(v) |
OM condition: Snubbers ISTD. Article IWF–5000, "Inservice Inspection Requirements for Snubbers," of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, must be used when performing inservice inspection examinations and tests of snubbers at nuclear power plants, except as conditioned in paragraphs (b)(3)(v)(A) and (B) of this section. |
(A) Snubbers: First provision. Licensees may use Subsection ISTD, "Preservice and Inservice Examination and Testing of Dynamic Restraints (Snubbers) in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants," ASME OM Code, 1995 Edition through the latest edition and addenda incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section, in place of the requirements for snubbers in the editions and addenda up to the 2005 Addenda of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, IWF–5200(a) and (b) and IWF–5300(a) and (b), by making appropriate changes to their technical specifications or licensee-controlled documents. Preservice and inservice examinations must be performed using the VT–3 visual examination method described in IWA–2213. |
(B) Snubbers: Second provision. Licensees must comply with the provisions for examining and testing snubbers in Subsection ISTD of the ASME OM Code and make appropriate changes to their technical specifications or licensee-controlled documents when using the 2006 Addenda and later editions and addenda of Section XI of the ASME BPV Code. |
(vi) |
OM condition: Exercise interval for manual valves. Manual valves must be exercised on a 2-year interval rather than the 5-year interval specified in paragraph ISTC–3540 of the 1999 through the 2005 Addenda of the ASME OM Code, provided that adverse conditions do not require more frequent testing. |
(vii) |
OM condition: Snubber visual examination interval extension. When implementing Subsection ISTD, paragraph ISTD–4253, and Note 7 of Table ISTD–4252–1, in the 2022 Edition of the ASME OM Code, incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section, to extend snubber visual examination beyond 2 refueling cycles (48 months), the licensee is prohibited from applying OM Code Case OMN–15, Revision 2, to extend the operational readiness testing interval of snubbers. |
(vii) |
[Reserved] |
(viii) |
OM condition: Subsection ISTE. Licensees may not implement the risk-informed approach for inservice testing (IST) of pumps and valves specified in Subsection ISTE, ‘‘Risk-Informed Inservice Testing of Components in Light-Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants,’’ in the ASME OM Code, 2009 Edition through the 2017 Edition, without first obtaining NRC authorization to use Subsection ISTE as an alternative to the applicable IST requirements in the ASME OM Code, pursuant to paragraph (z) of this section. |
(ix) |
OM condition: Subsection ISTF. Licensees applying Subsection ISTF, 2012 Edition must satisfy the requirements of Mandatory Appendix V ‘‘Pump Periodic Verification Test Program,’’ of the ASME OM Code in that edition. |
(x) |
OM condition: Class 1 Pressure Relief Valve Sample Expansion. When implementing paragraph I–1320(c)(1) in Appendix I, "Inservice Testing of Pressure Relief Devices in Water-Cooled Reactor Nuclear Power Plants," of the editions and addenda of the ASME OM Code, incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section, the requirement for sample expansion of Class 1 Pressure Relief Valves shall be implemented such that for each valve tested for which the as–found setpressure (first test actuation) exceeds the plus/minus tolerance limit of the Owner-established design set-pressure acceptance criteria of paragraph I– 1310(e), two additional valves shall be tested from the same group. If the Owner has not established design setpressure acceptance criteria, then for each valve tested for which the as-found set-pressure (first actuation) exceeds ±3 percent of valve nameplate set-pressure, two additional valves shall be tested from the same valve group. |
(xi) |
OM condition: Valve Position Indication. When implementing paragraph ISTC–3700, ‘‘Position Verification Testing,’’ in the ASME OM Code, 2012 Edition through the latest edition of the ASME OM Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section, licensees must verify that valve operation is accurately indicated by supplementing valve position indicating lights with other indications, such as flow meters or other suitable instrumentation to provide assurance of proper obturator position for valves with remote position indication within the scope of Subsection ISTC including its mandatory appendices and their verification methods and frequencies. For valves not susceptible to stem-disk separation, licensees may implement ASME OM Code Case OMN–28, ‘‘Alternative Valve Position Verification Approach to Satisfy ISTC–3700 for Valves Not Susceptible to Stem-Disk Separation,’’ which is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(H) of this section. Where plant conditions make it impractical to perform the initial ISTC–3700 test as supplemented by paragraph (b)(3)(xi) of this section by the date 2 years following the previously performed ISTC–3700 test, a licensee may justify an extension of this initial supplemental valve position verification provided the ISTC–3700 test as supplemented by paragraph (b)(3)(xi) of this section is performed at the next available opportunity and no later than the next plant shutdown. This one-time extension of the ISTC–3700 test schedule as supplemented by paragraph (b)(3)(xi) of this section is acceptable provided the licensee has available for NRC review documented justification based on information obtained over the previous 5 years of the structural integrity of the stem-disk connection for the applicable valves. The licensee’s justification could be based on, for example, verification of the valve stemdisk connection through an appropriate weak link analysis, appropriate disk motion confirmed during diagnostic testing, or allowance and cessation of flow through the valves. The licensee’s justification must provide reasonable assurance that the remote indicating lights accurately reveal the position of the valve obturator until the next ISTC–3700 test as supplemented by paragraph (b)(3)(xi) of this section is performed. |
(4) Conditions on Design, Fabrication, and Materials Code Cases. Each manufacturing license, standard design approval, and design certification application under part 52 of this chapter is subject to the following conditions. Licensees may apply the ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.84, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, without prior NRC approval, subject to the following conditions: |
(i) |
Design, Fabrication, and Materials Code Case condition: Applying Code Cases. When an applicant or licensee initially applies a listed Code Case, the applicant or licensee must apply the most recent version of that Code Case incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section. |
(ii) |
Design, Fabrication, and Materials Code Case condition: Applying different revisions of Code Cases. If an applicant or licensee has previously applied a Code Case and a later version of the Code Case is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, the applicant or licensee may continue to apply the previous version of the Code Case as authorized or may apply the later version of the Code Case, including any NRC-specified conditions placed on its use, until it updates its Code of Record for the component being constructed. |
(iii) |
Design, Fabrication, and Materials Code Case condition: Applying annulled Code Cases. Application of an annulled Code Case is prohibited unless an applicant or licensee applied the listed Code Case prior to it being listed as annulled in Regulatory Guide 1.84. If an applicant or licensee has applied a listed Code Case that is later listed as annulled in Regulatory Guide 1.84, the applicant or licensee may continue to apply the Code Case until it updates its Code of Record for the component being constructed. |
(5) Conditions on inservice inspection Code Cases. Licensees may apply the ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, without prior NRC approval, subject to the following: |
(i) |
ISI Code Case condition: Applying Code Cases. When a licensee initially applies a listed Code Case, the licensee must apply the most recent version of that Code Case incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section. |
