U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Reports For 10/30/2003 - 10/31/2003 ** EVENT NUMBERS ** | General Information or Other | Event Number: 40279 | Rep Org: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Licensee: LONGVIEW INSPECTION Region: 4 City: ODESSA State: TX County: License #: L01774-012 Agreement: Y Docket: NRC Notified By: JIM OGDEN HQ OPS Officer: RICH LAURA | Notification Date: 10/27/2003 Notification Time: 11:59 [ET] Event Date: 10/18/2003 Event Time: [CST] Last Update Date: 10/27/2003 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: AGREEMENT STATE | Person (Organization): TROY PRUETT (R4) THGOMAS ESSIG (NMSS) | Event Text TEXAS AGREEMENT STATE REPORT ON LOST/FOUND RADIOGRAPHY CAMERA "Radiographic exposure device (Camera) was left unsecure on the tailgate of a company pickup truck before departing Licensee's local site enroute to the work site at: Huntsman Polymers, 2400 South Grandview Avenue, Odessa, Texas 79766. The Radiographer Trainer, (deleted), and his Trainee enter into conversation with another company employee and failed to block and brace the device or to secure the device to their truck. They drove out of the shop area and onto the street in front of the office. Approximately 100 yards from the office, the device fell off the tailgate and onto the service road. Approximately 10 minutes later, an NDT customer enroute to the Licensee's facility came by and noticed the camera in the road. He recovered the device and transported it to the Licensee's Odessa office. The crew was notified by cell phone and returned to the shop. The camera is an Industrial Nuclear Company, Model IR-100 exposure device, Serial No. 4318, containing 80 curies of iridium 192. The camera was surveyed for external damage and radiation at the shop. No external damage was noted and the results of the radiation survey revealed radiation levels that were the same as when the device had initially been surveyed that day. The exposure device was taken to a safe location, attached to associated equipment and operated to determine if the device had suffered internal damage. No damage was noted as the device operated perfectly. The device was leak tested. Results of this test have not been returned to the company as of October 27, 2003. As corrective action both the Radiographer Trainer and the Trainee have received a written warning under the Licensee's disciplinary policy. Both individuals will be required to participate in several radiation safety programs and be re-tested. The Trainee will be require to attend another 40-hour radiation safety class in December 2003. The Licensee is being cited for: failure to physically secure radioactive material; and failure to make an immediate (24-hour) notice to this Agency. In addition, the Radiographer Trainer will also be cited for failure to secure the device. Escalated Enforcement actions have been recommended which will include assessment of an Administrative penalty for the Licensee." | General Information or Other | Event Number: 40284 | Rep Org: PENNSYLVANIA DOT Licensee: PENNSYLVANIA DOT Region: 1 City: CONNELLSVILLE State: PA County: FAYETTE License #: Agreement: N Docket: NRC Notified By: DAVE WHITLATCH HQ OPS Officer: STEVE SANDIN | Notification Date: 10/30/2003 Notification Time: 11:40 [ET] Event Date: 10/30/2003 Event Time: 11:00 [EST] Last Update Date: 10/30/2003 | Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: INFORMATION ONLY | Person (Organization): DAVID SILK (R1) LINDA PSYK (NMSS) | Event Text POTENTIAL DAMAGE TO TROXLER DENSITY GAUGE AT A CONSTRUCTION SITE At approximately 1100 EST on 10/30/03, the Penn DOT representative reported that a Troxler Density gauge at a construction site located at Route 201 in Connellsville (Fayette county), was run over. The extent of damage is unknown at this time although the case was reported as cracked. The contractor who possesses the device, TRIAD out of Morgantown, WV, has dispatched a technician to the site to assess the damage. The recovery will be overseen by a Penn DOT construction inspector on the scene. Penn DOT will inform the U.S. DOT (National Response Center) and their Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA). * * * * UPDATE FROM R. SIMAR TO M. RIPLEY 1345 ET 10/30/03 * * * * The RSO for Triad Engineering, owner of the gauge, reported that he and a representative from the County HAZMAT Team have performed radiation surveys and have determined that the gauge is not leaking. The RSO stated that a representative from the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will also be arriving to perform a survey. Following this survey the RSO will package the gauge and transport it to Triad's facility. Notified R1DO (D. Silk) and NMSS EO (L. Psyk). * * * * UPDATE FROM R. SIMAR TO M. RIPLEY 1519 ET 10/30/03 * * * * The RSO for Triad Engineering reported that the State DEP has completed their radiation survey and that the gauge has been packaged for transport to Triad's facility. Notified R1DO (D. Silk) and NMSS EO (L. Psyk). | |