§ 34.33 Permanent radiographic installations.
(a) Each entrance that is used for personnel access to the high radiation area in a permanent radiographic installation must have either:
(1) An entrance control of the type described in § 20.1601(a)(1) of this chapter that reduces the radiation level upon entry into the area, or
(2) Both conspicuous visible and audible warning signals to warn of the presence of radiation. The visible signal must be actuated by radiation whenever the source is exposed. The audible signal must be actuated when an attempt is made to enter the installation while the source is exposed.
(b) The alarm system must be tested for proper operation with a radiation source each day before the installation is used for radiographic operations. The test must include a check of both the visible and audible signals. Entrance control devices that reduce the radiation level upon entry (designated in paragraph (a)(1) of this section) must be tested monthly. If an entrance control device or an alarm is operating improperly, it must be immediately labeled as defective and repaired within 7 calendar days. The facility may continue to be used during this 7-day period, provided the licensee implements the continuous surveillance requirements of § 34.51 and uses an alarming ratemeter. Test records for entrance controls and audible and visual alarm must be maintained in accordance with § 34.75.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 29, 2017