The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

§ 171.16 Annual fees: Materials licensees, holders of certificates of compliance, holders of sealed source and device registrations, holders of quality assurance program approvals, and government agencies licensed by the NRC.

(a)(1) The provisions of this section apply to person(s) who are authorized to conduct activities under—

(i) 10 CFR part 30 for byproduct material;

(ii) 10 CFR part 40 for source material;

(iii) 10 CFR part 70 for special nuclear material;

(iv) 10 CFR part 71 for packaging and transportation of radioactive material; and

(v) 10 CFR part 76 for uranium enrichment.

(2) Notwithstanding the other provisions in this section, the regulations in this part do not apply to uranium recovery and fuel facility licensees until after the Commission verifies through inspection that the facility has been constructed in accordance with the requirements of the license.

(3) In accordance with § 171.17, each person identified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall pay the applicable annual fee for each license the person holds during the FY. Annual fees will be prorated for new licenses issued and for licenses for which termination is requested and activities permanently ceased during the FY as provided in § 171.17. If a single license authorizes more than one activity (e.g., human use and irradiator activities), annual fees will be assessed for each fee category applicable to the license. If a person holds more than one license, the total annual fee assessed will be the cumulative total of the annual fees applicable to each license held.

(b) The FY 2024 annual fee is comprised of a base annual fee and associated additional charges. The base FY 2024 annual fee is the sum of budgeted costs for the following activities:

(1) Generic and other research activities directly related to the regulation of materials licenses as defined in this part; and

(2) Other safety, environmental, and safeguards activities for materials licenses, except costs for licensing and inspection activities that are recovered under Part 170 of this chapter.

(c) A licensee who is required to pay an annual fee under this section, in addition to 10 CFR part 72 licenses, may qualify as a small entity. If a licensee qualifies as a small entity and provides the Commission with the proper certification along with its annual fee payment, the licensee may pay reduced annual fees as shown in table 1 to this paragraph (c). Failure to file a small entity certification in a timely manner could result in the receipt of a delinquent invoice requesting the outstanding balance due and/or denial of any refund that might otherwise be due. The small entity fees are as follows:


NRC small entity classification Maximum annual fee per licensed category
Small Businesses Not Engaged in Manufacturing (Average gross receipts over the last 5 completed fiscal years):  
  $555,000 to $8 million $5,200
Less than $555,000 1,000
Small Not-For-Profit Organizations (Annual Gross Receipts):  
  $555,000 to $8 million 5,200
Less than $555,000 1,000
Manufacturing Entities that Have An Average of 500 Employees or Fewer:  
  35 to 500 employees 5,200
Fewer than 35 employees 1,000
Small Governmental Jurisdictions (Including publicly supported educational institutions) (Population):  
  20,000 to 49,999 5,200
Fewer than 20,000 1,000
Educational Institutions that are not State or Publicly Supported, and have 500 Employees or Fewer:  
  35 to 500 employees 5,200
Fewer than 35 employees 1,000

(d) The FY 2024 annual fees for materials licensees and holders of certificates, registrations, or approvals subject to fees under this section are shown in table 2 to this paragraph (d):

TABLE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (d)—Schedule of Materials Annual Fees and Fees for Government Agencies Licensed By NRC
[See footnotes at end of table]