(ii) |
ISI Code Case condition: Applying different revisions of Code Cases. If a licensee has previously applied a Code Case and a later version of the Code Case is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, the licensee may continue to apply, to the end of the current code of record interval, the previous version of the Code Case, as authorized, or may apply the later version of the Code Case, including any NRC-specified conditions placed on its use. Licensees who choose to continue use of the Code Case during subsequent code of record intervals will be required to implement the latest version incorporated by reference into this section as listed in tables 1 and 2 of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section. |
(iii) |
ISI Code Case condition: Applying annulled Code Cases. Application of an annulled Code Case is prohibited unless a licensee previously applied the listed Code Case prior to it being listed as annulled in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147. If a licensee has applied a listed Code Case that is later listed as annulled in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, the licensee may continue to apply the Code Case to the end of the current code of record interval. |
(6) Conditions on ASME OM Code Cases. Licensees may apply the ASME OM Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section, without prior NRC approval, subject to the following: |
(i) |
OM Code Case condition: Applying Code Cases. When a licensee initially applies a listed Code Case, the licensee must apply the most recent version of that Code Case incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section. |
(ii) |
OM Code Case condition: Applying different revisions of Code Cases. If a licensee has previously applied a Code Case and a later version of the Code Case is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, the licensee may continue to apply, to the end of the current code of record interval, the previous version of the Code Case, as authorized, or may apply the later version of the Code Case, including any NRC-specified conditions placed on its use. Licensees who choose to continue use of the Code Case during subsequent code of record intervals will be required to implement the latest version incorporated by reference into this section as listed in tables 1 and 2 of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section. |
(iii) |
OM Code Case condition: Applying annulled Code Cases. Application of an annulled Code Case is prohibited unless a licensee previously applied the listed Code Case prior to it being listed as annulled in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192. If a licensee has applied a listed Code Case that is later listed as annulled in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, the licensee may continue to apply the Code Case to the end of the current code of record interval. |
(c) Reactor coolant pressure boundary. Systems and components of boiling and pressurized water-cooled nuclear power reactors must meet the requirements of the ASME BPV Code as specified in this paragraph. Each manufacturing license, standard design approval, and design certification application under part 52 of this chapter and each combined license for a utilization facility is subject to the following conditions: |
(1) Standards requirement for reactor coolant pressure boundary components. Components that are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary must meet the requirements for Class 1 components in Section III 1,4 of the ASME BPV Code, except as provided in paragraphs (c)(2) through (4) of this section. |
(2) Exceptions to reactor coolant pressure boundary standards requirement. Components that are connected to the reactor coolant system and are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary as defined in § 50.2 need not meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section, provided that: |
(i) |
Exceptions: Shutdown and cooling capability. In the event of postulated failure of the component during normal reactor operation, the reactor can be shut down and cooled down in an orderly manner, assuming makeup is provided by the reactor coolant makeup system; or |
(ii) |
Exceptions: Isolation capability. The component is or can be isolated from the reactor coolant system by two valves in series (both closed, both open, or one closed and the other open). Each open valve must be capable of automatic actuation and, assuming the other valve is open, its closure time must be such that, in the event of postulated failure of the component during normal reactor operation, each valve remains operable and the reactor can be shut down and cooled down in an orderly manner, assuming makeup is provided by the reactor coolant makeup system only. |
(3) Applicable Code and Code Cases and conditions on their use. The Code edition, addenda, and optional ASME Code Cases to be applied to components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary must be determined by the provisions of paragraph NCA–1140, Subsection NCA of Section III of the ASME BPV Code, subject to the following conditions: |
(i) |
Reactor coolant pressure boundary condition: Code edition and addenda. The edition and addenda applied to a component must be those that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section; |
(ii) |
Reactor coolant pressure boundary condition: Earliest edition and addenda for pressure vessel. The ASME Code provisions applied to the pressure vessel may be dated no earlier than the summer 1972 Addenda of the 1971 Edition; |
(iii) |
Reactor coolant pressure boundary condition: Earliest edition and addenda for piping, pumps, and valves. The ASME Code provisions applied to piping, pumps, and valves may be dated no earlier than the Winter 1972 Addenda of the 1971 Edition; and |
(iv) |
Reactor coolant pressure boundary condition: Use of Code Cases. The optional Code Cases applied to a component must be those listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.84 that is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section. |
(4) Standards requirement for components in older plants. For a nuclear power plant whose construction permit was issued prior to May 14, 1984, the applicable Code edition and addenda for a component of the reactor coolant pressure boundary continue to be that Code edition and addenda that were required by Commission regulations for such a component at the time of issuance of the construction permit. |
(d) Quality Group B components. Systems and components of boiling and pressurized water-cooled nuclear power reactors must meet the requirements of the ASME BPV Code as specified in this paragraph. Each manufacturing license, standard design approval, and design certification application under part 52 of this chapter, and each combined license for a utilization facility is subject to the following conditions. |
(1) Standards requirement for Quality Group B components. For a nuclear power plant whose application for a construction permit under this part, or a combined license or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter, docketed after May 14, 1984, or for an application for a standard design approval or a standard design certification docketed after May 14, 1984, components classified Quality Group B 7 must meet the requirements for Class 2 Components in Section III of the ASME BPV Code. |
(2) Quality Group B: Applicable Code and Code Cases and conditions on their use. The Code edition, addenda, and optional ASME Code Cases to be applied to the systems and components identified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section must be determined by the rules of paragraph NCA–1140, Subsection NCA of Section III of the ASME BPV Code, subject to the following conditions: |
(i) |
Quality Group B condition: Code edition and addenda. The edition and addenda must be those that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section; |
(ii) |
Quality Group B condition: Earliest edition and addenda for components. The ASME Code provisions applied to the systems and components may be dated no earlier than the 1980 Edition; and |
(iii) |
Quality Group B condition: Use of Code Cases. The optional Code Cases must be those listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.84 that is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section. |
