Event Notification Report for May 9, 2002

                    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                              Operations Center

                              Event Reports For
                           05/08/2002 - 05/09/2002

                              ** EVENT NUMBERS **

38901  38906  
|General Information or Other                     |Event Number:   38901       |
|LICENSEE:                                       |NOTIFICATION TIME: 13:58[EDT]|
|    CITY:  DENVER                   REGION:  4  |EVENT DATE:        04/03/2002|
|  COUNTY:  ARAPAHOE                  STATE:  CO |EVENT TIME:             [MDT]|
|LICENSE#:                        AGREEMENT:  Y  |LAST UPDATE DATE:  05/06/2002|
|  DOCKET:                                       |+----------------------------+
|                                                |PERSON          ORGANIZATION |
|                                                |MARK SHAFFER         R4      |
|                                                |DOUG BROADDUS        NMSS    |
+------------------------------------------------+                             |
| NRC NOTIFIED BY:  TIM G. BONZER                |                             |
|  HQ OPS OFFICER:  GERRY WAIG                   |                             |
+------------------------------------------------+                             |
|EMERGENCY CLASS:          NON EMERGENCY         |                             |
|10 CFR SECTION:                                 |                             |
|NAGR                     AGREEMENT STATE        |                             |
|                                                |                             |
|                                                |                             |
|                                                |                             |
|                                                |                             |

                                   EVENT TEXT                                   
|                                                                              |
| On April 3, 2002, it was identified that a radiographer had received a total |
| occupational exposure of 5.227 Rem Total Effective Dose Equivalent for the   |
| monitoring period of January 1, 2001 through December 31,  2001.             |
|                                                                              |
| While compiling Occupational Exposure Reports it was determined that the     |
| dose received by a radiographer was in excess of the limits allowed by RH    |
| The Corporate Radiation Safety Department then notified the       |
| Denver Lab Manager of the findings. Exposure records have been reviewed to   |
| verify the accuracy of the reported exposure. It has been determined that    |
| the reported total is accurate as stated.                                    |
|                                                                              |
| The radiographer received an exposure of 5.227 Rem Deep Dose Equivalent, and |
| 5.157 Rem Shallow Dose Equivalent for the period of January 1, 2001 through  |
| December 31, 2001.                                                           |
|                                                                              |
| Throughout the monitoring period the radiographer worked at various          |
| jobsites. The isotope utilized to perform the radiography was Iridium 192.   |
| Varying curie strengths from 10 curies to 100 curies were used  throughout   |
| the year.                                                                    |
|                                                                              |
| The root cause of the excessive exposure was due to a lack of attention paid |
| to the cumulative exposure total by the Radiation Safety personnel and by    |
| the Radiographer. On August 1, 2001 CONAM Inspection switched to a new       |
| dosimetry processor. The result was two dosimetry reports, neither having a  |
| cumulative total for the year. The radiographer failed to notify his         |
| Radiation Safety Officer of the amount of his total exposure and his         |
| proximity to the annual limit. Additionally, the Radiation Safety Officer    |
| and the Corporate Radiation Safety Department failed to identify the         |
| radiographers proximity to the annual limit and remove him from radiographic |
| activities.                                                                  |
|                                                                              |
| The following corrective actions and program enhancements have been made.    |
| The Corporate Radiation Safety Department has added a staff member to assist |
| with the oversight of the radiation safety program All monthly exposures in  |
| excess of 420 mR now require an ALARA review. All monthly dosimetry reports  |
| are reviewed by the lab and by the corporate radiation safety departments to |
| prevent this type of incident. CONAM Inspection intends to utilize our       |
| current dosimetry company for the remainder of the monitoring period         |
| eliminating the dual reports. The entire radiography staff has been informed |
| of this incident. They have also been instructed of their responsibility to  |
| prevent this type of incident. The Radiation Safety Officer has been         |
| retrained on his responsibility to ensure that all employees are maintaining |
| their exposure ALARA.  When the results from the June monitoring period      |
| become available, any employee in excess of 2.5 Rem TEDE will be removed     |
| from radiographic activities. Additionally, an employee receiving in excess  |
| of 4 Rem will be removed from radiographic activities for the remainder of   |
| the monitoring year. The corrective actions are in place as of the date of   |
| this letter.                                                                 |
|Power Reactor                                    |Event Number:   38906       |
| FACILITY: WOLF CREEK               REGION:  4  |NOTIFICATION DATE: 05/08/2002|
|    UNIT:  [1] [] []                 STATE:  KS |NOTIFICATION TIME: 18:43[EDT]|
|   RXTYPE: [1] W-4-LP                           |EVENT DATE:        05/08/2002|
+------------------------------------------------+EVENT TIME:        17:07[CDT]|
| NRC NOTIFIED BY:  GILMORE                      |LAST UPDATE DATE:  05/08/2002|
|  HQ OPS OFFICER:  CHAUNCEY GOULD               +-----------------------------+
+------------------------------------------------+PERSON          ORGANIZATION |
|EMERGENCY CLASS:          NON EMERGENCY         |MARK SHAFFER         R4      |
|10 CFR SECTION:                                 |                             |
|ARPS 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B)  RPS ACTUATION - CRITICA|                             |
|AESF 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A)  VALID SPECIF SYS ACTUAT|                             |
|                                                |                             |
|                                                |                             |
|1     A          Y       100      Power Operation  |0        Hot Standby      |
|                                                   |                          |
|                                                   |                          |
                                   EVENT TEXT                                   
|                                                                              |
| A channel operational test of Tavg, delta T, and pressurizer pressure for    |
| protection set two was being performed by I&C technicians.  While swapping   |
| steam generator level channels, they placed the "D" feedwater reg valve in   |
| manual per procedure.  The feedwater reg valve failed closed and they        |
| attempted to manually open the valve, but there was no response.  When they  |
| put the controller in automatic, the valve started to reopen, but the        |
| response was not fast enough and the reactor tripped on steam generator      |
| lo-lo level.  The auxiliary feedwater actuated as designed and all rods      |
| fully inserted.  No relief valves lifted. The licensee is investigating the  |
| cause of the valve malfunction.                                              |
|                                                                              |
| The NRC Resident Inspector was notified and the licensee will issue a press  |
| release.                                                                     |

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021