Category of materials licenses Annual fees1 2 3
1. Special nuclear material:
  A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of U–235 or plutonium for fuel fabrication activities.  
  (a) Strategic Special Nuclear Material (High Enriched Uranium) 15 [Program Code(s): 21213] $6,412,000
(b) Low Enriched Uranium in Dispersible Form Used for Fabrication of Power Reactor Fuel 15 [Program Code(s): 21210] 2,173,000
(2) All other special nuclear materials licenses not included in Category 1.A.(1) which are licensed for fuel cycle activities.  
  (a) Facilities with limited operations 15 [Program Code(s): 21310, 21320] 1,791,000
(b) Gas centrifuge enrichment demonstration facility 15 [Program Code(s): 21205] N/A
  (c) Others, including hot cell facility 15 [Program Code(s): 21130, 21131, 21133] N/A
B. Licenses for receipt and storage of spent fuel and reactor-related Greater than Class C (GTCC) waste at an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) 11 15 [Program Code(s): 23200] N/A
C. Licenses for possession and use of special nuclear material of less than a critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, in sealed sources contained in devices used in industrial measuring systems, including x-ray fluorescence analyzers. [Program Code(s): 22140] 3,400
D. All other special nuclear material licenses, except licenses authorizing special nuclear material in sealed or unsealed form in combination that would constitute a critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, for which the licensee shall pay the same fees as those under Category 1.A. [Program Code(s): 22110, 22111, 22120, 22131, 22136, 22150, 22151, 22161, 22170, 23100, 23300, 23310] 9,500
E. Licenses or certificates for the operation of a uranium enrichment facility 15 [Program Code(s): 21200] 2,794,000
F. Licenses for possession and use of special nuclear materials greater than critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, for development and testing of commercial products, and other non-fuel cycle activities.4 [Program Code: 22155] 5,900
2. Source material:
  A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of source material for refining uranium mill concentrates to uranium hexafluoride or for deconverting uranium hexafluoride in the production of uranium oxides for disposal.15 [Program Code: 11400] 1,361,000
  (2) Licenses for possession and use of source material in recovery operations such as milling, in-situ recovery, heapleaching, ore buying stations, ion-exchange facilities and in-processing of ores containing source material for extraction of metals other than uranium or thorium, including licenses authorizing the possession of byproduct waste material (tailings) from source material recovery operations, as well as licenses authorizing the possession and maintenance of a facility in a standby mode.  
  (a) Conventional and Heap Leach facilities. 15 [Program Code(s): 11100] N/A
(b) Basic In Situ Recovery facilities. 15 [Program Code(s): 11500] 52,200
(c) Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities 15 [Program Code(s): 11510] N/A
(d) In Situ Recovery Resin facilities. 15 [Program Code(s): 11550] 5N/A
(e) Resin Toll Milling facilities. 15 [Program Code(s): 11555] 5N/A
(f) Other facilities 6 [Program Code(s): 11700] 5N/A
(3) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined in section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from other persons for possession and disposal, except those licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2) or Category 2.A.(4). 15 [Program Code(s): 11600, 12000] 5N/A
(4) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined in section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from other persons for possession and disposal incidental to the disposal of the uranium waste tailings generated by the licensee’s milling operations, except those licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2) 15 [Program Code(s): 12010] N/A
B. Licenses which authorize the possession, use, and/or installation of source material for shielding. 16 17 Application [Program Code(s): 11210] 3,700
C. Licenses to distribute items containing source material to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 40 of this chapter. [Program Code: 11240] 14,000
D. Licenses to distribute source material to persons generally licensed under part 40 of this chapter. [Program Code(s): 11230 and 11231] 6,900
E. Licenses for possession and use of source material for processing or manufacturing of products or materials containing source material for commercial distribution. [Program Code: 11710] 8,800
F. All other source material licenses. [Program Code(s): 11200, 11220, 11221, 11300, 11800, 11810, 11820] 11,800
3. Byproduct material:
  A. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 03211, 03212, 03213] 38,000
  (1). Licenses of broad scope for the possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04010, 04012, 04014] 50,500
  (2). Licenses of broad scope for the possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04011, 04013, 04015] 63,000
B. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 03214, 03215, 22135, 22162] 12,900
  (1). Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04110, 04112, 04114, 04116] 17,100
  (2). Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04111, 04113, 04115, 04117] 21,400
C. Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter that authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or sources and devices containing byproduct material. This category does not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational institutions whose processing or manufacturing is exempt under § 170.11(a)(4) of this chapter. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 02500, 02511, 02513] 12,900
  (1). Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter that authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or sources and devices containing byproduct material. This category does not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational institutions whose processing or manufacturing is exempt under § 170.11(a)(4). Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04210, 04212, 04214] 17,200
  (2). Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter that authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or sources and devices containing byproduct material. This category does not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational institutions whose processing or manufacturing is exempt under § 170.11(a)(4). Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04211, 04213, 04215] 23,500
D. [Reserved] 5N/A
E. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is not removed from its shield (self-shielded units). [Program Code(s): 03510, 03520] 12,100
F. Licenses for possession and use of less than or equal to 10,000 curies of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also includes underwater irradiators for irradiation of materials in which the source is not exposed for irradiation purposes. [Program Code(s): 03511] 12,500
G. Licenses for possession and use of greater than 10,000 curies of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also includes underwater irradiators for irradiation of materials in which the source is not exposed for irradiation purposes. [Program Code(s): 03521] 105,800
H. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material that require device review to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter. [Program Code(s): 03254, 03255, 03257] 13,000
I. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material or quantities of byproduct material that do not require device evaluation to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter, except for specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter. [Program Code(s): 03250, 03251, 03253, 03256]


J. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material that require sealed source and/or device review to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter. [Program Code(s): 03240, 03241, 03243] 4,900
K. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute items containing byproduct material or quantities of byproduct material that do not require sealed source and/or device review to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter. [Program Code(s): 03242, 03244] 3,700
L. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 01100, 01110, 01120, 03610, 03611, 03612, 03613] 17,600
(1) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of product material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 6– 20. [Program Code(s): 04610, 04612, 04614, 04616, 04618, 04620, 04622] 23,400
(2) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04611, 04613, 04615, 04617, 04619, 04621, 04623] 29,200
M. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 30 of this chapter for research and development that do not authorize commercial distribution. [Program Code(s): 03620] 18,400
N. Licenses that authorize services for other licensees, except: (1) Licenses that authorize only calibration and/or leak testing services are subject to the fees specified in fee Category 3.P.; and (2) Licenses that authorize waste disposal services are subject to the fees specified in fee categories 4.A., 4.B., and 4.C. 21 [Program Code(s): 03219, 03225, 03226] 20,100
O. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding authorized under part 40 of this chapter when authorized on the same license. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 03310, 03320] 43,700
  (1). Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding authorized under part 40 of this chapter when authorized on the same license. Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04310, 04312] 58,500
  (2). Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding authorized under part 40 of this chapter when authorized on the same license. Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04311, 04313] 73,100
P. All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in Categories 4.A. through 9.D.18 Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 02400, 02410, 03120, 03121, 03122, 03123, 03124, 03140, 03130, 03220, 03221, 03222, 03800, 03810, 22130] 14,600
  (1). All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in Categories 4.A. through 9.D.18 Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04410, 04412, 04414, 04416, 04418, 04420, 04422, 04424, 04426, 04428, 04430, 04432, 04434, 04436, 04438] 19,500
  (2). All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in Categories 4.A. through 9.D.18 Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04411, 04413, 04415, 04417, 04419, 04421, 04423, 04425, 04427, 04429, 04431, 04433, 04435, 04437, 04439] 24,400
Q. Registration of devices generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter 13N/A
R. Possession of items or products containing radium–226 identified in § 31.12 of this chapter which exceed the number of items or limits specified in that section: 14.  
  (1). Possession of quantities exceeding the number of items or limits in § 31.12(a)(4), or (5) of this chapter but less than or equal to 10 times the number of items or limits specified [Program Code(s): 02700] 8,400
(2). Possession of quantities exceeding 10 times the number of items or limits specified in § 31.12(a)(4) or (5) of this chapter [Program Code(s): 02710] 8,700
S. Licenses for production of accelerator-produced radionuclides [Program Code(s): 03210] 35,300
4. Waste disposal and processing:
  A. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material from other persons for the purpose of contingency storage or commercial land disposal by the licensee; or licenses authorizing contingency storage of low-level radioactive waste at the site of nuclear power reactors; or licenses for receipt of waste from other persons for incineration or other treatment, packaging of resulting waste and residues, and transfer of packages to another person authorized to receive or dispose of waste material. [Program Code(s): 03231, 03233, 03236, 06100, 06101] 27,400
B. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material from other persons for the purpose of packaging or repackaging the material. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another person authorized to receive or dispose of the material. [Program Code(s): 03234] 20,400
C. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of prepackaged waste byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material from other persons. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another person authorized to receive or dispose of the material. [Program Code(s): 03232] 12,100
5. Well logging:
  A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material for well logging, well surveys, and tracer studies other than field flooding tracer studies. [Program Code(s): 03110, 03111, 03112] 16,200
B. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material for field flooding tracer studies. [Program Code(s): 03113] 5N/A
6. Nuclear laundries:
  A. Licenses for commercial collection and laundry of items contaminated with byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material. [Program Code(s): 03218] 39,600
7. Medical licenses:
  A. Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license. 9 17 Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 02300, 02310] 37,600
  (1). Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 17 Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04510, 04512] 50,000
  (2). Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 17 Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04511, 04513] 62,500
B. Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter authorizing research and development, including human use of byproduct material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 17 Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 02110] 53,000
  (1). Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter authorizing research and development, including human use of byproduct material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 17 Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04710] 70,600
  (2). Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter authorizing research and development, including human use of byproduct material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 17 Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04711] 88,000
C. Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 17 19 Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 02120, 02121, 02200, 02201, 02210, 02220, 02230, 02231, 02240, 22160] 21,400
  (1). Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 17 19 Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04810, 04812, 04814, 04816, 04818, 04820, 04822, 04824, 04826, 04828] 28,600
  (2). Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9 17 19 Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04811, 04813, 04815, 04817, 04819, 04821, 04823, 04825, 04827, 04829] 36,600
8. Civil defense:
  A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material for civil defense activities. [Program Code(s): 03710] 8,400
9. Device, product, or sealed source safety evaluation:
  A. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of devices or products containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material, except reactor fuel devices, for commercial distribution 29,800
B. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of devices or products containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material manufactured in accordance with the unique specifications of, and for use by, a single applicant,
except reactor fuel devices
C. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of sealed sources containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material, except reactor fuel, for commercial distribution 7,700
D. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of sealed sources containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material, manufactured in accordance with the unique specifications of, and for use by, a single applicant,
except reactor fuel
10. Transportation of radioactive material:
  A. Certificates of Compliance or other package approvals issued for design of casks, packages, and shipping containers.  
  1. Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and plutonium air packages 6N/A
2. Other Casks 6N/A
B. Quality assurance program approvals issued under part 71 of this chapter.  
  1. Users and Fabricators 6N/A
2. Users 6N/A
C. Evaluation of security plans, route approvals, route surveys, and transportation security devices (including immobilization devices) 6N/A
11. Standardized spent fuel facilities 6N/A
12. Special Projects [Program Code(s): 25110] 6N/A
13. A. Spent fuel storage cask Certificate of Compliance 6N/A
  B. General licenses for storage of spent fuel under § 72.210 of this chapter 12N/A
14. Decommissioning/Reclamation:  
  A. Byproduct, source, or special nuclear material licenses and other approvals authorizing decommissioning, decontamination, reclamation, or site restoration activities under parts 30, 40, 70, 72, and 76 of this chapter, including master materials licenses (MMLs). The transition to this fee category occurs when a licensee has permanently ceased principal activities. [Program Code(s): 03900, 11900, 21135, 21215, 21325, 22200] 7 20N/A
B. Site-specific decommissioning activities associated with unlicensed sites, including MMLs, whether or not the sites have been previously licensed 7N/A
15. Import and Export licenses 8N/A
16. Reciprocity 8N/A
17. Master materials licenses of broad scope issued to Government agencies.15 [Program Code(s): 03614]. 457,000
18. Department of Energy:  
  A. Certificates of Compliance 102,331,000
B. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) activities [Program Code(s): 03237, 03238] 261,000