(e) Quality Group C components. Systems and components of boiling and pressurized water-cooled nuclear power reactors must meet the requirements of the ASME BPV Code as specified in this paragraph. Each manufacturing license, standard design approval, and design certification application under part 52 of this chapter and each combined license for a utilization facility is subject to the following conditions. |
(1) Standards requirement for Quality Group C components. For a nuclear power plant whose application for a construction permit under this part, or a combined license or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter, docketed after May 14, 1984, or for an application for a standard design approval or a standard design certification docketed after May 14, 1984, components classified Quality Group C 7 must meet the requirements for Class 3 components in Section III of the ASME BPV Code. |
(2) Quality Group C applicable Code and Code Cases and conditions on their use. The Code edition, addenda, and optional ASME Code Cases to be applied to the systems and components identified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section must be determined by the rules of paragraph NCA–1140, subsection NCA of Section III of the ASME BPV Code, subject to the following conditions: |
(i) |
Quality Group C condition: Code edition and addenda. The edition and addenda must be those incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section; |
(ii) |
Quality Group C condition: Earliest edition and addenda for components. The ASME Code provisions applied to the systems and components may be dated no earlier than the 1980 Edition; and |
(iii) |
Quality Group C condition: Use of Code Cases. The optional Code Cases must be those listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.84 that is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section. |
(f) Preservice and inservice testing requirements. Systems and components of boiling and pressurized water-cooled nuclear power reactors must meet the requirements for preservice and inservice testing (referred to in this paragraph (f) collectively as inservice testing) of the ASME BPV Code and ASME OM Code as specified in this paragraph (f). Each operating license for a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear facility is subject to the following conditions. Each combined license for a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear facility is subject to the following conditions, but the conditions in paragraphs (f)(4) through (6) of this section must be met only after the Commission makes the finding under § 52.103(g) of this chapter. Requirements for inservice inspection of Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class MC, and Class CC components (including their supports) are located in paragraph (g) of this section. |
(1) Inservice testing requirements for older plants (pre-1971 CPs). For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit was issued prior to January 1, 1971, pumps and valves must meet the test requirements of paragraphs (f)(4) and (5) of this section to the extent practical. Pumps and valves that are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary must meet the requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class 1. Other pumps and valves that perform a function to shut down the reactor or maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition, mitigate the consequences of an accident, or provide overpressure protection for safety-related systems (in meeting the requirements of the 1986 Edition, or later, of the BPV or OM Code) must meet the test requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class 2 or Class 3. |
(2) Design and accessibility requirements for performing inservice testing in plants with CPs issued between 1971 and 1974. For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit was issued on or after January 1, 1971, but before July 1, 1974, pumps and valves that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1 and Class 2 must be designed and provided with access to enable the performance of inservice tests for operational readiness set forth in editions and addenda of Section XI of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section (or the optional ASME Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 or NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively) in effect 6 months before the date of issuance of the construction permit. The pumps and valves may meet the inservice test requirements set forth in subsequent editions of this Code and addenda that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section (or the optional ASME Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 or NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively), subject to the applicable conditions listed therein. |
(3) Design and accessibility requirements for performing inservice testing in plants with CPs issued after 1974. For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit under this part or design approval, design certification, combined license, or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter was issued on or after July 1, 1974: |
(i)–(ii) |
[Reserved] |
(iii) |
IST design and accessibility requirements: Class 1 pumps and valves. (A) Class 1 pumps and valves: First provision. In facilities whose construction permit was issued before November 22, 1999, pumps and valves that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1 must be designed and provided with access to enable the performance of inservice testing of the pumps and valves for assessing operational readiness set forth in the editions and addenda of Section XI of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section (or the optional ASME Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 or NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively) applied to the construction of the particular pump or valve or the summer 1973 Addenda, whichever is later. |
(B) Class 1 pumps and valves: Second provision. In facilities whose construction permit under this part, or design certification, design approval, combined license, or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter, issued on or after November 22, 1999, pumps and valves that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1 must be designed and provided with access to enable the performance of inservice testing of the pumps and valves for assessing operational readiness set forth in editions and addenda of the ASME OM Code (or the optional ASME OM Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section), incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section at the time the construction permit, combined license, manufacturing license, design certification, or design approval is issued. |
(iv) |
IST design and accessibility requirements: Class 2 and 3 pumps and valves. (A) Class 2 and 3 pumps and valves: First provision. In facilities whose construction permit was issued before November 22, 1999, pumps and valves that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 2 and Class 3 must be designed and be provided with access to enable the performance of inservice testing of the pumps and valves for assessing operational readiness set forth in the editions and addenda of Section XI of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section (or the optional ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section) applied to the construction of the particular pump or valve or the Summer 1973 Addenda, whichever is later. |
(B) Class 2 and 3 pumps and valves: Second provision. In facilities whose construction permit under this part, or design certification, design approval, combined license, or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter, issued on or after November 22, 1999, pumps and valves that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 2 and 3 must be designed and provided with access to enable the performance of inservice testing of the pumps and valves for assessing operational readiness set forth in editions and addenda of the ASME OM Code (or the optional ASME OM Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section), incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section at the time the construction permit, combined license, or design certification is issued. |
