AGREEMENT STATE REPORT - STUCK RADIOGRAPHY SOURCE A representative from the State of Kansas contacted the NRC Operations Center to report a stuck radiography source. The source is stuck at Chanute Manufacturing Shop, 1700 South Washington Street, Chanute, Kansas. The company has a radiography shop and was performing a radiography shot of a drum when the guide tube stand fell approximately 2 feet and kinked the guide tube while retracting the source. The camera is an Amersham Model 880 with less than 100 Curies of Ir-192. The licensee reports the source is "stuck good". A 1 Mr/hr boundary has been established, and the area is secured. The state is unsure how far the source is from its fully retracted storage location. The licensee is attempting to locate a recovery team, and the State of Kansas is requesting assistance in locating a recovery team. At 1110 EDT, the State of Kansas called back to report that the licensee has made arrangements with QSA Global of Boston, MA to come to the site today and recover the source. * * * UPDATE ON 08/27/07 AT 1034 EDT FROM DAVID WHITFILL TO MACKINNON * * * QSA arrived on 08/25/07 and completed recovery operations at 2017 CDT on 08/25/07. Highest dose received by a QSA person during recovery operations was 50 millirems as measured by an ion chamber detector. R4DO (R. Nease) and FSME (C. Flannery) notified. |