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New & Advanced Reactors: Codes & Standards

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Location / Date: NRC Headquarters, Auditorium, Rockville, MD/April 4, 2024

Purpose and Objective

The objective of this event is the sharing of technical expertise and knowledge to identify opportunities to enhance aspects of the NRC’s codes and standards program that could increase the efficiency of NRC’s licensing and oversight of new and advanced reactors. Background information regarding can be found in the Coordination Plan developed between the NRC and the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). This event, with invited speakers and structured dialogue, is to gain additional insights on both needed codes and standards and the effectiveness of the NRC’s codes and standards program to provide timely review and endorsement of new or revised codes and standards. Potential outcomes include:

  • near-term actions for development or endorsement of specific codes and standards;
  • new or novel approaches to the development of regulatory guidance, aligned with the agency’s Principles of Good Regulation;
  • an NRC action plan with milestones and dates for implementation of proposed changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the NRC’s codes and standards program.

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Thursday, April 4, 2024
Time Topic Speakers
Opening Theme: Purpose for meeting
New and Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards: Welcome Meeting Recording Video 1
New and Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards: Chair Hanson Remarks Meeting Recording Video 2
9:00 – 9:30 am Welcome and Introductions  Michele Sampson, NRC, Slides: ML24089A158
Curtis Smith, INL, Slides: ML24093A027
9:30 – 10:15 am Opening Remarks and Q&A Christopher Hanson, NRC Chair
Jess Gehin, INL Associate Lab Director, Slides: ML24096A934
Morning Theme: What codes & standards are needed to foster efficiencies (and their timeline)? 
New and Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards: Meeting Recording Video 3

10:25 – 10:40 am

Summary of DOE-NE Codes and Standards Jim Kinsey, Technical Area Lead, INL, Slides: ML24093A271
10:45 – 10:55 am DOE Laboratory Studies on Adv Rx Needs Mike Muhlheim, ORNL*, Slides: ML24095A141
Matthew Bucknor, ANL*, Slides: ML24092A141
10:55 – 11:20 am Advanced Reactor Codes and Standards Collaborative (including Roadmap) Kate Hyam, ASME, Slides: ML24092A310
11:20 – 11:45 am Discussion Led by Facilitator
11:45 am – 1:15 pm Lunch Break
 Afternoon Theme: How can NRC's codes and standards program be enhanced?
New and Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards: Meeting Recording Video 4
New and Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards: Meeting Recording Video 5
New and Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards: Meeting Recording Video 6
New and Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards: Meeting Recording Video 7
1:15 – 1:30 pm NRC support to standards orgs and preparations for future reactors. Michele Sampson, NRC, Slides: ML24089A156
1:30 – 1:45 pm CNSC support to standards orgs and preparations for future reactors. Hazem Mazhar, CNSC*, Slides: ML24092A088
1:45 – 2:00 pm DOE NRIC’s role preparing for future reactors Philip Schoonover, INL**, Slides: ML24096A167
2:00 – 2:45 pm Codes and Standards Organizations activities to prepare for future reactors ANS: Todd Anselmi, INL*, Slides: ML24093A002
ASME: Kate Hyam, ASME, ASME, Slides: ML24094A008
IEEE/IEC: Richard Wood, UT-Knoxville, Slides: ML24092A333
2:45 – 3:00 pm Break
3:00 – 4:15 pm Reactor Vendor Perspectives Westinghouse eVinci: Matthew Kravec, Slides: ML24093A018
Kairos Power KP-FHR: Brandon Haugh*, Slides: ML24094A042
TerraPower Natrium: Adam Gonnering*, Slides: ML24093A021
X-Energy XE-100 & XENITH: James Roll, Slides: ML24092A408
4:15 – 4:50 pm Discussion on the NRC Action Plan Led by Facilitator
4:50 – 5:00 pm Path Forward and Closing Remarks Michele Sampson, NRC
Curtis Smith, INL
New and Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards Meeting Summary (April 4, 2024) Meeting Summary Michele Sampson, NRC
Curtis Smith, INL

* Attending virtually via Teams

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Contact Information

Michele Sampson, NRC Curtis Smith, INL
Christopher Cook, NRC Jason Christensen, INL

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, May 24, 2024