(v) |
IST design and accessibility requirements: Meeting later IST requirements. All pumps and valves may meet the test requirements set forth in subsequent editions of codes and addenda or portions thereof that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. |
(4) Inservice testing standards requirement for operating plants. Throughout the service life of a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility, pumps and valves that are within the scope of the ASME OM Code must meet the inservice test requirements (except design and access provisions) set forth in the ASME OM Code and addenda that become effective subsequent to editions and addenda specified in paragraphs (f)(2) and (3) of this section and that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section, to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry, and materials of construction of the components. The inservice test requirements for pumps and valves that are within the scope of the ASME OM Code but are not classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 may be satisfied as an augmented IST program. This use of an augmented IST program is acceptable without prior NRC approval provided the basis for deviations from the ASME OM Code, as incorporated by reference in this section, demonstrates an acceptable level of quality and safety, or that implementing the Code provisions would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety, where documented and available for NRC review. When using the 2006 Addenda or later of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, the inservice examination, testing, and service life monitoring requirements for dynamic restraints (snubbers) must meet the requirements set forth in the applicable ASME OM Code as specified in paragraph (b)(3)(v)(B) of this section. When using the 2005 Addenda or earlier edition or addenda of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, the inservice examination, testing, and service life monitoring requirements for dynamic restraints (snubbers) must meet the requirements set forth in either the applicable ASME OM Code or ASME BPV Code, Section XI as specified in paragraph (b)(3)(v) of this section. |
(i) |
Applicable IST Code: Initial code of record interval. Inservice tests to verify operational readiness of pumps and valves, whose function is required for safety, conducted during the initial code of record interval must comply with the requirements in the latest edition and addenda of the ASME OM Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section on the date no more than 18 months before the date of issuance of the operating license under this part, or no more than 18 months before the date scheduled for initial loading of fuel under a combined license under part 52 of this chapter (or the optional ASME OM Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section). |
(ii) |
Applicable IST Code: Successive code of record intervals. Inservice tests to verify operational readiness of pumps and valves, whose function is required for safety, conducted during successive code of record intervals must comply with the requirements of the latest edition and addenda of the ASME OM Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section no more than18 months before the start of the code of record interval (or the optional ASME Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 or NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192 as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively), subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. |
(iii) |
[Reserved] |
(iv) |
Applicable IST Code: Use of later Code editions and addenda. Inservice tests of pumps and valves may meet the requirements set forth in subsequent editions and addenda that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section, and subject to NRC approval. Portions of editions or addenda may be used, provided that all related requirements of the respective editions or addenda are met. NRC approval is not required when updating the IST code of record before the start of an IST interval in which the updated IST code of record will be used and when using the latest edition incorporated by reference in (a)(1)(iv) of this section in its entirety, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section (or the optional ASME Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 or NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192 as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively). |
(5) Requirements for updating IST programs— |
(i) |
IST program update: Applicable IST Code editions and addenda. The inservice test program for a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility must be revised by the licensee, as necessary, to meet the requirements of paragraph (f)(4) of this section. |
(ii) |
IST program update: Conflicting IST Code requirements with technical specifications. If a revised inservice test program for a facility conflicts with the technical specifications for the facility, the licensee must apply to the Commission for amendment of the technical specifications to conform the technical specifications to the revised program. The licensee must submit this application, as specified in § 50.4, at least 6 months before the start of the period during which the provisions become applicable, as determined by paragraph (f)(4) of this section. |
(iii) |
IST program update: Notification of impractical IST Code requirements. If the licensee has determined that conformance with certain Code requirements is impractical for its facility, the licensee must notify the Commission and submit, as specified in § 50.4, information to support the determination. |
(iv) |
IST program update: Schedule for completing impracticality determinations. Where a pump or valve test requirement by the Code or addenda is determined to be impractical by the licensee and is not included in the revised inservice test program (as permitted by paragraph (f)(4) of this section), the basis for this determination must be submitted for NRC review and approval not later than 12 months after the expiration of the initial 120-month interval of operation from the start of facility commercial operation and each subsequent 120-month interval of operation during which the test is determined to be impractical. |
(6) Actions by the Commission for evaluating impractical and augmented IST Code requirements— |
(i) |
Impractical IST requirements: Granting of relief. The Commission will evaluate determinations under paragraph (f)(5) of this section that code requirements are impractical. The Commission may grant relief and may impose such alternative requirements as it determines are authorized by law, will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security, and are otherwise in the public interest, giving due consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the requirements were imposed on the facility. |
(ii) |
Augmented IST requirements. The Commission may require the licensee to follow an augmented inservice test program for pumps and valves for which the Commission deems that added assurance of operational readiness is necessary. |
(7) Inservice testing reporting requirements. Inservice Testing Program Test and Examination Plans (IST Plans) for pumps, valves, and dynamic restraints (snubbers) prepared to meet the requirements of the ASME OM Code must be submitted to the NRC as specified in § 50.4. IST Plans must be submitted within 90 days of their implementation for the applicable 120-month IST Program interval. Electronic submission is preferred. |
(g) Preservice and inservice inspection requirements. Systems and components of boiling and pressurized water-cooled nuclear power reactors must meet the requirements of the ASME BPV Code as specified in this paragraph. Each operating license for a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear facility is subject to the following conditions. Each combined license for a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear facility is subject to the following conditions, but the conditions in paragraphs (g)(4) through (6) of this section must be met only after the Commission makes the finding under § 52.103(g) of this chapter. Requirements for inservice testing of Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 pumps and valves are located in paragraph (f) of this section. |