1  Annual fees will be assessed based on whether a licensee held a valid license with the NRC authorizing possession and use of radioactive material during the current FY. The annual fee is waived for those materials licenses and holders of certificates, registrations, and approvals who either filed for termination of their licenses or approvals or filed for possession only/storage licenses before October 1 of the current FY, and permanently ceased licensed activities entirely before this date. Annual fees for licensees who filed for termination of a license, downgrade of a license, or for a possession-only license during the FY and for new licenses issued during the FY will be prorated in accordance with the provisions of § 171.17. If a person holds more than one license, certificate, registration, or approval, the annual fee(s) will be assessed for each license, certificate, registration, or approval held by that person. For licenses that authorize more than one activity on a single license (e.g., human use and irradiator activities), annual fees will be assessed for each category applicable to the license.
2  Payment of the prescribed annual fee does not automatically renew the license, certificate, registration, or approval for which the fee is paid. Renewal applications must be filed in accordance with the requirements of parts 30, 40, 70, 71, 72, or 76 of this chapter.
3  Each FY, fees for these materials licenses will be calculated and assessed in accordance with § 171.13 and will be published in the Federal Register for notice and comment
4  Other facilities include licenses for extraction of metals, heavy metals, and rare earths.
5  There are no existing NRC licenses in these fee categories. If NRC issues a license for these categories, the Commission will consider establishing an annual fee for this type of license.
6  Standardized spent fuel facilities, 10 CFR parts 71 and 72 Certificates of Compliance and related Quality Assurance program approvals, and special reviews, such as topical reports, are not assessed an annual fee because the generic costs of regulating these activities are primarily attributable to users of the designs, certificates, and topical reports.
7  Licensees in this category are not assessed an annual fee because they are charged an annual fee in other categories while they are licensed to operate.
8  No annual fee is charged because it is not practical to administer due to the relatively short life or temporary nature of the license.
9  Separate annual fees will not be assessed for pacemaker licenses issued to medical institutions that also hold nuclear medicine licenses under fee categories 7.A, 7.A.1, 7.A.2, 7.B., 7.B.1, 7.B.2, 7.C, 7.C.1, or 7.C.2.
10  This includes Certificates of Compliance issued to the DOE that are not funded from the Nuclear Waste Fund.
11  See § 171.15(c).
12  See § 171.15(c).
13  No annual fee is charged for this category because the cost of the general license registration program applicable to licenses in this category will be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees.
14  Persons who possess radium sources that are used for operational purposes in another fee category are not also subject to the fees in this category. (This exception does not apply if the radium sources are possessed for storage only.)
15  Licensees subject to fees under categories 1.A., 1.B., 1.E., 2.A., and licensees paying fees under fee category 17 must pay the largest applicable fee and are not subject to additional fees listed in this table.
16  Licensees paying fees under 3.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession and shielding authorized on the same license.
17  Licensees paying fees under 7.A, 7.A.1, 7.A.2, 7.B, 7.B.1, 7.B.2, 7.C, 7.C.1, or 7.C.2 are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession and shielding authorized on the same license.
18  Licensees paying fees under 3.N. are not subject to paying fees under 3.P., 3.P.1, or 3.P.2 for calibration or leak testing services authorized on the same license.
19  Licensees paying fees under 7.B., 7.B.1, or 7.B.2 are not subject to paying fees under 7.C., 7.C.1, or 7.C.2 for broad scope license licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices authorized on the same license.
20  No annual fee is charged for a materials license (or part of a materials license) that has transitioned to this fee category because the decommissioning costs will be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees, but annual fees may be charged for other activities authorized under the license that are not in decommissioning status.
21  Licensees paying fees under 4.A., 4.B. or 4.C. are not subject to paying fees under 3.N. licenses that authorize services for other licensees authorized on the same license.

