U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 05/18/2007 - 05/21/2007 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | !!!!! THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RETRACTED. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RETRACTED !!!!! | Hospital | Event Number: 43362 | Rep Org: SENTARA CAREPLEX HOSPITAL Licensee: SENTARA CAREPLEX HOSPITAL Region: 1 City: HAMPTON State: VA County: License #: 45-09087-01 Agreement: N Docket: NRC Notified By: SANDY WOLFF HQ OPS Officer: JOHN MacKINNON | Notification Date: 05/14/2007 Notification Time: 08:48 [ET] Event Date: 04/17/2007 Event Time: 12:00 [EDT] Last Update Date: 05/18/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 20.2201(a)(1)(ii) - LOST/STOLEN LNM>10X | Person (Organization): PAT FINNEY (R1) GREG MORELL (FSME) | Event Text PATIENTS THYROID CONTAINING 200 MICROCURIES OF IODINE-131 INADVERTENTLY SHIPPED FROM HOSPITAL On March 30, 2007 a patient was given 5 millicuries of Iodine-131 to his thyroid. On April 2, 2007 the patients thyroid was removed and processed by the Lab. The thyroid was kept by the Sentara CarePlex Hospital located in Hampton, VA for 2 weeks in case there were pathology questions. On either April 16 or 17, 2007 the thyroid was sent to Stericycle Autoclave Facility located in Baltimore, MD. Stericycle Autoclave Facility, received the thyroid on April 17, 2007 and discovered that the thyroid was still radioactive. Sentara CarePlex was informed of this and they contacted one of their contractor RSOs. The RSO picked up the thyroid and has stored it for future disposition. The thyroid was calculated to have 200 microcuries of Iodine-131 as of April 17, 2007. * * * RETRACTION FROM SANDY WOLFF TO JOE O'HARA AT 1601 ON 5/18/07 * * * Sandy Wolff, a Radiation Safety Officer for Sentara, spoke to Sandy Gabriel, NRC Region I and was told that this is not a reportable event. Since the administration of the radionuclide was not intended to remove the patients thyroid gland, Ms. Wolff was told that the licensee is not expected to keep track of the removed organ. Notified R1DO (Perry) and Cynthia Flannery (FSME). | General Information or Other | Event Number: 43370 | Rep Org: VARFLEX CORPORATION Licensee: VARFLEX CORPORATION Region: 1 City: ROME State: NY County: License #: Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: WARREN WILLIAMS HQ OPS Officer: JASON KOZAL | Notification Date: 05/18/2007 Notification Time: 11:07 [ET] Event Date: 05/18/2007 Event Time: [EDT] Last Update Date: 05/18/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 21.21 - UNSPECIFIED PARAGRAPH | Person (Organization): NEIL PERRY (R1) CHRISTINE LIPA (R3) PART 21 GROUP () | Event Text ELECTRICAL INSULATING SLEEVING HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED FOR UL FLAMMABILITY COMPLIANCE The licensee provided the following information via facsimile: "Since 1999, our customer, Transco Products Inc., Chicago IL, has purchased items of electrical insulating sleeving (natural Varglas Silicone Resin 500 Sleeving Class H-A-1) in various sizes from us with the requirements that they be UL recognized for 200 degrees C, 600 volt service and that they comply with ULs VW-1 flammability requirements to be accomplished by a Certificate of Conformance attesting to those points. "Although this sleeving's UL recognition for 200 degrees C, 600 volt service is covered under UL File E63450, and is not recognized for complying with the type VW-1 flammability classification under File E63450, the material was certified to Transco's purchase orders. "Transco's customer is Exelon Corporation, Chicago, IL. "However, although the above product has not been submitted to, nor has it been recognized by, UL for compliance to its VW-1 flammability requirements, Varflex tests, done in complete accordance with ULs VW-1 Test procedures, indicate the product does qualify for UL recognition and, therefore, does not create a substantial safety hazard. "UL recognition will be pursued." | Power Reactor | Event Number: 43374 | Facility: HATCH Region: 2 State: GA Unit: [ ] [2] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-4,[2] GE-4 NRC Notified By: ANDY DISMUKE HQ OPS Officer: JOE O'HARA | Notification Date: 05/18/2007 Notification Time: 19:37 [ET] Event Date: 05/18/2007 Event Time: 17:45 [EDT] Last Update Date: 05/18/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - ACCIDENT MITIGATION | Person (Organization): DAVID AYRES (R2) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 2 | N | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 100 | Power Operation | Event Text INOPERABLE HPCI PUMP "While investigating an oil leak on the HPCI oil piping, the reservoir level was determined to be higher than expected. Further investigation led to the discovery of water in the HPCI oil system. The quantity of water in the oil was sufficient to impede normal HPCI operation. Therefore, HPCI was declared inoperable." The licensee noticed an oil leak while conducting routine plant rounds. When the operator investigated the oil leak further, he noticed the oil level in the reservoir was higher than expected. The licensee is investigating the source of the water but they believe the seal leak-off line may be clogged. The licensee plans to drain down, flush the system, refill and run the pump for operability determination by the afternoon of 5/19/07. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. | Power Reactor | Event Number: 43375 | Facility: COOPER Region: 4 State: NE Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-4 NRC Notified By: ROY GILES HQ OPS Officer: BILL HUFFMAN | Notification Date: 05/19/2007 Notification Time: 05:26 [ET] Event Date: 05/19/2007 Event Time: 02:12 [CDT] Last Update Date: 05/19/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) - VALID SPECIF SYS ACTUATION | Person (Organization): RUSSELL BYWATER (R4) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | M/R | Y | 50 | Power Operation | 0 | Hot Shutdown | Event Text MANUAL REACTOR TRIP DUE TO CONTROL ROD HCU VALVE BONNET LEAK INTO REACTOR BUILDING "On the evening of 5/10/2007, Cooper began a scheduled down power to accomplish required preventive and corrective maintenance, including replacement of directional control valves on three control rod drive (CRD) hydraulic control units (HCU). HCU 26-27 was hydraulically isolated for maintenance. The plant was in a single recirculation loop configuration to perform corrective maintenance on 'A' Recirculation Motor Generator. A single reactor feed pump was in operation for corrective maintenance to the 'A' Reactor Feed Pump lube oil system. "At approximately 0025 CDT on 5/19/2007 reports from the field indicated that a small water leak had developed from the body to bonnet seal of CRD-V-122 for HCU 26-27. The manual isolation valves for the HCU were already closed to isolate the maintenance area. However, due to seat leakage past one or both of the manual isolation valves, the leakage continued and degraded to the point that a visible plume of steam was issuing from the valve. Further, high airborne activity level developed in the vicinity of the HCU bank in the Reactor Building. As a precaution, the Control Room supervisor (CRS) evacuated the Reactor Building at 0125 CDT. "At 0200 CDT, the CRS entered the station reactor scram procedure and performed the preparation steps of transferring electrical loads to the startup transformer. At 0212 CDT, the reactor was manually scrammed. All rods inserted normally. A Group 2 containment isolation signal was received on low reactor water level at 3". During the recovery, the remaining reactor feed pump was manually tripped at 50" in accordance with station procedures due to high RPV level conditions. " 'B' RFP was restarted when conditions permitted and is being used to control RPV level. RPV pressure is being controlled by the bypass valves rejecting heat to the main condenser. "This report is being submitted pursuant to 50.72 (2)(iv) for a critical scram and specified system actuation for the Group 2 containment isolation. "Currently, the leak into the Reactor Building has stopped. Radiological conditions are being assessed and a repair and recovery plan developed. "The Senior Resident Inspector has been informed." The scram was characterized as uncomplicated and all systems functioned as required. No personnel contaminations or off-site releases occurred due to the HCU valve leak. | Power Reactor | Event Number: 43376 | Facility: GRAND GULF Region: 4 State: MS Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] GE-6 NRC Notified By: ERNEST MATHES HQ OPS Officer: JOHN KNOKE | Notification Date: 05/19/2007 Notification Time: 16:15 [ET] Event Date: 05/19/2007 Event Time: 11:27 [CDT] Last Update Date: 05/19/2007 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) - VALID SPECIF SYS ACTUATION | Person (Organization): RUSSELL BYWATER (R4) | Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode | 1 | A/R | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 0 | Hot Shutdown | Event Text REACTOR SCRAM DUE TO TURBINE TRIP ON LOSS OF CONDENSER VACUUM "Grand Gulf scrammed at 11:27 on 5/19/07 due to Turbine trip caused by loss of vacuum (believed to be from condenser neck seal). All safety systems responded as required. All control rods inserted. No ECCS systems were required to initiate. Reactor vessel level 3 was reached and both divisions of isolation logic initiated. All associated valves already closed (normal lineup). "Present condition is Mode 3 and reactor pressure is 250 psig. Cooldown is in progress." No relief valves lifted as a result of the scram. Decay heat was initially removed via bypass valves to condenser. The plant then shifted to decay heat removal via drains and SRV's. Suppression pool temperature is 80 degrees and available if required. Offsite power is available and all emergency systems are available if needed. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. | |