(1) Inservice inspection requirements for older plants (pre-1971 CPs). For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit was issued before January 1, 1971, components (including supports) must meet the requirements of paragraphs (g)(4) and (g)(5) of this section to the extent practical. Components that are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and their supports must meet the requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class 1. Other safety-related pressure vessels, piping, pumps and valves, and their supports must meet the requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class 2 or Class 3. |
(2) Accessibility requirements— |
(i) |
Accessibility requirements for plants with CPs issued between 1971 and 1974. For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit was issued on or after January 1, 1971, but before July 1, 1974, components that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1 and Class 2 and supports for components that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1 and Class 2 must be designed and be provided with the access necessary to perform the required preservice and inservice examinations set forth in editions and addenda of Section III or Section XI of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1) of this section (or the optional ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section) in effect 6 months before the date of issuance of the construction permit. |
(ii) |
Accessibility requirements for plants with CPs issued after 1974. For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility, whose construction permit under this part, or design certification, design approval, combined license, or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter, was issued on or after July 1, 1974, components that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 and supports for components that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must be designed and provided with the access necessary to perform the required preservice and inservice examinations set forth in editions and addenda of Section III or Section XI of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1) of this section (or the optional ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section) applied to the construction of the particular component. |
(iii) |
Accessibility requirements: Meeting later Code requirements. All components (including supports) may meet the requirements set forth in subsequent editions of codes and addenda or portions thereof that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, subject to the conditions listed therein. |
(3) Preservice examination requirements— |
(i) |
Preservice examination requirements for plants with CPs issued between 1971 and 1974. For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit was issued on or after January 1, 1971, but before July 1, 1974, components that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1 and Class 2 and supports for components that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1 and Class 2 must meet the preservice examination requirements set forth in editions and addenda of Section III or Section XI of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1) of this section (or the optional ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section) in effect 6 months before the date of issuance of the construction permit. |
(ii) |
Preservice examination requirements for plants with CPs issued after 1974. For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility, whose construction permit under this part, or design certification, design approval, combined license, or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter, was issued on or after July 1, 1974, components that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 and supports for components that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the preservice examination requirements set forth in the editions and addenda of Section III or Section XI of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1) of this section (or the optional ASME BPV Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section) applied to the construction of the particular component. |
(iii)–(iv) |
[Reserved] |
(v) |
Preservice examination requirements: Meeting later Code requirements. All components (including supports) may meet the requirements set forth in subsequent editions of codes and addenda or portions thereof that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, subject to the conditions listed therein. |
(4) Inservice inspection standards requirement for operating plants. Throughout the service life of a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility, components (including supports) that are classified as ASME BPV Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements, except design and access provisions and preservice examination requirements, set forth in Section XI of editions and addenda of the ASME BPV Code that become effective subsequent to editions specified in paragraphs (g)(2) and (3) of this section and that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) or (iv) of this section for snubber examination and testing of this section, to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry, and materials of construction of the components. Components that are classified as Class MC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments, and components that are classified as Class CC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments, must meet the requirements, except design and access provisions and preservice examination requirements, set forth in Section XI of the ASME BPV Code and addenda that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section subject to the condition listed in paragraph (b)(2)(vi) of this section and the conditions listed in paragraphs (b)(2)(viii) and (ix) of this section, to the extent practical within the limitation of design, geometry, and materials of construction of the components. When using the 2006 Addenda or later of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, the inservice examination, testing, and service life monitoring requirements for dynamic restraints (snubbers) must meet the requirements set forth in the applicable ASME OM Code as specified in paragraph (b)(3)(v)(B) of this section. When using the 2005 Addenda or earlier edition or addenda of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, the inservice examination, testing, and service life monitoring requirements for dynamic restraints (snubbers) must meet the requirements set forth in either the applicable ASME OM Code or ASME BPV Code, Section XI as specified in paragraph (b)(3)(v) of this section. |
(i) |
Applicable ISI Code: Initial code of record interval. Inservice examination of components and system pressure tests conducted during the initial code of record interval must comply with the requirements in the latest edition and addenda of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section on the date no more than 18 months before the date of issuance of the operating license under this part, or no more than 18 months before the date scheduled for initial loading of fuel under a combined license under part 52 of this chapter (or the optional ASME Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, when using ASME BPV Code, Section XI, or NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, when using the ASME OM Code, as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively), subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. Licensees may, at any time in their code of record interval, elect to use the Appendix VIII in the latest edition and addenda of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, subject to any applicable conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. Licensees using this option must also use the same edition and addenda of Appendix I, Subarticle I–3200, as Appendix VIII, including any applicable conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. |
(ii) |