[64 FR 31476, Jun. 10, 1999; 64 FR 38816, Jul. 20, 1999; 65 FR 36965, Jun. 12, 2000; 65 FR 44573, Jul. 18, 2000; 66 FR 32474, Jun. 14, 2001; 67 FR 42635, Jun. 24, 2002; 68 FR 36734, Jun. 18, 2003; 68 FR 46439, Aug. 6, 2003; 69 FR 22682, Apr. 26, 2004; ; 70 FR 30548, May 26, 2005; 70 FR 33820, Jun. 10, 2005; 71 FR 30753, May 30, 2006; 71 FR 33190, Jun. 8, 2006, 72 FR 39733, Jul. 20, 2007; 72 FR 31427, Jun. 6, 2007; 72 FR 44954, Aug. 10, 2007; 72 FR 55936 Oct. 1, 2007; 73 FR 32408, Jun. 6, 2008; 74 FR 27666, Jun. 10, 2009; 75 FR 34241, Jun. 16, 2010; 76 FR 36802, Jun. 22, 2011; 76 FR 72087, Nov. 22, 2011; 77 FR 35832, Jun. 15, 2012; 77 FR 39387, Jul. 3, 2012; 78 FR 32342, May 29, 2013; 78 FR 39487, Jul. 1, 2013; 79 FR 37151 Jun. 30, 2014; 80 FR 37460, Jun. 30, 2015; 81 FR 41192, Jun. 24, 2016; 81 FR 61101, Sep. 6, 2016; 82 FR 30704, Jun. 30, 2017; 83 FR 29652, Jun. 25, 2018; 84 FR 22357, May 17, 2019; 85 FR 37277, Jun. 19, 2020; 86 FR 32178, Jun. 16, 2021; 87 FR 8946, Feb. 17, 2022; 87 FR 37221, Jun. 22, 2022; 88 FR 39146, Jun. 15 2023; 89 FR 51817, Jun. 20, 2024]

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 14, 2024