U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 12/03/2007 - 12/04/2007 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | General Information or Other | Event Number: 43545 | Rep Org: FLORIDA BUREAU OF RADIATION CONTROL Licensee: UNKNOWN Region: 1 City: FT. LAUDERDALE State: FL County: License #: Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: STEVE FURNACE HQ OPS Officer: STEVE SANDIN | Notification Date: 08/02/2007 Notification Time: 12:40 [ET] Event Date: 08/02/2007 Event Time: [EDT] Last Update Date: 12/03/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): JOHN WHITE (R1) MICHELE BURGESS (FSME) ILTAB via email () | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text TEN TRITIUM EXIT SIGNS STOLEN FROM CONSTRUCTION SITE The following information was received via fax: "Hotel under construction in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Ten exit signs containing tritium were stolen. Owner contacting police and is searching for items. No further action will be taken on this incident." The exit signs are general licensed material, model number SLXTURW10, manufactured by Forever Light, Inc. Each sign contains 7.09 Curies tritium. The signs were installed Saturday, 7/28, and noticed missing yesterday, 8/1. Florida Incident No.: FL07-116 *** UPDATE FROM STEVE FURNACE TO HOWIE CROUCH AT 1047 ON 12/03/07 *** During clean up of the construction site storage area, all ten exit signs were found and are in the possession of the building contractor. Notified FSME EO (Morrell), R1DO (Rogge) and ILTAB via email. THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. | Fuel Cycle Facility | Event Number: 43806 | Facility: BWX TECHNOLOGIES, INC. RX Type: URANIUM FUEL FABRICATION Comments: HEU FABRICATION & SCRAP Region: 2 City: LYNCHBURG State: VA County: CAMPBELL License #: SNM-42 Agreement: N Docket: 070-27 NRC Notified By: BARRY COLE HQ OPS Officer: JOHN KNOKE | Notification Date: 11/26/2007 Notification Time: 14:31 [ET] Event Date: 11/22/2007 Event Time: 15:47 [EST] Last Update Date: 11/26/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: PART 70 APP A (c) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION/NEWS REL | Person (Organization): JAY HENSON (R2) MICHELL BURGESS (FSME) FUELS OUO email () | Event Text OFFSITE NEWS PRESS RELEASE "This concurrent report is being made to the NRC as a result of a media inquiry from [a reporter] of the Virginian Pilot for an article concerning the closure of Barnwell and its impact on the BWXT operations. The Virginian Pilot is a newspaper in the Hampton Roads, Virginian area. The information was provided to [the reporter] by [Deleted], BWXT's Communications Specialist." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. | General Information or Other | Event Number: 43811 | Rep Org: ARIZONA RADIATION REGULATORY AGENCY Licensee: UNKNOWN Region: 4 City: GLENDALE State: AZ County: License #: Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: AUBRY GODWIN HQ OPS Officer: PETE SNYDER | Notification Date: 11/28/2007 Notification Time: 15:22 [ET] Event Date: 11/27/2007 Event Time: 18:11 [MST] Last Update Date: 11/28/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): GREG PICK (R4) DENNIS RATHBUN (FSME) ILTAB (e-mail) () MEXICO () | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL FOUND AT A SCHOOL The Agreement State submitted the following information via e-mail: "At approximately 6:11 PM November 27, 2007, the Agency was informed that the Washington Elementary School District had found some radioactive material and had called the Glendale Fire Department. The material was found when the District was cleaning out some chemicals. The Glendale and Phoenix Fire Departments responded and they detected radiation with their instrumentation. At that point the Agency was contacted. "The radioactive material was identified as radium 226 and read 220 microrad at 3 inches from the container. Wipes and alpha surveys checks made in field were negative. Laboratory results pending. Based on the radiation reading at 3 inches, we estimate that a total of between 0.5 to 5 microcuries of radium may be present. The material was secured until a waste broker can remove it. The form of the radium was not determined. "The [Arizona Regulatory] Agency continues to investigate this event." Arizona Report First Notice Number: 07-013 THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. This source is not amongst those sources or devices identified by the IAEA Code of Conduct for the Safety & Security of Radioactive Sources to be of concern from a radiological standpoint. Therefore is it being categorized as a less than Category 3 source | General Information or Other | Event Number: 43812 | Rep Org: FLORIDA BUREAU OF RADIATION CONTROL Licensee: RONAN, INC Region: 1 City: MIAMI State: FL County: License #: Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: STEVE FURNACE HQ OPS Officer: JEFF ROTTON | Notification Date: 11/29/2007 Notification Time: 16:13 [ET] Event Date: 11/29/2007 Event Time: [EST] Last Update Date: 11/29/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): JOHN ROGGE (R1) GREG MORELL (FSME) ILTAB (VIA EMAIL) () | This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. | Event Text FLORIDA AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - RECOVERED SEALED SOURCES "[CVG Inc. employee] states that a crate with radioactive symbology is in a warehouse [rented by his company]. [CVG Inc. employee] wants to dispose of it and has asked the state for assistance. He suspects the crate has been there since 1995. Miami inspection office will investigate. A Venezuela company (CVG Inc.) ordered the two sources from Ronan Inc. out of Florence, Ky in 1995. Ronan was contacted and will arrange pick up and return to Kentucky after satisfactory wipe tests and updating paper work. No further action will be taken on this incident." Investigation determined that the crate contained two RONAN Inc. Cs-137 sources, 300 millicuries each, serial numbers 1535 GK and 1536 GK. The sources were scheduled to be shipped to Venezuela in 1995, but the Captain of the shipping vessel in 1995 refused to accept the radioactive material shipment. FL Incident Number: FL07-184 THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. This source is not amongst those sources or devices identified by the IAEA Code of Conduct for the Safety & Security of Radioactive Sources to be of concern from a radiological standpoint. Therefore is it being categorized as a less than Category 3 source | Power Reactor | Event Number: 43820 | Facility: PRAIRIE ISLAND Region: 3 State: MN Unit: [1] [2] [ ] RX Type: [1] W-2-LP,[2] W-2-LP NRC Notified By: TYLER GREENFIELD HQ OPS Officer: JOE O'HARA | Notification Date: 12/03/2007 Notification Time: 15:58 [ET] Event Date: 12/03/2007 Event Time: 11:45 [CST] Last Update Date: 12/03/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION | Person (Organization): JULIO LARA (R3) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | 2 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text OFFSITE NOTIFICATION DUE TO INADVERTENT SIREN ACTUATION "At approximately 1145 CST, on December 3, 2007, the Dakota County Sheriff's office inadvertently activated the Dakota County sirens during the conduct of a silent siren test. The licensee was notified of the siren activation by the siren contractor for the county. Seven of the 117 sirens in the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) were activated for approximately one to one and one-half minutes. No press release is planned by Xcel Energy or the Dakota County Sheriff's office. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector was notified." | Power Reactor | Event Number: 43821 | Facility: VOGTLE Region: 2 State: GA Unit: [1] [2] [ ] RX Type: [1] W-4-LP,[2] W-4-LP NRC Notified By: TONY PARTON HQ OPS Officer: JOE O'HARA | Notification Date: 12/03/2007 Notification Time: 17:58 [ET] Event Date: 12/03/2007 Event Time: 12:00 [EST] Last Update Date: 12/03/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 26.73 - FITNESS FOR DUTY | Person (Organization): JOEL MUNDAY (R2) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | 2 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text FITNESS FOR DUTY - POSITIVE TEST FOR ALCOHOL DURING RANDOM EXAMINATION A non-licensed supervisor in the corporate office had a confirmed positive test for alcohol during a random examination. The employee's access to the plant has been restricted. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. | Power Reactor | Event Number: 43823 | Facility: COOPER Region: 4 State: NE Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-4 NRC Notified By: FRED SCHIZAS HQ OPS Officer: JOE O'HARA | Notification Date: 12/03/2007 Notification Time: 23:31 [ET] Event Date: 12/03/2007 Event Time: 20:51 [CST] Last Update Date: 12/03/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - ACCIDENT MITIGATION | Person (Organization): MICHAEL HAY (R4) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text ACCIDENT MITIGATION - CREFS INOPERABLE "On 03 DEC 07 at 2051, following a review of notification CR-CNS-2007-08237 [written for a degraded condition on the field wiring on the motor for HV-FAN-BF-C-1B - the control room HVAC exhaust booster fan, and a physical inspection of the motor itself], it was determined that reasonable assurance that CREFS would fulfill its safety function could not be established. "The CREFS system was inoperable at the time for the purpose of planned maintenance and the condition was discovered during the performance of that planned maintenance. "HV-FAN-BF-C-1B is normally in operation at all times and was operating prior to being secured for the planned CREFS maintenance window. "This fan is a required support feature for the control room emergency filtration system (CREFS) at CNS. This is a single train system and per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) an 8 hour report is required due to the fact that at the time of discovery this condition could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of an SSC that is required to mitigate the consequences of an accident." The licensee is in a 7 day shutdown LCO 3.7.4 Condition A. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. | |