Applicable ISI Code: Successive code of record intervals. Inservice examination of components and system pressure tests conducted during successive code of record intervals must comply with the requirements of the latest edition and addenda of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section no more than 18 months before the start of the code of record interval (or the optional ASME Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, when using ASME BPV Code, Section XI, or NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192, when using the ASME OM Code, as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section), subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. However, a licensee whose inservice inspection interval commences during the 12 through 18-month period after September 30, 2024, may delay the update of their Appendix VIII program by up to 18 months after September 30, 2024. Alternatively, licensees may, at any time in their code of record interval, elect to use the Appendix VIII in the latest edition and addenda of the ASME BPV Code incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, subject to any applicable conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. Licensees using this option must also use the same edition and addenda of Appendix I, Subarticle I–3200, as Appendix VIII, including any applicable conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. |
(iii) |
Applicable ISI Code: Optional surface examination requirement. When applying editions and addenda prior to the 2003 Addenda of Section XI of the ASME BPV Code, licensees may, but are not required to, perform the surface examinations of high-pressure safety injection systems specified in Table IWB–2500–1, Examination Category B–J, Item Numbers B9.20, B9.21, and B9.22. |
(iv) |
Applicable ISI Code: Use of subsequent Code editions and addenda. Inservice examination of components and system pressure tests may meet the requirements set forth in subsequent editions and addenda that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section, and subject to Commission approval. Portions of editions or addenda may be used, provided that all related requirements of the respective editions or addenda are met. NRC approval is not required when updating the ISI code of record before the start of an ISI interval in which the updated ISI code of record will be used and when using the latest edition incorporated by reference in (a)(1)(iv) of this section in its entirety, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section (or the optional ASME Code Cases listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 or NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192 as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively). |
(v) |
Applicable ISI Code: Metal and concrete containments. For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit under this part or combined license under part 52 of this chapter was issued after January 1, 1956, the following are required: |
(A) Metal and concrete containments: First provision. Metal containment pressure retaining components and their integral attachments must meet the inservice inspection, repair, and replacement requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class MC; |
(B) Metal and concrete containments: Second provision. Metallic shell and penetration liners that are pressure retaining components and their integral attachments in concrete containments must meet the inservice inspection, repair, and replacement requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class MC; and |
(C) Metal and concrete containments: Third provision. Concrete containment pressure retaining components and their integral attachments, and the posttensioning systems of concrete containments, must meet the inservice inspections, repair, and replacement requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class CC. |
(5) Requirements for updating ISI programs—(i) ISI program update: Applicable ISI code of record. The inservice inspection program for a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility must be revised by the licensee, as necessary, to meet the requirements of paragraph (g)(4) of this section. |
(ii) |
ISI program update: Conflicting ISI Code requirements with technical specifications. If a revised inservice inspection program for a facility conflicts with the technical specifications for the facility, the licensee must apply to the Commission for amendment of the technical specifications to conform the technical specifications to the revised program. The licensee must submit this application, as specified in § 50.4, at least six months before the start of the code of record interval during which the provisions become applicable, as determined by paragraph (g)(4) of this section. |
(iii) |
ISI program update: Notification of impractical ISI Code requirements. If the licensee has determined that conformance with a Code requirement is impractical for its facility the licensee must notify the NRC and submit, as specified in § 50.4, information to support the determinations. Determinations of impracticality in accordance with this section must be based on the demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the Code requirements during the inservice inspection interval for which the request is being submitted. Requests for relief made in accordance with this section must be submitted to the NRC no later than 12 months after the expiration of the initial or subsequent inservice inspection interval for which relief is sought. |
(iv) |
ISI program update: Schedule for completing impracticality determinations. Where the licensee determines that an examination required by Code edition or addenda is impractical, the basis for this determination must be submitted for NRC review and approval not later than 12 months after the expiration of the initial or subsequent inservice inspection interval for which relief is sought. |
(6) Actions by the Commission for evaluating impractical and augmented ISI Code requirements—(i) Impractical ISI requirements: Granting of relief. The Commission will evaluate determinations under paragraph (g)(5) of this section that code requirements are impractical. The Commission may grant such relief and may impose such alternative requirements as it determines are authorized by law, will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security, and are otherwise in the public interest giving due consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the requirements were imposed on the facility. |
(ii) |
Augmented ISI program. The Commission may require the licensee to follow an augmented inservice inspection program for systems and components for which the Commission deems that added assurance of structural reliability is necessary. |
(A) [Reserved] |
(B) Augmented ISI requirements: Submitting containment ISI programs. Licensees do not have to submit to the NRC for approval of their containment inservice inspection programs that were developed to satisfy the requirements of Subsection IWE and Subsection IWL with specified conditions. The program elements and the required documentation must be maintained on site for audit. |
(C) [Reserved] |
(D) Augmented ISI requirements: Reactor vessel head inspections—(1) Implementation. Holders of operating licenses or combined licenses for pressurized-water reactors as of or after June 3, 2020 shall implement the requirements of ASME BPV Code Case N–729–6 instead of ASME BPV Code Case N–729–4, subject to the conditions specified in paragraphs (g)(6)(ii)(D)(2) through (8) of this section, by no later than one year after June 3, 2020. All previous NRC-approved alternatives from the requirements of paragraph (g)(6)(ii)(D) of this section remain valid. |
(2) |
Appendix I use. If Appendix I is used, Section I–3000 must be implemented to define an alternative examination area or volume. |
(3) |
Bare metal visual frequency. Instead of Note 4 of ASME BPV Code Case N–729–6, the following shall be implemented. If effective degradation years (EDY) < 8 and if no flaws are found that are attributed to primary water stress corrosion cracking: |
(i) A bare metal visual examination is not required during refueling outages when a volumetric or surface examination is performed; and |
