Descriptions of all Available E-mail Updates
The NRC maintains two list server systems with a number of lists that the public may subscribe to, see our Subscribe to E-mail Updates Web page for details. There is no charge for subscribing to any of the lists. The lists currently available are described below:
ADAMS User Group
This listserve is intended for NRC to send communications to the ADAMS User Group in order to notify them about Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) meetings, issues, problems, upgrades, etc. ADAMS is an information system that provides access to image and text documents that the NRC has made public since November 1, 1999, as well as bibliographic records (some with abstracts and full text) that the NRC made public before November 1999. ADAMS permits full-text searching and enables users to view document images, download files, and print locally. NRC adds several hundred new documents daily.

Decommissioning and Uranium Recovery Site Correspondence
This listserve provides all outgoing public correspondence related to decommissioning and uranium recovery sites. This includes, but is not limited to, license amendments, exemptions, requests for additional information, and public meeting summaries. At the listserve page, you may choose one facility or several facilities about which you wish to receive correspondence. For additional information on decommissioning or uranium recovery sites, please see our Decommissioning or Uranium Recovery websites.

Fuel Cycle Facilities Correspondence
This listserve provides many of the outgoing public correspondence related to fuel cycle facilities. Once an individual registers for the listserve with a valid email address, they will receive a confirmation email. This will be followed by email notifications containing information on NRC documents added to the listserve subsequent to registration. This includes, but is not limited to, license amendments, exemptions, requests for additional information, inspection reports, and public meeting summaries. At the listserve page, you may choose one facility or several facilities about which you wish to receive correspondence. For additional information on fuel cycle facilities, please see our Fuel Cycle Facility website. Note: Although the listserve provides notice of most newly issued NRC public documents, those issued prior to registration of the email and third party documents (e.g., licensee/applicant, stakeholders, other government regulators) are not provided by the listserve. However, these documents can be accessed using the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS).

Generic Communications
This listserve provides Generic Communications issued by the NRC to specific classes of licensees, such as power reactor facility licensees. The four types of generic communications currently in use are bulletins, generic letters, information notices, and regulatory issue summaries. For a description of these types and links to their associated document collections, see our Generic Communications page.

Generic License Renewal Correspondence
To subscribe to all outgoing public correspondence on generic license renewal by e-mail, simply go to our E-Mail Updates Subscriber page and enter your email address. This correspondence will include publicly available information of a general nature, specifically related to license renewal.

Inspector General Reports
This listserve notifies subscribers about new reports issued by the Office of the Inspector General. Reports include audit, special evaluation, investigative event/special inquiries, and semi-annual reports to Congress. To receive E-mail notification of updates to Inspector General Reports, simply go to our E-Mail Updates Subscriber page and enter your email address.

National Source Tracking System: Blog
This Blog will be a way for the NRC to communicate upcoming events and important information regarding the NSTS with our user community. In the coming months, we will be providing information on topics such as: Annual Inventory Reconciliation, Certificate Renewals, Tips on NSTS Usage.

New Rulemaking Dockets
This listserve notifies subscribers of the latest NRC rulemaking dockets opened on the federal rulemaking portal at and of other preliminary rulemaking actions available for public review and/or comment.

News Releases
This listserve provides news releases issued by the NRC. Subscribers may chose to receive all news releases or just those concerning licensed facilities in certain regions or geographical areas.

Open Government
Subscribe to NRC Open Government news and updates.

Operating Reactor Correspondence
This listserve provides all outgoing public correspondence on operating reactors. This includes, but is not limited to, license amendments, relief requests, exemptions, requests for additional information and public meeting summaries. At the listserve page, you may choose one plant or several plants about which you wish to receive correspondence. For additional information on Operating Reactors, please see our Operating Reactors website.

Part 21 – Report of Defects and Noncompliance
The regulations in this part establish procedures and requirements for implementation of section 206 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974.

Reactor License Renewal
A group that will be used to provide List Services to the License Renewal Stakeholders Group.

ROP Performance Indicators - Approved FAQs
A compilation of frequently asked questions and answers related to Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) performance indicators.

This listserve notifies subscribers of the latest speeches given by NRC officials in public forums.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, May 19, 2020