use of nominal values prevented the drum limits from being exceeded. "There were no actual or potential safety consequences to workers, the public, or the environment." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. | Power Reactor | Event Number: 44108 | Facility: GINNA Region: 1 State: NY Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] W-2-LP NRC Notified By: KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN HQ OPS Officer: HOWIE CROUCH | Notification Date: 03/31/2008 Notification Time: 10:50 [ET] Event Date: 03/31/2008 Event Time: 08:00 [EDT] Last Update Date: 03/31/2008 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION | Person (Organization): JOHN CARUSO (R1) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text OFFSITE NOTIFICATION DUE TO MINOR GAS SPILL "At or about 0800 on 3/31/08 it was reported that a petroleum sheen was observed in the parking lot headed for the creek. Upon investigation from the responding spill team and Maintenance, the source of the sheen was found to be coming from an employee's vehicle. It was a very minor drip of petroleum (less than 1/2 cup) that was pushed by the rain to the soil and storm catch basin. A boom was put in place to avoid the sheen from entering the creek. The parking lot and soil were cleaned and a catch device was placed under the vehicle. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) - Avon Spill Unit- was notified and assigned spill number 0751599 to the event. No further action is required." The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. | Power Reactor | Event Number: 44109 | Facility: OCONEE Region: 2 State: SC Unit: [ ] [2] [ ] RX Type: [1] B&W-L-LP,[2] B&W-L-LP,[3] B&W-L-LP NRC Notified By: RICHARD TODD HQ OPS Officer: STEVE SANDIN | Notification Date: 03/31/2008 Notification Time: 17:11 [ET] Event Date: 03/31/2008 Event Time: 13:52 [EDT] Last Update Date: 03/31/2008 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) - VALID SPECIF SYS ACTUATION 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - ACCIDENT MITIGATION | Person (Organization): JAY HENSON (R2) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 2 | A/R | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 0 | Hot Standby | Event Text AUTOMATIC REACTOR TRIP ON TURBINE TRIP DURING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES "Event: At 1352 hours, Unit 2 experienced a Reactor Trip due to a turbine trip. The indicated cause was low condenser vacuum. The exact cause is still under investigation but is believed to be related to a maintenance procedure in progress on the condenser vacuum instrumentation. Post-trip response was normal. Auxiliary power transferred to the start-up source (switchyard) as expected. Main Feedwater was not affected so there was no demand for Emergency Feedwater. A second High Pressure Injection pump was manually started per procedure to maintain Pressurizer level indication on scale. This is a routine action to compensate for post-trip RCS temperature and volume changes. "In an apparently unrelated event, Keowee Hydro Units (KHU) 1 and 2 were shutdown from commercial operation at approximately 1425 hours. During the shutdown, the KHU 1 output breaker failed to open as expected and KHU 1 was manually locked out. The lockout removed both the Overhead and Underground Power Paths from service, making on-site emergency power unavailable to all three Oconee units. Per Tech Specs, a gas turbine unit at Lee Steam Station was started and used to energize the Oconee Standby Bus at 1518 hours. "Initial Safety Significance: There is little or no safety significance to the Unit trip. The subsequent KHU 1 lockout removed both the Overhead and Underground Power Paths from service, making on-site emergency power unavailable until the Lee gas turbine was aligned. There was no demand for the Keowee emergency power function during either event. "Corrective Action(s): Investigations are in progress as to the cause of the Reactor Trip and the KHU 1 lock out. Alignment of KHU 2 to the underground is currently on hold, pending evaluation of the problem which led to the KHU 1 lockout." All control rods fully inserted with decay heat being removed via the turbine bypass valves. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. | Power Reactor | Event Number: 44111 | Facility: PERRY Region: 3 State: OH Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-6 NRC Notified By: ROBERT KIDDER HQ OPS Officer: STEVE SANDIN | Notification Date: 03/31/2008 Notification Time: 19:18 [ET] Event Date: 03/31/2008 Event Time: 15:50 [EDT] Last Update Date: 03/31/2008 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION | Person (Organization): RICHARD SKOKOWSKI (R3) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text OFFSITE NOTIFICATION TO OHIO EPA CONCERNING NON-COMPLIANCE WITH HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL REQUIREMENTS "At 1550 hours, a self identification call was made to the State of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), offices in Columbus, Ohio to inform them of the recent discovery of non-compliance issues relating to the accumulation, storage, and shipment (i.e., 90 days to ship) of hazardous waste (reference 40 CFR 261, 'Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste'). Guidance was requested from the state EPA for remediation and reporting of the condition. The Perry Nuclear Power Plant personnel were advised by the Ohio EPA to properly identify, package and ship the waste as soon as possible. The waste consists of three drums of floor grinding waste generated during the resurfacing of the Auxiliary Building floor in 2005, and approximately 100 bags of miscellaneous trash generated during disassembly of plant equipment in 2007. This issue was discovered during activities to prepare the waste for shipment off site. The waste will be shipped per the direction of the Ohio EPA and an out-of-cycle hazardous waste annual report will be made to the Ohio EPA. "This report is being made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi) as an event or situation related to the protection of the environment for which a notification to another government agency has been made. The resident inspector has been notified." The hazardous material contains low level rad waste. | |