(ii) If a wetted surface examination has been performed of all of the partial penetration welds during the previous non-visual examination, the reexamination frequency may be extended to every third refueling outage or 5 calendar years, whichever is less, provided an IWA–2212 VT–2 visual examination of the head is performed under the insulation through multiple access points in outages that the VE is not completed. This IWA–2212 VT–2 visual examination may be performed with the reactor vessel depressurized. |
(4) |
Surface exam acceptance criteria. In addition to the requirements of paragraph 3132.1(b) of ASME BPV Code Case N–729–6, a component whose surface examination detects rounded indications greater than allowed in paragraph NB–5352 in size on the partial-penetration or associated fillet weld shall be classified as having an unacceptable indication and corrected in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3132.2 of ASME BPV Code Case N–729–6. |
(5) |
Peening. In lieu of inspection requirements of Table 1, Items B4.50 and B4.60, and all other requirements in ASME BPV Code Case N–729–6 pertaining to peening, in order for a RPV upper head with nozzles and associated J-groove welds mitigated by peening to obtain examination relief from the requirements of Table 1 for unmitigated heads, peening must meet the performance criteria, qualification, and examination requirements stated in MRP–335, Revision 3–A, with the exception that a plant-specific alternative request is not required and NRC condition 5.4 of MRP–335, Revision 3–A does not apply. |
(6) |
Baseline Examinations. In lieu of the requirements for Note 7(c) the baseline volumetric and surface examination for plants with a RPV Head with less than 8 EDY shall be performed by 2.25 reinspection years (RIY) after initial startup not to exceed 8 years. |
(7) |
Sister Plants. Note 10 of ASME BPV Code Case N–729–6 shall not be implemented without prior NRC approval. |
(8) |
Volumetric Leak Path. In lieu of paragraph 3200(b) requirement for a surface examination of the partial penetration weld, a volumetric leak path assessment of the nozzle may be performed in accordance with Note 6 of Table 1 of N–729–6. |
(9) |
Volumetric Qualifications. Volumetric examinations of Table 1 of ASME Code Case N–729–6 may be qualified in accordance with Section XI, Division 1, Mandatory Appendix VIII, Supplement 15, in the 2021 Edition, in lieu of subparagraphs (a) through (j) of 2500 of ASME Code Case N–729–6. |
(E) Augmented ISI requirements: Reactor coolant pressure boundary visual inspections 10—(1) All licensees of pressurized water reactors must augment their inservice inspection program by implementing ASME Code Case N–722–1, subject to the conditions specified in paragraphs (g)(6)(ii)(E)(2) through (4) of this section. The inspection requirements of ASME Code Case N–722–1 do not apply to components with pressure retaining welds fabricated with Alloy 600/82/182 materials that have been mitigated by weld overlay or stress improvement. |
(2) |
If a visual examination determines that leakage is occurring from a specific item listed in Table 1 of ASME Code Case N–722–1 that is not exempted by the ASME Code, Section XI, IWB–1220(b)(1), additional actions must be performed to characterize the location, orientation, and length of a crack or cracks in Alloy 600 nozzle wrought material and location, orientation, and length of a crack or cracks in Alloy 82/182 butt welds. Alternatively, licensees may replace the Alloy 600/82/182 materials in all the components under the item number of the leaking component. |
(3) |
If the actions in paragraph (g)(6)(ii)(E)(2) of this section determine that a flaw is circumferentially oriented and potentially a result of primary water stress corrosion cracking, licensees must perform non-visual NDE inspections of components that fall under that ASME Code Case N–722–1 item number. The number of components inspected must equal or exceed the number of components found to be leaking under that item number. If circumferential cracking is identified in the sample, non-visual NDE must be performed in the remaining components under that item number. |
(4) |
If ultrasonic examinations of butt welds are used to meet the NDE requirements in paragraphs (g)(6)(ii)(E)(2) or (3) of this section, they must be performed using the appropriate supplement of Section XI, Appendix VIII, of the ASME BPV Code. |
(F) Augmented ISI requirements: Examination requirements for Class 1 piping and nozzle dissimilar-metal butt welds—(1) Implementation. Holders of operating licenses or combined licenses for pressurized-water reactors as of or after June 3, 2020, shall implement the requirements of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–5 instead of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–2, subject to the conditions specified in paragraphs (g)(6)(ii)(F)(2) through (16) of this section, by no later than one year after June 3, 2020. All NRC authorized alternatives from previous versions of paragraph (g)(6)(ii)(F) of this section remain applicable. |
(1) |
Implementation. Holders of operating licenses or combined licenses for pressurized water reactors as of or after September 30, 2024, shall implement the requirements of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–7 instead of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–5, subject to the conditions specified in paragraphs (g)(6)(ii)(F)(2) through (16) of this section, by no later than one year after September 30, 2024. All NRC authorized alternatives from previous versions of paragraph (g)(6)(ii)(F) of this section remain applicable. |
(2) |
Categorization. (i) Welds that have been mitigated by the Mechanical Stress Improvement Process (MSIP™) may be categorized as Inspection Items D or E, as appropriate, provided the criteria in Appendix I of the code case have been met. |
(ii) In order to be categorized as peened welds, in lieu of inspection category L requirements and examinations, welds must meet the performance criteria, qualification and examination requirements as stated by MRP–335, Revision 3–A, with the exception that no plant-specific alternative is required. |
(iii) Other mitigated welds shall be identified as the appropriate inspection item of the NRC authorized alternative or NRC-approved code case for the mitigation type in Regulatory Guide 1.147. |
(iv) All other butt welds that rely on Alloy 82/182 for structural integrity shall be categorized as Inspection Items A–1, A–2, B–1 or B–2, as appropriate. |
(v) Paragraph -1100(e) of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–5 shall not be used to exempt welds that rely on Alloy 82/182 for structural integrity from any requirement of this section. |
(3) |
[Reserved] |
(4) |
Examination coverage. When implementing Paragraph -2500(a) of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–5, essentially 100 percent of the required volumetric examination coverage shall be obtained, including greater than 90 percent of the volumetric examination coverage for circumferential flaws. Licensees are prohibited from using Paragraphs -2500(c) and -2500(d) of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–5 to meet examination requirements. |
(5) |
Inlay/onlay inspection frequency. All hot-leg operating temperature welds in Inspection Items G, H, J, and K shall be inspected each inspection interval. A 25 percent sample of Inspection Items G, H, J, and K cold-leg operating temperature welds shall be inspected whenever the core barrel is removed (unless it has already been inspected within the past 10 years) or within 20 years, whichever is less. |
(6) |
Reporting requirements. The licensee will promptly notify the NRC regarding any volumetric examination of a mitigated weld that detects growth of existing flaws in the required examination volume that exceed the previous IWB–3600 flaw evaluations, new flaws, or any indication in the weld overlay or excavate and weld repair material characterized as stress corrosion cracking. Additionally, the licensee will submit to the NRC a report summarizing the evaluation, along with inputs, methodologies, assumptions, and causes of the new flaw or flaw growth within 30 days following plant startup. |
(7) |
Defining "t". For Inspection Items G, H, J, and K, when applying the acceptance standards of ASME BPV Code, Section XI, IWB–3514, for planar flaws contained within the inlay or onlay, the thickness "t" in IWB–3514 is the thickness of the inlay or onlay. For planar flaws in the balance of the dissimilar metal weld examination volume, the thickness "t" in IWB–3514 is the combined thickness of the inlay or onlay and the dissimilar metal weld. |
(8) |
Optimized weld overlay examination. Following initial inservice volumetric inspection for Inspection Items C–2 and F–2 of Table 1 of ASME Code Case N–770–7, for weld overlay examination volumes that show no indication of crack growth or new cracking, in lieu of sample population, 100 percent of these optimized weld overlayed welds shall be added to the ISI program in accordance with –2410 of ASME Code Case N–770–7 and shall be examined once each inspection interval. |
(9) |
Deferrals. (i) The initial inservice volumetric examination of optimized weld overlays, Inspection Item C–2, shall not be deferred. |
(ii) Volumetric inspection of peened dissimilar metal butt welds shall not be deferred. |
(iii) For Inspection Item M–2, N–1 and N–2 welds, the second required inservice volumetric examination shall not be deferred. |
(10) |
Examination technique. Note 14(b) of Table 1 and Note (b) of Figure 5(a) of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–5 may only be implemented if the requirements of Note 14(a) of Table 1 of ASME BPV Code Case N–770–5 cannot be met. |
(11) |
[Reserved] |
(12) |
Stress improvement inspection coverage. Under Paragraph I.5.1, for cast stainless steel items, the required examination volume shall be examined by Appendix VIII procedures to the maximum extent practical including 100 percent of the susceptible material volume. |
(13) |
Encoded ultrasonic examination. Ultrasonic examinations of non-mitigated or cracked mitigated dissimilar metal butt welds in the reactor coolant pressure boundary must be performed in accordance with the requirements of Table 1 for Inspection Item A–1, A–2, B–1, B–2, E, F–2, J, K, N–1, N–2 and O. Essentially 100 percent of the required inspection volume shall be examined using an encoded method. |
(14) |
Excavate and weld repair cold leg. For cold leg temperature M–2, N–1 and N–2 welds, initial volumetric inspection after application of an excavate and weld repair (EWR) shall be performed during the second refueling outage. |
(15) |
Cracked excavate and weld repair. In lieu of the examination requirements for cracked welds with 360 excavate and weld repairs, Inspection Item N–1 of Table 1, welds shall be examined during the first or second refueling outage following EWR. Examination volumes that show no indication of crack growth or new cracking shall be examined once each inspection interval thereafter. |
(16) |
Partial arc excavate and weld repair. Inspection Item O cannot be used without NRC review and approval. |
(h) Protection and safety systems. Protection systems of nuclear power reactors of all types must meet the requirements specified in this paragraph. Each combined license for a utilization facility is subject to the following conditions. |
(1) [Reserved] |
(2) Protection systems. For nuclear power plants with construction permits issued after January 1, 1971, but before May 13, 1999, protection systems must meet the requirements in IEEE Std 279–1968, "Proposed IEEE Criteria for Nuclear Power Plant Protection Systems," or the requirements in IEEE Std 279–1971, "Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations," or the requirements in IEEE Std 603–1991, "Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, and the correction sheet dated January 30, 1995. For nuclear power plants with construction permits issued before January 1, 1971, protection systems must be consistent with their licensing basis or may meet the requirements of IEEE Std. 603–1991 and the correction sheet dated January 30, 1995. |
(3) Safety systems. Applications filed on or after May 13, 1999, for construction permits and operating licenses under this part, and for design approvals, design certifications, and combined licenses under part 52 of this chapter, must meet the requirements for safety systems in IEEE Std. 603–1991 and the correction sheet dated January 30, 1995. |
(i)–(x) [Reserved] |
(y) Definitions. As used in this section: |
Code of record interval means the period of time between the code of record updates required by paragraphs (f)(4) and (g)(4) of this section for the inservice examination and test programs and inservice inspection programs, respectively. |
(1) For licensees with codes of record prior to ASME BPV Code, Section XI, 2017 Edition, and OM Code, 2017 Edition, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, the code of record interval is the same as the inservice inspection interval or inservice examination and test interval. |
(2) For licensees with codes of record of ASME BPV Code, Section XI, 2017 Edition and OM Code, 2017 Edition, or later, as incorporated by reference in paragraph (a) of this section, the code of record interval is two consecutive inservice inspection or inservice examination and test intervals. |
Inservice examination and test (IST) code of record means the specific edition(s) and addenda of the ASME OM Code required by (f)(4)(i) or (ii) of this section, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section, and applicable NRC endorsed code cases, for inservice test to verify operational readiness of pumps, valves, and dynamic restraints, whose function is required for safety. |
Inservice examination and test (IST) interval means the inservice examination and test interval described by the licensee’s code of record (paragraph ISTA–3120 of the ASME OM Code, 2001 Edition through 2009 Edition, or paragraph ISTA–3120 of the ASME OM Code, 2012 Edition and later). |
Inservice examination and testing (IST) program means the requirements for preservice and inservice examination and testing of pumps, valves, and dynamic restraints within the scope of this section to assess their operational readiness in nuclear power plants, including but not limited to: |
(1) The requirements specified in the ASME OM Code, as incorporated by reference in this section, such as for test or examination, responsibilities, methods, intervals, parameters to be measured and evaluated, criteria for evaluating the results, corrective action, personnel qualification, and recordkeeping. |
(2) Relief requested under paragraph (f)(5)(iii) of this section and granted under paragraph (f)(6)(i) of this section. |
(3) Augmented IST requirements as applied by the Commission under paragraph (f)(6)(ii) of this section. |
(4) Alternatives authorized under paragraph (z) of this section. |
Inservice inspection (ISI) code of record means the specific edition(s) and addenda of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, required by paragraphs (g)(4)(i) or (ii) of this section, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph (b) of this section, and applicable NRC endorsed code cases, for the inservice examination of components and system pressure tests. |
Inservice inspection (ISI) interval means the inservice inspection interval described in Article IWA–2432 of ASME BPV Code, Section XI, 1989 Edition with 1991 Addenda through the 2008 Addenda, or Article IWA–2431 of ASME BPV Code, Section XI, 2009 Addenda and later. |
Inservice inspection (ISI) program means the set of all administrative and technical requirements pertaining to periodic examination of nuclear components, as specified in ASME BPV Code, Section XI, and this section, including but not limited to: |
(1) The requirements of IWA–2400 of ASME BPV Code, Section XI, 1991 Addenda and later. |
(2) Relief requested under paragraph (g)(5)(iii) of this section and granted under paragraph (g)(6)(i) of this section. |
(3) The augmented inspection program described in paragraph (g)(6)(ii) of this section. |
(4) Alternatives authorized under paragraph (z) of this section. |
(z) Alternatives to codes and standards requirements. Alternatives to the requirements of paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section or portions thereof may be used when authorized by the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. A proposed alternative must be submitted and authorized prior to implementation. The applicant or licensee must demonstrate that: |
(1) Acceptable level of quality and safety. The proposed alternative would provide an acceptable level of quality and safety; or |
(2) Hardship without a compensating increase in quality and safety. Compliance with the specified requirements of this section would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. Footnotes to § 50.55a: |